1. 程式人生 > >mybatis 常用語法記錄

mybatis 常用語法記錄

public List<Group> getUserRoleRelByUserUuid(@Param("groupUuid") String userUuid,@Param("roleList")List<String> roleUuidList);
/* choose when otherwise */
SELECT * from user_role where groupUuid=#{groupUuid}
        <when test="roleList!=null&amp;&amp;roleList.size()&gt;0">
            AND roleUuid IN
            <foreach collection="roleList" index="index" item="roleUuid" open="(" separator="," close=")">
            AND roleUuid IN ('')
public int getOrderCountByParams(Map<String, Object> params);
<select id="getOrderCountByParams" resultType="java.lang.Integer"  parameterType="Object">
    SELECT count(*) FROM itil_publish_order where 1=1
       <if test="timeType == '1'.toString()" >
            AND create_time &gt;= #{timeStr}
        <if test="timeType == '2'.toString()" >
            AND end_time &lt;= #{timeStr}
<if test = 'timeType== "1"'> </if>
/*CONCAT函式實現 模糊匹配*/
<select id="getMaxSerialCode" resultType="java.lang.String"  parameterType="Object">
        SELECT count(*) FROM
        WHERE serial_code LIKE CONCAT('%',#{codeStr},'%')
        ORDER BY serial_code DESC LIMIT 1