1. 程式人生 > >在VB中遍歷檔案並用正則表示式完成複製



Private Sub Option1_Click()
      Dim myStr As String
      'myStr = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D21").Text
      myStr = InputBox("請輸入專案序號,序號要為阿拉伯數字。格式一定要正確!格式如" & Chr(34) & "2專案" & Chr(34))
      Dim endNum As Integer     'MID函式擷取結束位數
      endNum = InStrRev(myStr, "項")
      myStr = Mid(myStr, 1, endNum - 1)
      'MsgBox myStr
      Dim CChinesStr As String
      CChineseStr = CChinese(myStr) '將阿拉伯數字轉為漢字
      'MsgBox CChineseStr
        Dim fso As Object
        Dim folder As Object
        Dim subfolder As Object
        Dim file As Object
        Dim fileNameArray As String
        Dim basePath As String
        basePath = "E:\my\彙報\成績"
        Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") '建立FSO物件
        Set folder = fso.getfolder(basePath & "\原始檔")
        For Each file In folder.Files '遍歷根資料夾下的檔案
        'fileNameArray = fileNameArray & file & "|"
                  Dim mRegExp As Object       '正則表示式物件
                  Dim mMatches As Object      '匹配字串集合物件
                  Dim mMatch As Object        '匹配字串
                  Set mRegExp = CreateObject("Vbscript.Regexp")
                  With mRegExp
                     .Global = True                              'True表示匹配所有, False表示僅匹配第一個符合項
                     .IgnoreCase = True                          'True表示不區分大小寫, False表示區分大小寫
                     '.Pattern = "([0-9])?[.]([0-9])+|([0-9])+"   '匹配字元模式
                     '.Pattern = "((([0-9]+)?)|(([一二三四五六七八九十]+)?))專案(([一二三四五六七八九十]+)?)|([0-9])?"   '匹配字元模式
                     '.Pattern = "(專案(二百三十四)+)|(((234)?|(二百三十四)?)專案(234)?)"   '匹配字元模式
                     '.Pattern = "(((" & "+)?)|(([一二三四五六七八九十]+)?))專案(([一二三四五六七八九十]+)?)|([0-9])?" '匹配字元模式
                      .Pattern = "(專案(" & CChineseStr & ")+)|(((" & myStr & ")?|(" & CChineseStr & ")?)專案(" & myStr & ")?)"   '匹配字元模式
                     'Set mMatches = .Execute(Sheets("上報").Range("D21").Text)     '執行正則查詢,返回所有匹配結果的集合,若未找到,則為空
                     Set mMatches = .Execute(file)     '執行正則查詢,返回所有匹配結果的集合,若未找到,則為空
                     For Each mMatch In mMatches
                         'SumValueInText = SumValueInText + CDbl(mMatch.Value)
                         'SumValueInText = SumValueInText & mMatch.Value
                         If mMatch.Value <> "" Then
                           'fileNameArray = fileNameArray & mMatch.Value & "_"
                            fso.copyfile basePath & "\原始檔\" & mMatch.Value & ".*", basePath & "\目標檔案" & myStr '複製操作
                         End If
                 End With
                 'MsgBox fileNameArray
                 Set mRegExp = Nothing
                 Set mMatches = Nothing
        Set fso = Nothing
        Set folder = Nothing
       MsgBox "操作完成"
End Sub
Private Function CChinese(StrEng As String) As String
If Not IsNumeric(StrEng) Then
If Trim(StrEng) <> "" Then MsgBox "無效的數字"
CChinese = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim intLen As Integer, intCounter As Integer
Dim strCh As String, strTempCh As String
Dim strSeqCh1 As String, strSeqCh2 As String
Dim strEng2Ch As String
'strEng2Ch = "零壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖"
strEng2Ch = "零一二三四五六七八九十"
'strSeqCh1 = " 拾佰仟 拾佰仟 拾佰仟 拾佰仟"
strSeqCh1 = " 十百千 十百千 十百千 十百千"
strSeqCh2 = " 萬億兆"
StrEng = CStr(CDec(StrEng))
intLen = Len(StrEng)
For intCounter = 1 To intLen
strTempCh = Mid(strEng2Ch, Mid(StrEng, intCounter, 1) + 1, 1)
If strTempCh = "零" And intLen <> 1 Then
If Mid(StrEng, intCounter + 1, 1) = "0" Or (intLen - intCounter + 1) Mod 4 = 1 Then strTempCh = ""
strTempCh = strTempCh & Trim(Mid(strSeqCh1, intLen - intCounter + 1, 1))
End If
If (intLen - intCounter + 1) Mod 4 = 1 Then

'新增位" 萬億兆"
strTempCh = strTempCh & Trim(Mid(strSeqCh2, (intLen - intCounter) \ 4 + 1, 1))
End If
strCh = strCh & Trim(strTempCh)
CChinese = strCh
End Function