1. 程式人生 > >【劍指offer】把陣列排成最小的數【python】




使用排序的思想:如果3+321 > 321 + 3那麼說明321應該在3的前面,使用快速排序,自己定義cmp函式


class Solution:
    def myCmp(self, num1, num2):
        string1 = str(num1) + str(num2)
        string2 = str(num2) + str(num1)
#防止整數越界 if len(string1) < len(string2) or (len(string1) == len(string2) and string1 < string2): return 1 return 0 def myQuickSort(self, numbers, start, end): if start < 0 or end >= len(numbers) or start >= end: return low, high =
start, end key = numbers[low] while low < high: while low < high and self.myCmp(key, numbers[high]): high -= 1 numbers[low] = numbers[high] while low < high and not self.myCmp(key, numbers[low]): low += 1 numbers[
high] = numbers[low] numbers[low] = key self.myQuickSort(numbers, start, low - 1) self.myQuickSort(numbers, low + 1, end) def PrintMinNumber(self, numbers): if numbers == []: return '' self.myQuickSort(numbers, 0, len(numbers) - 1) string = '' for num in numbers: string += str(num) return string