1. 程式人生 > >docker筆記2---docker-nginx-php-mysql使用記錄




[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)


[email protected]:~$ git clone https://github.com/nanoninja/docker-nginx-php-mysql.git

// 看下有哪些檔案
[email protected]:~$ cd docker-nginx-php-mysql
[email protected]
:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ tree . ├── doc │   ├── configure-cacert-for-local-macosx.md │   ├── images │   │   ├── cacert-1-warning.png │   │   ├── cacert-2-open-keychain.png │   │   ├── cacert-3-add-cacert-file-import.png │   │   ├── cacert-4-locate-cert.png │   │   ├── cacert-5-set-to-always-trust.png │   │   ├── cacert-6-reload-page.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-cli-add-interpreter.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-interpreter.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-phpunit-config.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-phpunit-demo.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-phpunit.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-xdebug-demo.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-xdebug.png │   │   ├── ps-mac-php-xdebug-proxy.png │   │   └── ps-mac-php-xdebug-server.png │   └── phpstorm-macosx.md ├── docker-compose.yml ├── etc │   ├── nginx │   │   ├── default.conf │   │   └── default.template.conf │   └── php │   └── php.ini ├── Makefile ├── README.md └── web ├── app │   ├── composer.json.dist │   ├── phpunit.xml.dist │   ├── src │   │   └── Foo.php │   └── test │   ├── bootstrap.php │   └── FooTest.php └── public └── index.php


[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ cp web/app/composer.json.dist web/app/composer.json


[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ sudo docker-compose up -d


[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ sudo docker-compose up -d
// 使用預設的驅動建立網路
Creating network "docker-nginx-php-mysql_default" with the default driver

//服務 php
Pulling php (nanoninja/php-fpm:latest)...
latest: Pulling from nanoninja/php-fpm
e7bb522d92ff: Pull complete
75651f247827: Pull complete
dbcf8fd0150f: Pull complete
de80263f26f0: Pull complete
4cbd879bcaec: Pull complete
5d2b7aa2544b: Pull complete
59faa2f7b345: Pull complete
1a363d08f38a: Pull complete
544057eb652d: Pull complete
8bb691f94a43: Pull complete
e2eb2ce681bb: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e9bc64908e5324e361fb875025111adbd5ba668cff0a8476b5e541177bc25889
Status: Downloaded newer image for nanoninja/php-fpm:latest

//服務 composer
Pulling composer (composer:)...
latest: Pulling from library/composer
c67f3896b22c: Pull complete
88777455d910: Pull complete
955e2028dd61: Pull complete
7d47ce93cc1f: Pull complete
db3780f51b99: Pull complete
28db5a4e528c: Pull complete
1ea3e552f254: Pull complete
280d419dafce: Pull complete
9d23cdaa3043: Pull complete
6de5c1e960b6: Pull complete
c4421176aec0: Pull complete
78a2d4d305a7: Pull complete
290c319347c7: Pull complete
51a9f3b40d22: Pull complete
5ca8f0d296e8: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:31c3d9c8ae82992c1cd724c9812e057d2a8c8c6b49b86d5f1021060bc96ea004
Status: Downloaded newer image for composer:latest

//服務 mysqldb
Pulling mysqldb (mysql:5.7.22)...
5.7.22: Pulling from library/mysql
be8881be8156: Pull complete
c3995dabd1d7: Pull complete
9931fdda3586: Pull complete
bb1b6b6eff6a: Pull complete
a65f125fa718: Pull complete
2d9f8dd09be2: Pull complete
37b912cb2afe: Pull complete
79592d21cb7f: Pull complete
00bfe968d82d: Pull complete
79cf546d4770: Pull complete
2b3c2e6bacee: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:aaba540cdd9313645d892f4f20573e8b42b30e5be71c054b7befed2f7da5f85b
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.7.22

//服務 myadmin
Pulling myadmin (phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:)...
latest: Pulling from phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
911c6d0c7995: Pull complete
2527cc05836d: Pull complete
3299172a2d6d: Pull complete
05782106624f: Pull complete
3e3261543ec8: Pull complete
ce1c845d4246: Pull complete
e005e70f55dc: Pull complete
84403a106e16: Pull complete
e4fc13f7949f: Pull complete
2a53e72ea7b9: Pull complete
d791f6b71f27: Pull complete
576bdfd7cc75: Pull complete
20768032f0fb: Pull complete
fc8aa3d46064: Pull complete
bade7addd704: Pull complete
4b30a4dd0b24: Pull complete
b02d6e91d2b5: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6fa491d4e3994ab3ec3410409bf0d59436072df1cfb16b8fe25c47486988103f
Status: Downloaded newer image for phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:latest

////服務 web
Pulling web (nginx:alpine)...
alpine: Pulling from library/nginx
c67f3896b22c: Already exists
89df19b7dc5c: Pull complete
c34d3c110d67: Pull complete
9ac8b8076c62: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:829a63ad2b1389e393e5decf5df25860347d09643c335d1dc3d91d25326d3067
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:alpine

// 5個容器的名字,mysql和phpmyadmin是在docker-compose.yml中使用container_name:指定的名字,另外三個是自動生成的,都是xxx_服務名_1
Creating docker-nginx-php-mysql_php_1      ... done
Creating docker-nginx-php-mysql_composer_1 ... done
Creating mysql                             ... done
Creating phpmyadmin                        ... done
Creating docker-nginx-php-mysql_web_1      ... done


afbe19d5a2a9   nginx:alpine               "/bin/sh -c 'envsubst '$NGINX_HOST' < /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;''"   16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp   docker-nginx-php-mysql_web_1
c3fce36d9225   phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin      "/run.sh supervisord -n"                                                                                                                16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes       9000/tcp,>80/tcp                phpmyadmin
0251b4e667d2   nanoninja/php-fpm:latest   "docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm"                                                                                                         16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes       9000/tcp                                      docker-nginx-php-mysql_php_1
dbce5f6af8fc   composer                   "/bin/sh /docker-entrypoint.sh install"                                                                                                 16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes                                                     docker-nginx-php-mysql_composer_1
7c0f691cbb04   mysql:5.7.22               "docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld"                                                                                                           16 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes>3306/tcp                        mysql

有關<和>的用法參考: https://blog.csdn.net/zh515858237/article/details/79218176
容器完整id(64位): afbe19d5a2a996b6ef5d64afb0087d9df151eea6f67604d059c943d63008a970
擷取顯示(12位):   afbe19d5a2a9


[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ sudo docker-compose down

測試 正常http:// 有錯誤Warning: include(../app/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/public/index.php on line 3,得進入容器進行修改分析docker-compose.yaml

            - "./web:/var/www/html"


[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql$ docker exec -it afbe19d5a2a9 /bin/sh
~ # cd /var/www/html/app
/var/www/html/app # ls
composer.json composer.json.dist composer.lock phpunit.xml.dist src test vendor

// 修改宿主機中的
[email protected]:~/docker-nginx-php-mysql/web/public$ sudo vim index.php
echo "當前目錄為:".getcwd();
include '../app/vendor/autoload.php';
$foo = new App\Acme\Foo();

?><!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Docker <?php echo $foo->getName(); ?></title>
        <h1>Docker <?php echo $foo->getName(); ?></h1>