Lora sx127x晶片開發筆記
1、資源蒐集Datasheet 和驅動原始碼
FHSS 跳頻擴頻技術 FIFO 先進先出佇列,這裡代表隊列暫存器
PA 功率放大器 LNA 低噪聲放大器
SNR 信噪比 SF 擴頻因子
PLL 鎖相環 CAD 通道活動檢測
CR 編位元速率 BW 頻寬
RS符號速率 Preamble 序頭
擴頻因子 RegModulationCfg
注:SF=6 時必須用ImplicitHeader 模式
迴圈糾錯編碼cyclic error coding
較低頻段(169 MHz)不支援250kHz和500kHz的頻寬
序頭preamble 報頭 header (可配) 資料段 payload 校驗碼CRC
有效負載 payload
數字暫存器和 數字I/O
操作模式 OpMode
2.1.3 SX1276 driver version V2.1.0
The SX1276 driver is split in 4 parts (驅動原始碼包含如下四個部分)
1. Generic SX1276 driver. 驅動呼叫介面
( src\radio\SX1276.c )
2. SX1272 FSK modem driver. FSK調製模式用
( src\radio\SX1276-Fsk.c andsrc\radio\SX1276-FskMisc.c )
3. SX1272 LoRa modem driver. LoRa調製模式用
( src\radio\SX1276-LoRa.cand src\radio\SX1276-LoRaMisc.c )
4. SX1276 HAL ( Hardware Abstraction Layer ). 硬體抽象層
(src\platform\sx12xxEiger\SX1276-Hal.c )
1. The generic SX1276 driver implements atleast the functions required by
the RadioDriver structure defined in src\radio\radio.h file. It offersalso
the same interface for the FSK or the LoRa modem.
Inorder to choose which modem to use one must modify the src\radio\radio.h
file as follows:
-For FSK modem
#define LORA 0
-For LoRa modem
#define LORA 1
2. FSK調製的可以跳過不看
3. The LoRa modem driver handles the SX1276as a LoRa modem
Inorder to change generic LoRa modem settings one must modify the following
parameters in file src\radio\SX1276-LoRa.c (LoRa模式初始化引數配置的結構體)
tLoRaSettings LoRaSettings =
870000000, // RFFrequency 收發頻率
20, // Power 發射功率
8, // SignalBw [0: 7.8kHz, 1: 10.4 kHz, 2: 15.6 kHz, 3: 20.8 kHz, 4: 31.2 kHz, 頻寬
// 5: 41.6 kHz, 6: 62.5 kHz, 7: 125 kHz, 8:250 kHz, 9: 500 kHz, other: Reserved]
7, // SpreadingFactor [6:64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512, 擴頻因子
// 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12:4096 chips]
2, // ErrorCoding [1:4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8] 迴圈糾錯編碼
true, // CrcOn CRC校驗
false, // ImplicitHeaderOn 序頭模式
1, // RxSingleOn 接收模式中的single模式開關 0代表continue模式
0, // FreqHopOn 跳頻開關
4, // HopPeriod 跳頻週期
100, // TxPacketTimeout 傳送超時時間
100, // RxPacketTimeout 接收超時時間
4 // PayloadLength 負載資料長度
4. The HAL makes the SX1276 driver platformindependent.One must modify each function inside this file
(src\platform\sx12xxEiger\SX1272-Hal.c ) according to the platform used.
3. How to use the driver:
This driver has been tested for high speedtransmission (up to 100kbps in FSK)
and long payloads (up to 255 bytes in FSK or LoRa). To set a transmission /
reception, it is necessary to:
-Change the payload length
The payload length for the system isdefined with the parameter BUFFER_SIZE
located in main.c
#define BUFFER_SIZE 128 // Definethe payload // size here
The payload length can be configured from 1up to 255
[cpp] view plain copy print?- staticvoid RFInit()
- {
- Radio->LoRaSetOpMode( RFLR_OPMODE_STANDBY );
- // set the RF settings
- Radio->LoRaSetPa20dBm( false );
- Radio->LoRaSetRFPower( 5 );
- Radio->LoRaSetSpreadingFactor( 7 ); // SF6 only operates in implicit header mode.
- Radio->LoRaSetErrorCoding( 1 );
- Radio->LoRaSetPacketCrcOn( 0 );
- Radio->LoRaSetSignalBandwidth( 7 );
- Radio->LoRaSetImplicitHeaderOn( 0 );
- Radio->LoRaSetSymbTimeout( 0x3FF );
- Radio->LoRaSetPayloadLength( 128 );
- Radio->LoRaSetLowDatarateOptimize( true );
- Radio->LoRaSetFreqHopOn(false);
- Radio->LoRaSetRxSingleOn(true);
- Radio->LoRaSetPreambleLength( 6 );
- Radio->LoRaSetOpMode( RFLR_OPMODE_STANDBY );
- }
- INT8U RFWrite(INT8U* buff, INT8U size, INT32U freq )
- {
- Radio->LoRaSetRFFrequency( freq );// 478750000 DownChannel[10]
- Radio->SetTxPacket( buff, size);
- while( Radio->Process( ) != RF_TX_DONE );
- return size;
- }
- INT8U RFRead(INT8U* buff, INT32U freq, INT8U timeout )
- {
- uint32_t result;
- INT16U RxLen;
- Radio->LoRaSetRFFrequency( freq );
- Radio->LoRaSetRxPacketTimeout( timeout*1500 ); // 1s = 1500
- Radio->StartRx( );
- while( 1 )
- {
- result = Radio->Process( );///SX1276LoRaProcess
- if( (result == RF_RX_DONE) || (result == RF_RX_TIMEOUT) )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if( result == RF_RX_DONE )//RFBuffer
- {
- Radio->GetRxPacket( buff, &RxLen );
- return RxLen;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }