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Views versus the Data Source View(MS_SSAS)




The Data Source View (DSV) is one of the places where we can create an interface between Analysis Services and the underlying relational model. In the DSV we can specify joins between tables, we can create named queries and calculations to provide the equivalent of views and derived columns. It's very convenient for the cube developer to open up the DSV in BI Development Studio and make these kind of changes.


This is all well and good, but nevertheless our opinion about the DSV is clear: it is almost too powerful and, using its features, we risk turning a clean, elegant structure into a mess. It is certainly true that there is the need for an interface between the relational model of the database and the final star schema, but we don't think it's a good idea to use the DSV for this purpose.

SQL Server gives us a much more powerful and easy-to-use tool to use instead: SQL Views. Here's a list of some of the reasons why we prefer to use views instead of the DSV:

Views are stored where we need them.
When we need to read the specification of an interface, we want to be able to do it quickly. Views are stored in the database, exactly where we want them to be. If we need to modify the database, we want to be able to find all of the dependencies easily and, using views, we have a very easy way of tracking dependencies.
If we use the DSV, we are hiding these dependencies from the database administrator, the person who needs to be able to update and optimize the data mart. In addition, there are tools on the market that can analyze dependencies between table and views. It is not easy to do this if information on the joins between tables is stored outside the database

We can easily change column names in views.
In the database, we might have SoldQty as a field in a table. This is good because it is concise and does not contain useless spaces. In the cube, we want to show it as "Quantity Sold" simply because our user wants a more descriptive name.
Views are a very useful means of changing names when needed. In turn, with views we are publicly declaring the name change so that everybody will easily understand that a specific field with a name in one level is – in reality – a field that has another name in the previous level.
Clearly we should avoid the practice of changing names at each level. As always, having the opportunity to do something does not mean that we need to do it.

We can perform simple calculations in views easily.
If we need to multiply the value of two columns, for example Qty * Price,to use in a measure in our cube we have two options. We can perform the calculation in the DSV but, as before, we are hiding the calculation in a Visual Studio project and other people will not be able to see what we're doing easily. If we perform the calculation in a view then other developers can reuse it, and tracking dependencies is more straightforward.
This is certainly true for simple calculations. On the other hand, if we're performing complex calculations in views then we are probably missing some transformation code in our ETL. Moreover, performing this calculation will waste time when we execute the view. Performing the calculation during ETL will mean we perform the calculation only once; from then it will always be available.

Views are made up of plain text.
We can easily search for all the occurrences of a specific column, table or any kind of value using a simple text editor. We do not need any specialized development tools, nor need we to dive into unreadable XML code to have a clear view of how a specific field is used.
If we need to update a view we can do it without opening BI Development Studio. This means that nearly everybody can do it, although, as it is very easy to update a view, some sort of security does need to be applied. Furthermore, as views are simple text, a source control system can handle them very easily. We can check who updated what, when they did it and what they changed very easily.


Views can be updated very quickly.
A view can be updated very quickly as it does not require any kind of processing, we just ALTER it and the work is done. We do not need to use an UPDATE statement if we want to make simple (and possibly temporary) changes to the data.

Views can reduce the number of columns we expose.
There is really no need to expose more columns to a cube than it needs. Showing more columns will only lead to confusion and a chance that the wrong column will be used for something.

Views can provide default values when needed.
When we have a NULLable column that contains NULL values, we can easily assign a default value to it using views. We shouldn't really have a NULLable column in a data mart, but sometimes it happens.

Views can expose a star schema even if the relational model is more complex.
As we've already mentioned, sometimes we end up with a relational design that is not a perfectly designed star schema. By removing unused columns, by creating joins when necessary and in general by designing the appropriate queries, we can expose to Analysis Services a star schema, even when the relational model has a more complex structure.


One very important point needs to be stressed: views should not be used as a substitute for proper ETL. Whenever views are used to feed Analysis Services they should not contain complex calculations or WHERE clauses as this can lead to serious processing performance and maintenance problems. We can use a view instead of ETL code for prototyping purposes but this is very bad practice in a production system.