1. 程式人生 > >資料庫實驗二


alter table xs
add 身份證號碼 char(18)

select *,DATEDIFF(yy,CONVERT(varchar(10),CAST(SUBSTRING(xs.身份證號碼,7,8) AS datetime),120),GETDATE()) 年齡
from xs;

select xs.性別,xs.專業,count(*) 人數
from xs
group by xs.專業,xs.性別;

select kc.課程號,kc.先行課號
from kc
where kc.先行課號!=''

select kc.課程號,kc.課程名
from kc
where kc.課程號='J001'

select xs.學號,xs.姓名
from xs
where xs.專業='網路工程' and (xs.姓名 like '李%' or xs.姓名 like '張%' or xs.姓名 like '王%')

select xs.學號,xs.姓名,xs.性別
from xs
where xs.專業!='網路工程' and xs.專業!='資訊管理'
order by xs.專業,xs.學號 desc

select cj.課程號,count(*) 人數
from cj
where cj.成績<60
group by cj.課程號

select xs.學號,xs.姓名,DATEDIFF(yy,xs.出生時間,GETDATE()) 年齡
from xs
where  DATEDIFF(yy,xs.出生時間,GETDATE()) not between 30 and 35

/*select distinct 學號
from cj
where not exists
select *
from cj cj1
where cj1.課程號 = 'J001' and cj.學號=cj1.學號

select distinct 學號 
from xs
where not exists(
select *
from cj
where xs.學號=cj.學號   and 課程號 = 'J001')

select distinct xs.學號 
from xs
select cj.學號 from cj where cj.課程號='J001'

select xs.學號,xs.姓名,Datename(year,xs.出生時間) chusheng
from xs

select xs.學號,xs.姓名,DATEDIFF(yy,CONVERT(varchar(10),CAST(Substring(xs.身份證號碼,7,8) as datetime),120),GETDATE()) 出生日期
from xs

select top 1 cj.學號,cj.成績
from cj
order by cj.成績 desc

/*11. 查詢所有名字中含有’明’或者’麗’的同學的學號,姓名*/
select xs.學號,xs.姓名
from xs
where xs.姓名 like '%明%' or xs.姓名 like '%麗%'

/*12. 查詢資訊管理專業年齡超過20歲的學生的人數*/
select count(*)
from xs
where xs.專業='資訊管理' and DATEDIFF(yy,xs.出生時間,GETDATE())>20

/*13. 查詢平均成績超過80分的課程的課程號和平均成績*/
select cj.課程號,AVG(cj.成績)
from cj
group by cj.課程號
having AVG(cj.成績)>80

/*14. 查詢每個專業所有姓張的人數*/
select xs.專業,count(*) 人數
from xs
where xs.姓名 like '張%'
group by xs.專業

/*15. 查詢各種姓氏的人數(假設沒有複姓)*/
select left(xs.姓名,1),count(left(xs.姓名,1)) 人數
from xs
group by left(xs.姓名,1)

select cj.學號,count(cj.課程號) 門數,AVG(cj.成績) 平均成績
from cj
group by cj.學號
having count(cj.課程號)>5

/*17. 查詢選修‘J001’課程的成績排名前五的學生的學號和成績*/
select top 5 cj.學號,cj.成績
from cj
order by cj.成績 desc

select min(cj.成績),count(cj.課程號) 選課門數
from cj
group by cj.學號

/*19. 查詢各個專業各種性別的人數*/
select xs.專業,xs.性別,count(xs.性別) 人數
from xs
group by xs.專業,xs.性別

select xs.專業,count(xs.性別) 人數
from xs
where xs.性別='男'
group by xs.專業

/*21. 列出有二門以上課程(含兩門)不及格的學生的學號及該學生的平均成績*/
select cj.學號,AVG(cj.成績)
from cj
where cj.成績<60
group by cj.學號
having count(cj.成績)>=2

select cj.學號,AVG(cj.成績)
from cj
group by cj.學號
having count(case when cj.成績<60 then 1 end)>=2

/*22. 顯示學號第五位或者第六位是1、2、3、4或者9的學生的學號、姓名、性別、年齡及專業*/
select xs.學號,xs.姓名,xs.性別,DATEDIFF(yy,xs.出生時間,GETDATE()) 年齡,xs.專業
from xs
where xs.學號 like '____[1,2,3,4,9]%' or xs.學號 like '_____[1,2,3,4,9]%'

/*23. 顯示選修課程數最多的學號及選修課程數最少的學號*/
select cj.學號
from cj
group by cj.學號
having count(cj.課程號)>=all(select count(cj.課程號)
from cj
group by cj.學號)

select cj.學號
from cj
group by cj.學號
having count(cj.課程號)<=all(select count(cj.課程號)
from cj
group by cj.學號)

/*24. 查詢選修了A001或者A002或者J001或者J002課程的學生的學號和課程號*/
select cj.學號,cj.課程號
from cj
where cj.課程號 in ('A001','A002','J001','J002')

/*25. 查詢姓名為兩個字的不同姓氏的人數,輸出姓氏,人數*/
select left(xs.姓名,1) 姓氏,count(left(xs.姓名,1)) 人數
from xs
where len(xs.姓名)=2
group by left(xs.姓名,1) 

create database SPJ

create table S(
sno char(2) not null primary key,
sname char(8),
status char(2),
city char(6)

create table P(
pno char(2),
pname char(8),
color char(4),
weight char(2)

create table J(
jno char(2),
jname char(8),
city char(4)

create table SPJ(
sno char(2),
pno char(2),
jno char(2),
qit int

--1.	求供應工程J1零件的供應商號碼SNO
select SPJ.sno
from SPJ
where SPJ.jno='J1'

--2.	求查詢每個工程使用不同供應商的零件的個數
select SPJ.jno,SPJ.pno,count(SPJ.sno) 個數
from SPJ
group by SPJ.jno,SPJ.pno

--3.	求供應工程使用零件P3數量超過200的工程號JNO
select SPJ.jno
from SPJ
where SPJ.pno='P3' and SPJ.qit>200

--4.	求顏色為紅色和藍色的零件的零件號和名稱
/*select pno,pname
from p p1
where color='紅' and p1.pname in (select p2.pname
from p p2
where p2.color='藍'

select distinct pno, pname
from p
where color in ('藍','紅')

--5.	求使用零件數量在200-400之間的工程號
select SPJ.jno
from SPJ
group by SPJ.jno
having sum(SPJ.qit) between 200 and 400

--6.	查詢每種零件的零件號,以及使用該零件的工程數
select SPJ.pno,count(DISTINCT SPJ.jno) 工程數
from SPJ
group by SPJ.pno