Design Patterns 5: Singleton
struct Singleton { static Singleton* Instance() { return _instance ? _instance : new Singleton; } protected: Singleton() = default; private: static Singleton * _instance; }; Singleton* Singleton::_instance = nullptr; int main() { auto p = Singleton::Instance(); }
Design Patterns 5: Singleton
確保一個類(Singleton)只有一個例項(_instance) struct Singleton { static Singleton* Instance() { return _in
Design Patterns: Singleton Basics 設計模式遊戲中運用:單例基礎
Design Patterns are among the bread and butter of the good developer's cookbook. Basically, any serious job interview you will have as a Junior to Mid
Massive Collection Of Design Patterns, Frameworks, Components, And Language Features For Delphi
lan live database iter rsquo fig builder dll target Developer beNative over on GitHub has a project called Concepts which is a massive co
Java設計模式(Design Patterns)——可復用面向對象軟件的基礎
過程 多線程 安全 進行 有助於 並且 -c 完全 兩種 設計模式(Design Patterns) 設計模式(Design pattern)是一套被反復使用、多數人知曉的、經過分類編目的、代碼設計經驗的總結。 使用設計模式是為了可重用代碼、讓代碼更容易被他人理解、保證代碼
設計模式教程(Design Patterns Tutorial)筆記之一 建立型模式(Creational Patterns)
目錄 · 概述 · Factory · What is the Factory Design Pattern? ·
嵌入式設計模式(Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C)的學習記錄
唉 工作三年有餘,一直在搞嵌入式。準確的說從大學開始就一直在搞,已經到了病入膏肓的地步。此間總是不時出現一些奇怪的想法:人家搞Java、搞C#的動不動就是什麼架構/框架的,搞了這麼久的的嵌入式,我到底搞了什麼?架構/框架?統統木聽說過。。。似乎那些高大上的東
Design Patterns 2: Builder
將物件的構造過程抽象出來,使得相同的構造過程可以複用。 Each kind of concrete builder(ConcreteBuilder) class takes the mechanism
Design Patterns 3: Factory Method
定義一個介面(Creator)用以建立物件,由子類(ConcreteCreator)決定建立物件的型別(Product或ConcreteProduct...) struct Product {};
Design Patterns 6: Adapter
提供一個介面(Adapter)將已有的類(Adaptee)的介面轉換為使用者期待的類(Target)的介面 struct Adaptee { void SpecificRequest() {}
Design Patterns 18: Memento
在不違反封裝原則的前提下,捕獲記錄物件的內部狀態,使得物件具備復原的能力。 struct Memento { int GetState() { return _state; };
Design Patterns 19: Observer
定義物件之間一對多的依賴性,當其中一個狀態發生變化的時候,通知並更新所有的依賴物件。 #include <list> struct Subject; struct Observer
Design Patterns 21: Strategy
定義一組演算法,使得演算法之間具有互換性。 struct Strategy { virtual void AlgorithmInterface() = 0; }; struct Concre
Design Patterns 22: Template Method
定義演算法的結構,將具體步驟推遲到派生類。 struct AbstractClass { void TemplateMethod() { PrimitiveOper
Design Patterns In Java
In this design patterns in java series, I will be documenting the most common design patterns as written by the Gang of Four in their classic book: Desi
Javarevisited: Blog about Java Programming Tutorials, Examples, Design Patterns, Interview Questions and Answers, FIX Protocol,
One of the best things about jQuery is there selectors, which gives the jQuery enormous power to find and select DOM elements so easily. If you are comin
Design Patterns with React Easy State
Codesandbox may be slow on mobile, don’t worry if it takes some time. Just come back here a bit later or try the live app here.Sharing global state between
Understanding Design Patterns in JavaScript
Module PatternA Module is a piece of self-contained code so we can update the Module without affecting the other parts of the code. Modules also allow us t
An Alternative to Animated Vector Drawables | Android Design Patterns
Today I am open sourcing the first alpha release of an animation library I’ve been writing named Kyrie. Think of it as a superset of Android’s Vec
Android Design Patterns
Creative customization is one of the tenets of material design; the subtle addition of an icon animation can add an element of wonder to th
面向物件程式設計進階——設計模式 design patterns
前言 設計模式(design pattern)是一套被反覆使用、多數人知曉、經過分類編目的優秀程式碼設計經驗的總結。關鍵詞:重用程式碼、工程化、面向物件。設計模式起源於建築設計學,最先由 Gang of Four 提升到了理論高度。 可複用面向物件體系分為