1. 程式人生 > >六級翻譯專題詞彙6


自然增長率 natural growth rate

負增長率 nagetive growth rate(negative)

普查 census

戶口冊 household register

計劃生育 family planning

優生優育 ensure good prenatal and postnatal care

自治區 autonomous region

民族 ethnic groups

少數民族 ethnic minorities

中國共產黨 Communist Paty of China

春節 the Spring Festival

元宵節 the Lantern Festival

端午節 the Drangon-Boat Festival(Dragon)

七夕節 Double-Seventh Day

中秋節 the Mid-Autumn Festival

重陽節 the Double-Ninth Festival

臘八節 the Laba Rice Porridge Festival