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Python: __new__ magic method explained


Python: __new__ magic method explained

Python is Object oriented language, every thing is an object in python. Python is having special type of  methods called magic methods named with preceded and trailing double underscores.

When we talk about magic method __new__ we also need to talk about __init__

These methods will be called when you instantiate(The process of creating instance from class is called instantiation). That is when you create instance. The magic method __new__ will be called when instance is being created. Using this method you can customize the instance creation. This is only the method which will be called first then __init__ will be called to initialize instance when you are creating instance.

Method __new__ will take class reference as the first argument followed by arguments which are passed to constructor(Arguments passed to call of class to create instance). Method __new__ is responsible to create instance, so you can use this method to customize object creation. Typically method __new__ will return the created instance object reference. Method __init__ will be called once __new__ method completed execution.

You can create new instance of the class by invoking the superclass’s __new__ method using super. Something like super(currentclass, cls).__new__(cls, [,….])

Usual class declaration and instantiation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class Foo ( object ) :      def __init__ ( self , a , b ) :          self . a = a          self . b = b        def bar ( self ) :          pass      i = Foo ( 2 , 3 )

A class implementation with __new__ method overridden

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 class Foo ( object ) :      def __new__ ( cls , * args , * * kwargs ) :          print "Creating Instance"          instance = super ( Foo , cls ) . __new__ ( cls , * args , * * kwargs )          return instance        def


Python: __new__ magic method explained

https://howto.lintel.in/python-__new__-magic-method-explained/ Python: __new__ magic method explained Python is Object oriented language, every thing

Python 開發者不得不知的魔術方法(Magic Method

介紹 在Python中,所有以“__”雙下劃線包起來的方法,都統稱為“Magic Method”,例如類的初始化方法 __init__,Python中所有的魔術方法均在官方文件中有相應描述,但是對於官方的描述比較混亂而且組織比較鬆散。很難找到有一個例子。 構造和初始化

Python 魔術方法(Magic Method

介紹在Python中,所有以“__”雙下劃線包起來的方法,都統稱為“Magic Method”,例如類的初始化方法 __init__,Python中所有的魔術方法均在官方文件中有相應描述,但是對於官方的描述比較混亂而且組織比較鬆散。很難找到有一個例子。構造和初始化每個Pyth

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def __new__(cls):  預設用來進行建立物件  dog=Dog()  此時  1先建立物件,即呼叫__new__方法   2呼叫__init__方法初始化  3把建立物件的引用給了dog  &nb

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一文了解 Python 的 “Magic” 方法

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