Welcome to WindowsCE's World.
因為專案需要,準備學習 WinCE 了。以前一直在弄嵌入式 Linux,突然進入Windows平臺,還真不太適應,許多WinCE的概念與思維與Linux相去甚遠,更談不上 Linux 下開源給人的透明與暢快。
仗著自己在VC上還算“有點”小經驗,編寫WinCE的應用問題不大,關鍵是對平臺的定製與理解。經過朋友老張相聊,其實 WindowsCE對系統的定製還算比較規範。看來除了做應用之外,真的得要很快進入底層那裡混了。那裡,才是真正體現價值的地方,才是屬於我的地方。
Anyway,為慶祝自己準備進軍學習 CE,紀念之。
Welcome to WindowsCE39;s World.
因為專案需要,準備學習 WinCE 了。以前一直在弄嵌入式 Linux,突然進入Windows平臺,還真不太適應,許多WinCE的概念與思維與Linux相去甚遠,更談不上 Linux 下開源給人的透明與暢快。 仗著自己在VC上還算“有點”小經
A Guide to Python39;s Magic Methods
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【Welcome to Smile-Huang 's Blog.】This Blog aims to share my experience with you. Please leave comments if you have any thoughts.
This Blog aims to share my experience with you. Please leave comments if you have any thoughts.
Welcome to Smile-Huang 's Blog.
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> using namespace std; //字元數目為n的詞項k-gram數目為n+1-k //預定的閾值為0.1 #define threshold 0.1
Welcome to Feng.Chang's Blog
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welcome to 浩·C's blog
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Welcome to HAN Tingting's Techblog!
最近在新專案中引入了SASS來編寫樣式程式碼,心想既然用到了這種高階貨,就要用得巧用得妙,不能單純地只是把常用屬性定義成變數或定義重用的程式碼塊等等。因此在編寫樣式時,都要時刻提醒自己是不是可以巧用SASS來解決一些問題。 這次遇到的需求是,<ul>
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Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system39;s timezone settings.
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Welcome to the Real World
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Qt & VS2013 報錯:There39;s no Qt version assigned to this project for platform Win32
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Coast Guard report: Captain39;s errors led to El Faro sinking
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Failed to execute 39;setRequestHeader39; on 39;XMLHttpRequest39;: The object39;s state must be OPENED.
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