1. 程式人生 > >【DataProcessor】簡易的通用多程序資料生成工具類(Advanced for HVD)

【DataProcessor】簡易的通用多程序資料生成工具類(Advanced for HVD)

0x00 前言


What’s more:

0x01 實現思路




    data=path_list, data_format='path', mode='train')
for idx, data in enumerate(data_processor.batches()):
    if not data:
        # do something

0x02 Source Code

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# ==========================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2018 All rights reserved. # # filename : hvd_processor.py # author : okcd00 / [email protected] # origin : lihongwei / [email protected] # date : 2018-09-20 # desc : data processor for hvd usage. # ========================================================================== from __future__ import print_function import os import glob import time import random import numpy as np import multiprocessing import cPickle as pickle from copy import deepcopy import horovod.tensorflow as hvd from collections import OrderedDict # see shared_memory_queue in my last blog: # https://blog.csdn.net/okcd00/article/details/82901347 from shared_memory_queue import SMQueue def random_sort(paths): state = random.getstate() random.seed(123) random.shuffle(paths) random.setstate(state) return paths def get_idx_from_path(path): idx = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0].split('-') return tuple([int(_) for _ in idx]) def glob_file_names(dir_name, file_type='.pkl'): return glob.glob('{}/*{}'.format(dir_name, file_type)) def batch_data_generate(sentences, merge=False, is_instance=None, need_split=True): raise ("need to complete this function for generating") example_options = { "gpus": "0123", # using which GPUs "file_size": 200, # 每個檔案有多少個句子 "batch_size": 400, # 每個batch有多少個句子,需要是file_size的整數倍 "max_seg_len": 48, # word counts in single segment "max_can_len": 127, # candidate counts for single word "emb_dim": 128, # word_embedding dimension is 128 "n_words": 87780, # use leading x words in dictionary "lstm_dim": 128, # lstm_hidden dimension is 128 'use_hvd': True, # using hvd or not 'multi_processing': True, # using multi_processing or not 'shared_memory_size': 8, # size for shared memory queue. 'data_processor_number': 8, # number of processors 'max_batch_size': 1000, # maximum batch_size for wraping } class DataProcessor(object): ''' basic data processor for training model by using shared memory''' def __init__(self, options, generate_y=False, debug=False): hvd.init() self.generate_y = generate_y self.idx = None self.mode = None self.data = None self.debug = debug self.data_format = None self.options = options self.data_info = self.define_data_info() self.data_producers = [] self.batch_file = options['batch_size'] / options['file_size'] self.f_data_size = sum([np.prod(data_info['shape']) for data_info in self.data_info.values() if data_info['dtype'] == np.float32]) self.i_data_size = sum([np.prod(data_info['shape']) for data_info in self.data_info.values() if data_info['dtype'] == np.int32]) if self.options.get('multi_processing'): self.multi_processing = True self.smque = SMQueue( self.options['shared_memory_size'], self.f_data_size, self.i_data_size) def help(self): print (""" data_processor.set_one_epoch( data=path_list, data_format='path', mode='train') for idx, data in enumerate(data_processor.batches()): if not data: continue else: # do something """) def debug_info(self, text): if self.debug: print("[D_{}] {}, {}".format( os.getpid(), text, time.ctime())) def get_data_for_hvd(self, data): if hvd.size() == 1: return data else: data = random_sort(deepcopy(data)) # file_size / file_per_batch / hvd_cores batch_num = len(data) / self.batch_file / hvd.size() start = hvd.rank() * batch_num * self.batch_file end = (hvd.rank() + 1) * batch_num * self.batch_file return data[start: end] def set_one_epoch(self, data, data_format='path', mode='infer', multi_processing=None): ''' set one epoch by path or data data_format = path/data mode = train/valid/infer ''' if not mode.startswith('infer'): assert self.generate_y self.mode = mode self.data = self.get_data_for_hvd(data) self.data_len = self.data.__len__() self.data_format = data_format np.random.shuffle(self.data) if multi_processing is None: multi_processing = self.multi_processing if multi_processing: self.run_one_epoch() def run_one_epoch(self): ''' create multi data producer and run ''' self.data_producers = [] for idx in range(self.options['data_processor_number']): producer = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.data_producer, args=(idx,)) self.data_producers.append(producer) producer.start() def data_producer(self, idx): ''' produce data and put into shared memory queue ''' self.debug_info("Data producer <{}> is working now".format(idx)) for c_idx in range(idx, len(self.data) / self.batch_file, self.options['data_processor_number']): # d_idx = c_idx * self.options['batch_size'] batch_data = self.data[c_idx: c_idx + self.batch_file] # one file per batch prepared_data = self.prepare_data(batch_data) f_data, i_data = self.wrap_data(prepared_data) self.smque.put(f_data, i_data) def reset_data_producers(self): ''' kill all data_producers and reset shared memory queue ''' for producer in self.data_producers: producer.terminate() producer.join() self.debug_info("Reset shared memory queue finished.") self.smque.reset() def batches(self): ''' yield each batch data on one epoch ''' if self.multi_processing: for _ in range(len(self.data) / self.batch_file): f_data, i_data = self.smque.get() if (f_data is None) and (i_data is None): self.reset_data_producers() print('[{}] shared memory queue is empty now.'.format(os.getpid())) return yield self.unwrap_data(f_data, i_data) else: for c_idx in range(len(self.data) / self.batch_file): d_idx = c_idx * self.batch_file batch_data = self.data[d_idx: d_idx + self.batch_file] data = self.prepare_data(batch_data) yield data last_batch_size = len(self.data) % self.batch_file if last_batch_size != 0: last_batch = self.data[-last_batch_size:] last_batch = self.prepare_data(last_batch) # dtype transfer for name, data_info in self.data_info.items(): dtype = data_info['dtype'] last_batch[name] = np.asarray(last_batch[name], dtype=dtype) yield last_batch @staticmethod def np_padding(arr, pad_size, padding=0): shape = arr.shape def get_pad_size(i): if pad_size.__len__() <= i: return 0 else: return pad_size[i] - shape[i] return np.lib.pad( arr, [(0, get_pad_size(i)) for i in range(shape.__len__())], mode='constant', constant_values=padding) def wrap_data(self, data): ''' wrap data for putting to smque ''' f_flatten_data, i_flatten_data = [], [] max_batch_size = self.options.get('max_batch_size') for name, data_info in self.data_info.items(): if name == 'batch_size': i_flatten_data.append( np.ones(1, dtype=np.int32) *\ data.values()[-1].__len__()) continue dtype = data_info['dtype'] item = np.asarray(data[name], dtype=dtype) if dtype == np.float32: f_flatten_data.append( self.np_padding(item, [max_batch_size]).flatten()) elif dtype == np.int32: i_flatten_data.append( self.np_padding(item, [max_batch_size]).flatten()) if f_flatten_data: f_flatten_data = np.concatenate(f_flatten_data) if i_flatten_data: i_flatten_data = np.concatenate(i_flatten_data) return f_flatten_data, i_flatten_data def unwrap_data(self, f_data, i_data): ''' unwrap smque data ''' new_data = OrderedDict() batch_size = 0 f_acc_size, i_acc_size = 0, 0 for name, data_info in self.data_info.items(): shape = data_info['shape'] dtype = data_info['dtype'] if dtype == np.float32: new_data[name] = np.reshape( f_data[f_acc_size: f_acc_size + np.prod(shape)], shape) f_acc_size += np.prod(shape) elif dtype == np.int32: new_data[name] = np.reshape( i_data[i_acc_size: i_acc_size + np.prod(shape)], shape) i_acc_size += np.prod(shape) # assignment for batch_size if name == 'batch_size': batch_size = new_data[name][0] else: new_data[name] = new_data[name][:batch_size, ...] return new_data def load_data_from_path(self, batch_data): data_case = [] self.debug_info("Now loading data from {} file_path.".format( batch_data.__len__())) if isinstance(batch_data, list): for path in batch_data: with open(path, 'rb') as opened_file: data_case.extend(pickle.load(opened_file)) else: data_case.extend(pickle.load(open(batch_data, 'r'))) return data_case def prepare_data(self, batch_data): ''' prepare data for train or infer ''' if self.data_format == 'path': sentences = self.load_data_from_path(batch_data) else: # data_format is 'data' sentences = batch_data self.debug_info("Data prepared, with {} sentences.".format( sentences.__len__())) return batch_data_generate( sentences, merge=True, is_instance=None, need_split=True) def define_data_info(self): # change this to your own data form. data_info = OrderedDict() data_info['batch_size'] = { 'shape': (1), 'dtype': np.int32} data_info['input_data'] = { 'shape': (self.options.get('max_batch_size'), self.options.get('max_seg_len') + 2), 'dtype': np.int32} data_info['cell_lens'] = { 'shape': (self.options.get('max_batch_size')), 'dtype': np.int32} data_info['candidates'] = { 'shape': (self.options.get('max_batch_size'), self.options.get('max_seg_len'), self.options.get('max_can_len')), 'dtype': np.int32} if self.generate_y: data_info['target'] = { 'shape': (self.options.get('max_batch_size'), self.options.get('max_seg_len')), 'dtype': np.int32} return data_info