1. 程式人生 > >MSTAR 資料轉格式

MSTAR 資料轉格式




Each file is constructed with a prepended, variable-length, 

Phoenix formatted (ASCII) header which contains detailed ground 

truth and sensor information for the specific chip.  Following 

the Phoenix header is the data block.  The data block is written 

in Sun floating point format and is divided into two blocks, a 

magnitude block followed by a phase block.



  1. clear
  2. ReadPath = 'D:\Document\Graduation Project\MSTAR\DAA7B02AA\TARGETS\TEST\15_DEG\T72\SN_S7\';
  3. SavePath = 'D:\Document\Graduation Project\MSTAR\DAA7B02AA\TARGETSJPG\TEST\15_DEG\T72\SN_S7\';
  4. FileType = '*.017';
  5. Files = dir([ReadPath FileType]);
  6. NumberOfFiles = length(Files);
  7. for i = 1
    : NumberOfFiles
  8. FileName = Files(i).name;
  9. NameLength = length(FileName);
  10. FID = fopen([ReadPath FileName], 'rb','ieee-be');
  11. ImgColumns = 0;
  12. ImgRows = 0;
  13. while ~feof(FID) % 在PhoenixHeader找到圖片尺寸大小
  14. Text = fgetl(FID);
  15. if ~isempty(strfind( Text, 'NumberOfColumns'))
  16. ImgColumns = str2double( Text( 18: end));
  17. Text = fgetl(FID);
  18. ImgRows = str2double( Text( 15: end));
  19. break;
  20. end
  21. end
  22. while ~feof(FID) % 跳過PhoenixHeader
  23. Text = fgetl(FID);
  24. if ~isempty(strfind( Text, '[EndofPhoenixHeader]'))
  25. break
  26. end
  27. end
  28. Mag = fread(FID,ImgColumns*ImgRows, 'float32','ieee-be');
  29. Img = reshape(Mag,[ImgColumns ImgRows]);
  30. imwrite(uint8(imadjust(Img)* 255),[SavePath FileName( 1:NameLength -3) 'jpg']); % 調整對比度後儲存
  31. fclose(FID);
  32. end




  1. function MSTAR2JPG(sourcePath, targetPath)
  2. if ~ exist (targetPath,'dir')
  3. mkdir (targetPath) ;
  4. end
  5. Files = dir(sourcePath);
  6. for i = 1:length(Files)
  7. if Files(i).isdir == 0
  8. FID = fopen([sourcePath '\' Files(i). name], 'rb', 'ieee-be');
  9. while ~feof(FID) % 在PhoenixHeader找到圖片尺寸大小
  10. Text = fgetl(FID);
  11. if ~isempty(strfind(Text, 'NumberOfColumns'))
  12. ImgColumns = str2double(Text( 18: end));
  13. Text = fgetl(FID);
  14. ImgRows = str2double(Text( 15: end));
  15. break;
  16. end
  17. end
  18. while ~feof(FID) % 跳過PhoenixHeader
  19. Text = fgetl(FID);
  20. if ~isempty(strfind(Text, '[EndofPhoenixHeader]'))
  21. break
  22. end
  23. end
  24. Mag = fread(FID,ImgColumns*ImgRows, 'float32', 'ieee-be');
  25. Img = reshape(Mag,[ImgColumns ImgRows]);
  26. imwrite(uint8(imadjust(Img)* 255),[targetPath '\' Files(i). name( 1: end- 3) 'JPG']); % 調整對比度後儲存
  27. clear ImgColumns ImgRows
  28. fclose(FID);
  29. else
  30. if strcmp(Files(i). name, '.') ~= 1 && strcmp(Files(i). name, '..') ~= 1
  31. if ~exist([targetPath '\' Files(i). name], 'dir')
  32. mkdir([targetPath '\' Files(i). name]);
  33. end
  34. MSTAR2JPG([sourcePath '\' Files(i). name],[targetPath '\' Files(i). name]);
  35. end
  36. end
  37. end
  38. end