1. 程式人生 > >[VS2017 setup] Fix: We could not refresh the credentials for the account

[VS2017 setup] Fix: We could not refresh the credentials for the account

遇到一個使用者反映VS2017 Community註冊資訊快要到期,但是他無法更新自己的Account資訊,導致無法更新license。試了很多辦法,最後解決的方法可能是:

1.通過工具欄的Help選項,選擇Send Feedback後登陸,曲線救國。
Open Visual Studio. Click Help, Send Feedback, Report a Problem.
This brings you to a login screen. If you log in from there, it will log you into Visual Studio.

(1)Close down VS2017
(2)Go to “C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local.IdentityService”
(3)Rename “IdentityServiceAdalCache.cache” as shown below. (for example just add an underscore to it)

(4)Restart VS2017 and log in.

Refer to:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45276188/visual-studio-2017-how-to-fix-error-we-could-not-refresh-the-credentials-for