1. 程式人生 > >Android7.1 [Camera] CameraService啟動原始碼分析

Android7.1 [Camera] CameraService啟動原始碼分析








android 系統啟動完bootloader後,會啟動核心,核心啟動完後,會啟動檔案系統,很多服務也是在這時候啟動起來,CameraService的啟動在frameworks/av/camera/cameraserver/cameraserver.rc檔案

service cameraserver /system/bin/cameraserver
    class main
    user cameraserver
    group audio camera input drmrpc readproc
    ioprio rt 4
    writepid /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/tasks /dev/stune/top-app/tasks


LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)


    libcameraservice \
    libcutils \
    libutils \
    libbinder \

LOCAL_MODULE:= cameraserver
LOCAL_32_BIT_ONLY := true

LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter

LOCAL_INIT_RC := cameraserver.rc #這裡指定編譯為LOCAL_INIT_RC


其中LOCAL_INIT_RC := cameraserver.rc這個LOCAL_INIT_RC在編譯的時候,build/core/base_rules.mk會將這個檔案直接拷貝到/system/etc/init目錄下,

# Rule to install the module's companion init.rc.
my_init_rc := $(LOCAL_INIT_RC_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix))
my_init_rc_src :=
my_init_rc_installed :=
ifndef my_init_rc
my_init_rc := $(LOCAL_INIT_RC)
# Make sure we don't define the rule twice in multilib module.
ifdef my_init_rc
my_init_rc_src := $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(my_init_rc)
my_init_rc_installed := $(TARGET_OUT$(partition_tag)_ETC)/init/$(notdir 
$(my_init_rc_src)) #這裡指定的install路徑就是/system/etc/init/目錄
$(my_init_rc_installed) : $(my_init_rc_src) | $(ACP)
    @echo "Install: 
[email protected]
" $(copy-file-to-new-target) $(my_register_name) : $(my_init_rc_installed) endif # my_init_rc endif # !LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE



/* mount_all <fstab> [ <path> ]* [--<options>]*
 * This function might request a reboot, in which case it will
 * not return.
static int do_mount_all(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
    std::size_t na = 0; 
    bool import_rc = true;    
    bool queue_event = true;  
    int mount_mode = MOUNT_MODE_DEFAULT; 
    const char* fstabfile = args[1].c_str();
    std::size_t path_arg_end = args.size();

    for (na = args.size() - 1; na > 1; --na) {
        if (args[na] == "--early") {        
             path_arg_end = na;             
             queue_event = false;           
             mount_mode = MOUNT_MODE_EARLY;
        } else if (args[na] == "--late") { 
            path_arg_end = na;
            import_rc = false;
            mount_mode = MOUNT_MODE_LATE;

    /* 這裡會先讀取根目錄的fstab.rk30board 檔案
       這個檔案指定了要掛載的各個分割槽,包括system分割槽 */
    int ret =  mount_fstab(fstabfile, mount_mode);

    /* 分割槽掛載出來後,開始搜尋匯入rc檔案 */
    if (import_rc) {
        /* Paths of .rc files are specified at the 2nd argument and beyond */
        import_late(args, 2, path_arg_end);

    if (queue_event) {
        /* queue_fs_event will queue event based on mount_fstab return code
         * and return processed return code*/
        ret = queue_fs_event(ret); 

    return ret;

/* Imports .rc files from the specified paths. Default ones are applied if none is given.
 * start_index: index of the first path in the args list
static void import_late(const std::vector<std::string>& args, size_t start_index, size_t end_index) {
    Parser& parser = Parser::GetInstance();
    if (end_index <= start_index) {
        // Use the default set if no path is given
        static const std::vector<std::string> init_directories = {

        for (const auto& dir : init_directories) {
    } else {
        for (size_t i = start_index; i < end_index; ++i) {





Service::OptionHandlerMap::Map& Service::OptionHandlerMap::map() const {
    constexpr std::size_t kMax = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
    static const Map option_handlers = { 
        {"class",       {1,     1,    &Service::HandleClass}},
        {"console",     {0,     0,    &Service::HandleConsole}},
        {"critical",    {0,     0,    &Service::HandleCritical}},
        {"disabled",    {0,     0,    &Service::HandleDisabled}},
        {"group",       {1,     NR_SVC_SUPP_GIDS + 1, &Service::HandleGroup}},
        {"ioprio",      {2,     2,    &Service::HandleIoprio}},
        {"keycodes",    {1,     kMax, &Service::HandleKeycodes}},
        {"oneshot",     {0,     0,    &Service::HandleOneshot}},
        {"onrestart",   {1,     kMax, &Service::HandleOnrestart}},
        {"seclabel",    {1,     1,    &Service::HandleSeclabel}},
        {"setenv",      {2,     2,    &Service::HandleSetenv}},
        {"socket",      {3,     6,    &Service::HandleSocket}},
        {"user",        {1,     1,    &Service::HandleUser}},
        {"writepid",    {1,     kMax, &Service::HandleWritepid}},
    return option_handlers;


service cameraserver /system/bin/cameraserver
    class main
    user cameraserver
    group audio camera input drmrpc readproc
    ioprio rt 4
    writepid /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/tasks /dev/stune/top-app/tasks

每一行的都有對於的處理函式../service.cpp 的start函式根據配置啟動服務,啟動服務時在核心列印

NOTICE("Starting service '%s'...\n", name_.c_str());

rk3399-x24:/ # dmesg | grep "Starting service"
[    3.351255] init: Starting service 'ueventd'...
[    3.900692] init: Starting service 'healthd'...
[    3.902384] init: Starting service 'zygote'...
[    3.903117] init: Starting service 'zygote_secondary'...
[    3.903727] init: Starting service 'lmkd'...
[    3.904320] init: Starting service 'servicemanager'...
[    3.905270] init: Starting service 'surfaceflinger'...
[    3.906341] init: Starting service 'vold'...
[    3.957724] init: Starting service 'debuggerd'...
[    3.958596] init: Starting service 'debuggerd64'...
[    4.259461] init: Starting service 'exec 1 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)'...
[    4.286239] init: Starting service 'logd'...
[    4.287204] init: Starting service 'logd-reinit'...
[    4.304512] init: Starting service 'console'...
[    4.305094] init: Starting service 'adbd'...
[    4.306347] init: Starting service 'ril-daemon'...
[    4.307179] init: Starting service 'drmservice'...
[    4.308131] init: Starting service 'akmd'...
[    4.317428] init: Starting service 'audioserver'...
[    4.321919] init: Starting service 'cameraserver'...   cameraserver服務
[    4.322659] init: Starting service 'drm'...
[    4.323364] init: Starting service 'installd'...
[    4.324265] init: Starting service 'keystore'...
[    4.327250] init: Starting service 'mediacodec'...
[    4.327986] init: Starting service 'mediadrm'...
[    4.328601] init: Starting service 'mediaextractor'...
[    4.329469] init: Starting service 'media'...
[    4.330048] init: Starting service 'netd'...
[    4.331389] init: Starting service 'gatekeeperd'...
[    4.342622] init: Starting service 'perfprofd'...
[    5.409223] init: Starting service 'bootanim'...
[   11.399632] init: Starting service 'mode_switch'...
[   11.402586] init: Starting service 'exec 3 (/system/bin/bootstat)'...
[   11.421041] init: Starting service 'exec 4 (/system/bin/bootstat)'...
[   11.430231] init: Starting service 'exec 5 (/system/bin/bootstat)'...
[   11.441745] init: Starting service 'exec 6 (/system/bin/bootstat)'...
