阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-09
# 開啟檔案,寫入字串 file = open('/D/file.txt','w') file.write('hello world!') # 字串組合輸出 a = 'plays ' b = 'guitar ' c = 'Mr.Charles.' d = c + a + b print(d) # 數字轉字元型別進行輸出 num = 1 string = '1' num2 = int(string) print(num + num2) # 字串*數字1: words = 'words' * 3 print(words) # 字串*數字2: word = 'a loooooong word' num = 12 string = 'bang!' total = string * (len(word) - num) print(total) # 字串用下標進行輸出 name = 'My name is Charles' print(name[0]) 'M' print(name[-4]) 'r' print(name[11:14]) 'Cha' print(name[11:15]) 'Char' print(name[5:]) 'me is Chrales' print(name[:5]) 'My na' # 字串下標的組合輸出 word = 'friends' find = word[0] + word[2:4] + word[-3:-1] print(find) # 爬取檔案命名(字串下標) url = '' file_name = url[-10:] print(file_name) # 字串replace函式,用*代替對應位置字元 number = '1777-917-7829' hnumber = number.replace(number[:9],'*'* 9 ) print(hnumber) # 查詢字串中的子串 search = '168' num_a = '1398-168-0006' num_b = '1681-222-0006' print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_a.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_a.find(search) + len(search) - 1) + ' of num_a') # 字串format函式用法(填空) print('{} name is {}.'.format('My','Charles'))