1. 程式人生 > >mysql建立分割槽、儲存統計、定時事件


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS  monitor_printer;
CREATE TABLE monitor_printer
  monitorId int NOT NULL COMMENT '監控項ID',
  tonerLow int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉不足',
  tonerUtilization decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉使用率',
  lineState int(11) DEFAULT '0'
COMMENT '工作狀態', paperOut int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '缺紙狀態', paperJam int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '卡紙狀態', busyStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '繁忙狀態', waitStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '等待狀態', initializeStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '初始化狀態', doorOpenStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '機蓋開啟狀態'
, createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_printer_latest; CREATE TABLE monitor_printer_latest ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增長id(主鍵)', monitorId int NOT NULL
COMMENT '監控項ID', tonerLow int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉不足', tonerUtilization decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉使用率', lineState int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '工作狀態', paperOut int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '缺紙狀態', paperJam int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '卡紙狀態', busyStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '繁忙狀態', waitStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '等待狀態', initializeStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '初始化狀態', doorOpenStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '機蓋開啟狀態', createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_printer_stat_hour; CREATE TABLE monitor_printer_stat_hour ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增長id(主鍵)', monitorId int NOT NULL COMMENT '監控項ID', tonerLow_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大墨粉不足', tonerLow_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小墨粉不足', tonerLow_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均墨粉不足', tonerUtilization_max decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大墨粉使用率', tonerUtilization_min decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小墨粉使用率', tonerUtilization_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均墨粉使用率', lineState_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大工作狀態', lineState_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小工作狀態', lineState_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均工作狀態', doorOpenStatus_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大機蓋開啟狀態', doorOpenStatus_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小機蓋開啟狀態', doorOpenStatus_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均機蓋開啟狀態', createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ -- 以天為單位 建立 分割槽 alter table monitor_printer PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(createTime)) (PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE); ​ DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_create_partition_printer$$ CREATE EVENT event_create_partition_printer ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS TIMESTAMP(CURDATE(), '00:00:00') ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN DECLARE partition_name VARCHAR(32); DECLARE partition_desc INT UNSIGNED; SET partition_name = CONCAT('pd', DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY),'%Y%m%d')); SET partition_desc = TO_DAYS(CURRENT_DATE()); SET @partition_alter = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE monitor_printer REORGANIZE PARTITION pmax INTO ( PARTITION ', partition_name, ' VALUES LESS THAN (', partition_desc, '), PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE)'); PREPARE stmt FROM @partition_alter; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$ DELIMITER ; ​ -- 小時統計表儲存過程 DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proce_printer_stat_hour$$ CREATE PROCEDURE proce_printer_stat_hour(IN startTime TIMESTAMP,IN endTime TIMESTAMP) BEGIN INSERT INTO monitor_printer_stat_hour( monitorId, tonerLow_max, tonerUtilization_max, lineState_max, doorOpenStatus_max, tonerLow_min, tonerUtilization_min, lineState_min, doorOpenStatus_min, tonerLow_ave, tonerUtilization_ave, lineState_ave, doorOpenStatus_ave, createTime )SELECT monitorId, MAX(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_max, MAX(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_max, MAX(lineState) AS lineState_max, MIN(doorOpenStatus) AS doorOpenStatus_min, MIN(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_min, MIN(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_min, MIN(lineState) AS lineState_min, MIN(doorOpenStatus) AS doorOpenStatus_min, AVG(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_ave, AVG(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_ave, AVG(lineState) AS lineState_ave, (select FLOOR(AVG(doorOpenStatus))) AS doorOpenStatus_ave, endTime AS createTime FROM   monitor_printer_latest WHERE createTime >= startTime AND createTime <= endTime GROUP BY monitorId; END $$ ​ -- 建立事件 呼叫 儲存過程 DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_hongshan_stat_hour$$ CREATE EVENT event_hongshan_stat_hour ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS NOW()+INTERVAL 3600-(TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()))%3600 SECOND ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN DECLARE endTime TIMESTAMP; DECLARE startTime TIMESTAMP; SET endTime=now()-INTERVAL (TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()))%3600 SECOND;    SET startTime = endTime - INTERVAL 1 hour; ​ call proce_printer_stat_hour(startTime,endTime); END $$ ​ /* 定時清理最新小時過度表*/ DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_clear_table_latest$$ CREATE EVENT event_clear_table_latest ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS NOW() ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN     DECLARE clearTime TIMESTAMP;     SET clearTime=now()- INTERVAL 1 hour;         delete from imp_monitordb.monitor_printer_latest where createTime <= clearTime ; END $$
TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_printer; CREATE TABLE monitor_printer ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增長id(主鍵)', monitorId int NOT NULL COMMENT '監控項ID', tonerLow int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉不足', tonerUtilization decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉使用率', lineState int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '工作狀態', paperOut int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '缺紙狀態', paperJam int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '卡紙狀態', busyStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '繁忙狀態', waitStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '等待狀態', initializeStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '初始化狀態', doorOpenStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '機蓋開啟狀態', createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_printer_latest; CREATE TABLE monitor_printer_latest ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增長id(主鍵)', monitorId int NOT NULL COMMENT '監控項ID', tonerLow int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉不足', tonerUtilization decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '墨粉使用率', lineState int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '工作狀態', paperOut int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '缺紙狀態', paperJam int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '卡紙狀態', busyStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '繁忙狀態', waitStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '等待狀態', initializeStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '初始化狀態', doorOpenStatus int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '機蓋開啟狀態', createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_printer_stat_hour; CREATE TABLE monitor_printer_stat_hour ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增長id(主鍵)', monitorId int NOT NULL COMMENT '監控項ID', tonerLow_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大墨粉不足', tonerLow_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小墨粉不足', tonerLow_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均墨粉不足', tonerUtilization_max decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大墨粉使用率', tonerUtilization_min decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小墨粉使用率', tonerUtilization_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均墨粉使用率', lineState_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大工作狀態', lineState_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小工作狀態', lineState_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均工作狀態', doorOpenStatus_max int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最大機蓋開啟狀態', doorOpenStatus_min int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小機蓋開啟狀態', doorOpenStatus_ave decimal(18,2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '平均機蓋開啟狀態', createTime datetime COMMENT '建立時間', PRIMARY KEY (id,createTime), index monitorId_time(monitorId,createTime) )DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ​ alter table monitor_printer PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(createTime)) (PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE); ​ -- 以天為單位 建立 分割槽 DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_create_partition_printer$$ CREATE EVENT event_create_partition_printer ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS TIMESTAMP(CURDATE(), '00:00:00') ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN DECLARE partition_name VARCHAR(32); DECLARE partition_desc INT UNSIGNED; SET partition_name = CONCAT('pd', DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY),'%Y%m%d')); SET partition_desc = TO_DAYS(CURRENT_DATE()); SET @partition_alter = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE monitor_printer REORGANIZE PARTITION pmax INTO ( PARTITION ', partition_name, ' VALUES LESS THAN (', partition_desc, '), PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE)'); PREPARE stmt FROM @partition_alter; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$ DELIMITER ; ​ -- 小時統計表儲存過程 DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proce_printer_stat_hour$$ CREATE PROCEDURE proce_printer_stat_hour(IN startTime TIMESTAMP,IN endTime TIMESTAMP) BEGIN INSERT INTO monitor_printer_stat_hour( monitorId, tonerLow_max, tonerUtilization_max, lineState_max, doorOpenStatus_max, tonerLow_min, tonerUtilization_min, lineState_min, doorOpenStatus_min, tonerLow_ave, tonerUtilization_ave, lineState_ave, doorOpenStatus_ave, createTime )SELECT monitorId, MAX(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_max, MAX(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_max, MAX(lineState) AS lineState_max, MIN(doorOpenStatus) AS doorOpenStatus_min, MIN(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_min, MIN(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_min, MIN(lineState) AS lineState_min, MIN(doorOpenStatus) AS doorOpenStatus_min, AVG(tonerLow) AS tonerLow_ave, AVG(tonerUtilization) AS tonerUtilization_ave, AVG(lineState) AS lineState_ave, (select FLOOR(AVG(doorOpenStatus))) AS doorOpenStatus_ave, endTime AS createTime FROM   monitor_printer_latest WHERE createTime >= startTime AND createTime <= endTime GROUP BY monitorId; END $$ ​ -- 建立事件 呼叫 儲存過程 DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_hongshan_stat_hour$$ CREATE EVENT event_hongshan_stat_hour ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS NOW()+INTERVAL 3600-(TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()))%3600 SECOND ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN DECLARE endTime TIMESTAMP; DECLARE startTime TIMESTAMP; SET endTime=now()-INTERVAL (TIME_TO_SEC(NOW()))%3600 SECOND;    SET startTime = endTime - INTERVAL 1 hour; ​ call proce_printer_stat_hour(startTime,endTime); END $$ ​ /* 定時清理最新小時過度表*/ DELIMITER $$ DROP EVENT IF EXISTS event_clear_table_latest$$ CREATE EVENT event_clear_table_latest ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS NOW() ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE DO BEGIN     DECLARE clearTime TIMESTAMP;     SET clearTime=now()- INTERVAL 1 hour;         delete from imp_monitordb.monitor_printer_latest where createTime <= clearTime ; END $$