1. 程式人生 > >MySql語句大全(1)增、查、刪、改


select * from test;  #取所有資料
select * from test limit 0,2;  #取前兩條資料 
select * from test email like '%qq%' #查含有qq字元 _表示一個 %表示多個
select * from test order by id asc;#降序desc
select * from test id not in('2','3');#id不含2,3或者去掉not表示含有
select * from test timer between 1 and 10;#資料在1,10之間

#等值連線又叫內連結 inner join 只返回兩個表中連線欄位相等的行
select * from A inner join B on A.id = B.id; #寫法1
select * from A,B where A.id = B.id; #寫法2
select a.id,a.title from A a inner join B b on a.id=b.id and a.id=1
;#寫法3 表的臨時名稱 select a.id as ID,a.title as 標題 from A inner join B on A.id=B.id;#新增as字句 #左連線又叫外連線 left join 返回左表中所有記錄和右表中連線欄位相等的記錄 select * from A left join B on A.id = B.id; select * from A left join (B,C,D) on (B.i1=A.i1 and C.i2=A.i2 and D.i3 = A.i3);#複雜連線 #右連線又叫外連線 right join 返回右表中所有記錄和左表中連線欄位相等的記錄 select * from A right join B on A.id = B.id; #完整外部連結 full join 返回左右表中所有資料 select * from A full join B on A.id = B.id; #交叉連線 沒有where字句 返回卡迪爾積 select * from A cross join B; -------------------------表連線結束------------------------------------------------------------
drop table test;
alter table test_old rename test_new;
alter table test add cn int(4) not null;
alter table test change id id1 varchar(10) not null;
alter table test drop cn;
alter table test add index (cn,id);
alter table test drop index cn
insert into test (id,email,ip,state) values(2
,'[email protected]','','0'); #刪除資料 delete from test where id = 1; #修改資料 update test set id='1',email='[email protected]' where id=1;
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p;
mysqladmin -uroot -pold password new;

show databases;
show tables;
use examples;
#建立資料庫並設定編碼utf-8 多語言
create database `examples` default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
drop database examples;
create table test(
    id int(10) unsigned zerofill not null auto_increment,
    email varchar(40) not null,
    ip varchar(15) not null,
    state int(10) not null default '-1',
primary key (id)