1. 程式人生 > >Java原始碼分析——Throwable、Exception、Error類解析




public class Throwable
implements Serializable { //用來儲存一些棧的回溯點 private transient Object backtrace; //對throwble的描述 private String detailMessage; //引發該throwable的Throwable類,預設為自身 private Throwable cause = this; //用棧來儲存異常的發生順序 private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK; public Throwable() { fillInStackTrace
(); } public Throwable(String message) { fillInStackTrace(); detailMessage = message; } public Throwable(String message, Throwable cause) { fillInStackTrace(); detailMessage = message; this.cause = cause; } public Throwable(Throwable cause)
{ fillInStackTrace(); detailMessage = (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()); this.cause = cause; } protected Throwable(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace) { if (writableStackTrace) { fillInStackTrace(); } else { stackTrace = null; } detailMessage = message; this.cause = cause; if (!enableSuppression) suppressedExceptions = null; } public String getMessage() { return detailMessage; } //獲取其異常的資訊 public String getLocalizedMessage() { return getMessage(); } //返回引發異常的原因異常類 public synchronized Throwable getCause() { return (cause==this ? null : cause); } }


public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
        if (stackTrace != null ||
            backtrace != null /* Out of protocol state */ ) {
            stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;
        return this;
 private native Throwable fillInStackTrace(int dummy);


native StackTraceElement getStackTraceElement(int index);  
native int getStackTraceDepth();  
public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
        return getOurStackTrace().clone();
private synchronized StackTraceElement[] getOurStackTrace() {
        // Initialize stack trace field with information from
        // backtrace if this is the first call to this method
        if (stackTrace == UNASSIGNED_STACK ||
            (stackTrace == null && backtrace != null) /* Out of protocol state */) {
            int depth = getStackTraceDepth();
            stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[depth];
            for (int i=0; i < depth; i++)
                stackTrace[i] = getStackTraceElement(i);
        } else if (stackTrace == null) {
            return UNASSIGNED_STACK;
        return stackTrace;


public final class StackTraceElement implements java.io.Serializable {
    private String declaringClass;
    private String methodName;
    private String fileName;
    private int   lineNumber;


private static final String NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE = "Cannot suppress a null exception.";
private static final String SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE = "Self-suppression not permitted";
private static final String CAUSE_CAPTION = "Caused by: ";
private static final String SUPPRESSED_CAPTION = "Suppressed: ";
private void printStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s) {

        synchronized (s.lock()) {
            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, "\t", dejaVu);
            Throwable ourCause = getCause();
            if (ourCause != null)
                ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, "", dejaVu);

private void printEnclosedStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s,
                                         StackTraceElement[] enclosingTrace,
                                         String caption,
                                         String prefix,
                                         Set<Throwable> dejaVu) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(s.lock());
     		int m = trace.length - 1;
            int n = enclosingTrace.length - 1;
            while (m >= 0 && n >=0 && trace[m].equals(enclosingTrace[n])) {
                m--; n--;
            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION,
                                           prefix +"\t", dejaVu);
            Throwable ourCause = getCause();
            if (ourCause != null)
                ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, prefix, dejaVu);


public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) {
        if (this.cause != this)//已設定過cause,則拋異常,意思為只能設定一次
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't overwrite cause");
        if (cause == this)//若引數cause等於本身,拋異常
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Self-causation not permitted");
        this.cause = cause;
        return this;

    其中異常分為兩種,一種是執行時異常,即Runtime異常,一種是檢查時異常,即Checked異常。在上圖中除了RuntimeException及其子類是Runtime異常,其餘的都是Checked異常。 兩者的區別是:Checked Exception用來指示一種呼叫方能夠直接處理的異常情況,比如類未找到異常等。 而Runtime Exception則用來指示一種呼叫方本身無法處理或恢復的程式錯誤,比如除零異常等。Exception類與Error類只是簡單的繼承了Throwable類,以Exception類為例:

public class Exception extends Throwable {
    static final long serialVersionUID = -3387516993124229948L;
    public Exception() {

    public Exception(String message) {
    public Exception(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

    public Exception(Throwable cause) {

    protected Exception(String message, Throwable cause,
                        boolean enableSuppression,
                        boolean writableStackTrace) {
        super(message, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace);


public class TestException extends Exception{

    private String message;
    public TestException(String message){

    public String toString(){
        return message;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws TestException {
        int a=9;
            throw new TestException("111");
//輸出:Exception in thread "main" 111
	//at test.Test.main(Test.java:10)


public static void main(String args[]) throws TestException {
            int b=10/0;
        }catch (Exception e){
        }finally {
    //輸出為:中間 終結