SZ12366DB 生產庫SQL指令碼合集
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-13
update t_xt_yh set dqdlzt='0' where yh_dm='gsadmin';
select jgmc 機構名稱, nvl(, 0) 來電總量, nvl(, 0) 轉接人工量, nvl(, 0) 人工接聽量, case when nvl(, 0) = 0 then '0%' else to_char(100 * round(nvl(, 0) / nvl(, 0), 4), 'fm999990.00') || '%' end 人工接通率 from (select count(*) sl from TX_CALL_LOGO where CALLTYPE = '1' and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') >= trunc(sysdate-1)+15/24 and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') <= trunc(sysdate)+15/24) hrzl, --呼入總量 (select count(*) sl from TX_CALL_LOGO where CALLTYPE = '1' and --呼入 INSEATDT is not null and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') >= trunc(sysdate-1)+15/24 and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') <= trunc(sysdate)+15/24) jtl, --接聽量 (select count(*) sl from TX_CALL_LOGO where CALLTYPE = '1' and --呼入 INQUENEDT is not null and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') >= trunc(sysdate-1)+15/24 and trunc(INIVRDT,'Mi') <= trunc(sysdate)+15/24) zrg, --轉人工量 (select jgmc from exchange_pzb where sfdqdq = '1' and rownum = '1') jgmc
--生產庫執行 select nvl(, 0) 轉接人工量, nvl(, 0) 人工接聽量, case when nvl(, 0) = 0 then '0%' else to_char(100 * round(nvl(, 0) / nvl(, 0), 4), 'fm999990.00') || '%' end 人工接通率 from --生產庫執行,半年以前資料用此指令碼執行 (select count(1) sl from tx_call_oper_detail_all a, tx_call_logo_all b where operno = '01' --不同按鍵軌跡在此修改 and a.callid = b.callid and inquenedt is not null and to_char(inivrdt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') >= '2018-12-12' --統計時間在此修改 and to_char(inivrdt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') <= '2018-12-12') zrg, --統計時間在此修改 --生產庫執行,半年以前資料用此指令碼執行 (select count(1) sl from tx_call_oper_detail_all a, tx_call_logo_all b where operno = '01' --不同按鍵軌跡在此修改 and a.callid = b.callid and inseatdt is not null and to_char(inivrdt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') >= '2018-12-12' --統計時間在此修改 and to_char(inivrdt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') <= '2018-12-12') jtl --統計時間在此修改