1. 程式人生 > >如何使用應用日誌(Application Log)

如何使用應用日誌(Application Log)


SAP的應用日誌(Application Log)是用於建立,儲存和分析系統訊息的工具.


SLG0: Creation of Object and Sub object
SLG1: Display Application Logs


BAL_LOG_CREATE --> Create log with header data
BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD --> Put message in log
BAL_DB_SAVE --> Save logs in the database


1: 使用TCODE:SLG0建立物件和子物件.
2: 建立物件,物件名以Z或Y開頭.
3: 建立物件後,你將建立子物件.
4: 如果相應的子物件不存在,則建立子物件.
5: 這樣物件和子物件就可以在應用日誌中使用了.
6: 使用下面三個函式建立和儲存應用日誌
7: 使用'BAL_LOG_CREATE' 建立日誌控制代碼(log handle)
8: 使用'BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD' 新增訊息,
9: 使用'BAL_DB_SAVE' 儲存日誌


1. 輸入TCODE: SLG1.系統將出現分析應用日誌的螢幕.
2. 輸入物件,子物件和外部標示符.
3. 輸入時間.
4. 規定日誌的原因
5. 選擇日誌類別和建立日誌.
6. 執行.



report sbal_demo_06 .
*                   REPORT SBAL_DEMO_06
*  The application log allows to add application specific data to
*  a log header or a message.
*  One simple possibility is to use the context. This allows to
*  to add the content of a (flat, non-hierarchical) DDIC-structure
*  to a log header or a message (sie sub-structure 'CONTEXT' in
*  structure BAL_S_LOG and BAL_S_MSG).
*  There is already an example in Report SBAL_DEMO_02 for this
*  (see FORM msg_add_with_context).
*  But sometimes a simple, flat DDIC-structure is not sufficient.
*  If you want to add more complex data (like an internal table,
*  a complex data type, etc.) to a log or a message,
*  you can use table BAL_INDX.
*  BAL_INDX is an INDX-like table which can be filled and read
*  with the ABAP-statement EXPORT/IMPORT.
*  This report shows an example how to use BAL_INDEX.
*  This report has three options:
*    o create  log
*    o display log
*    o delete  log
*  create log:
*  ==========
*  The log which is created consists of a log header
*  and only one message. For both, log header and message
*  the parameters are defined  (see sub-structure 'PARAMS' in
*  BAL_S_LOG and BAL_S_MSG).
*  The parameters are filled and callback routines are defined.
*  When the log is saved, also some internal tables containing
*  further data are saved via EXPORT TO BAL_INDX
*  (see FORM log_save)
*  display log:
*  ===========
*  The log is searched on the database, loaded and displayed.
*  When the detail of a message or the log header is selected
*  by the user, the callback-routines are called.
*  In this callback-routine the internal tables are read
*   call FORM LOAD_MY_DATA).
*  delete log:
*  ===========
*  The log is searched on the database and deleted.
*  This deletion also deletes the data in table BAL_INDX for this
*  log.

******************** SELECTION SCREEN *********************************
  p_create  radiobutton group par,
  p_disp    radiobutton group par,
  p_delete  radiobutton group par.

******************** CONSTANTS, TYPES, DATA ***************************
set extended check off.
include sbal_constants.
set extended check on.
  const_example_object    type bal_s_log-object    value 'BCT1',
  const_example_extnumber type bal_s_log-extnumber value 'BAL_INDX',
  const_name_msg_ident(9) type c                   value 'MSG_IDENT'.
  g_identifier(10)        type n,
  g_lognumber             type balhdr-lognumber.
* these are our own data we want to save with the application log:
  g_my_header_data        type bal_s_ex05 occurs 0 with header line,
  begin of g_my_message_data occurs 0,
    identifier            like g_identifier,
    t_my_data             type bal_s_ex06 occurs 0,
  end of g_my_message_data.

******************** MAIN PROGRAM *************************************

* create log
  if not p_create is initial.
    perform log_create.

* display log
  if not p_disp is initial.
    perform log_display.

* delete log
  if not p_delete is initial.
    perform log_delete.

************** FORMS FOR CREATION OF THE LOG *************************
* FORM log_create.
form log_create.
    l_log_handle type balloghndl.

* create log header with information about the carriers and
* connection which are calculated in this transaction
  perform log_header_create

* create the message
  perform log_message_create

* save the application log and our data
  perform log_save

* FORM log_header_create
form log_header_create
         c_log_handle   type balloghndl.

    l_s_log     type bal_s_log.

* create log header data
  clear l_s_log.
  l_s_log-object    = const_example_object.
  l_s_log-extnumber = const_example_extnumber.

* define callback routine
  l_s_log-params-callback-userexitp = sy-repid.
  l_s_log-params-callback-userexitf = 'CALLBACK_LOG_DETAIL'.
  l_s_log-params-callback-userexitt = const_callback_form.

* create the log header
  call function 'BAL_LOG_CREATE'
            i_s_log      = l_s_log
            e_log_handle = c_log_handle
            others       = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* we want to store some information in the log header
* to describe which carriers and flight were handled in this log
  g_my_header_data-carrid     = 'AB'.  "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_carrid = 'Airways AB'.           "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-connid     = '0003'."#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_connid = 'Hamburg - New York'(001).
  append g_my_header_data.
  g_my_header_data-carrid     = 'XY'.  "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_carrid = 'XY Lines'.             "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-connid     = '0002'."#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_connid = 'Walldorf - Tokio'(002).
  append g_my_header_data.
  g_my_header_data-carrid     = 'ZZ'.  "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_carrid = 'ZZ Wings'.             "#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-connid     = '0014'."#EC NOTEXT
  g_my_header_data-txt_connid = 'Paris - Frankfurt'(003).
  append g_my_header_data.

* FORM log_message_create
form log_message_create
         i_log_handle   type balloghndl.

    l_s_msg     type bal_s_msg,
    l_s_par     type bal_s_par,
    l_s_my_data type bal_s_ex06.

* create a message
* 327(BL): "&1 customers were allowed to fly for free (see detail)"
  clear l_s_msg.
  l_s_msg-msgty = 'E'.
  l_s_msg-msgid = 'BL'.
  l_s_msg-msgno = '327'.
  l_s_msg-msgv1 = '3'.

* define callback routine
  l_s_msg-params-callback-userexitp = sy-repid.
  l_s_msg-params-callback-userexitf = 'CALLBACK_MSG_DETAIL'.
  l_s_msg-params-callback-userexitt = const_callback_form.

* define an identifer. This is used to establish the link between
* the message and its additional data
  add 1 to g_identifier.

* put his identifier into the parameters of the message
  l_s_par-parname = const_name_msg_ident.
  l_s_par-parvalue   = g_identifier.
  append l_s_par to l_s_msg-params-t_par.

* create the message
  call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD'
            i_log_handle = i_log_handle
            i_s_msg      = l_s_msg
            others       = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* we want to store information for this message about the customers
* which were allowed to fly for free:
  g_my_message_data-identifier  = g_identifier.
  l_s_my_data-id          = '00000002'.
  l_s_my_data-txt_id      = 'Peter Smith'.          "#EC NOTEXT
  append l_s_my_data to g_my_message_data-t_my_data.
  l_s_my_data-id          = '00000013'.
  l_s_my_data-txt_id      = 'Paula Jones'.          "#EC NOTEXT
  append l_s_my_data to g_my_message_data-t_my_data.
  l_s_my_data-id          = '00001345'.
  l_s_my_data-txt_id      = 'Jane Meyer'.           "#EC NOTEXT
  append l_s_my_data to g_my_message_data-t_my_data.
  append g_my_message_data.


* FORM log_save
form log_save
         i_log_handle    type balloghndl.

    l_t_log_handle       type bal_t_logh,
    l_s_new_lognumber    type bal_s_lgnm,
    l_t_new_lognumbers   type bal_t_lgnm.

* save this log
  insert i_log_handle into table l_t_log_handle.
  call function 'BAL_DB_SAVE'
            i_t_log_handle   = l_t_log_handle
            e_new_lognumbers = l_t_new_lognumbers
            others           = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* find out the lognumber of this saved log
  read table l_t_new_lognumbers into l_s_new_lognumber
             with key log_handle = i_log_handle.
  check sy-subrc = 0.
  g_lognumber = l_s_new_lognumber-lognumber.

* also save our own, complex data:
  export g_my_header_data g_my_message_data
         to database bal_indx(al)
         id g_lognumber.


************** FORMS FOR DISPLAY OF THE LOG **************************
* FORM log_display
form log_display.
    l_s_log_filter     type bal_s_lfil,
    l_s_obj            type bal_s_obj,
    l_s_extn           type bal_s_extn,
    l_t_log_header     type balhdr_t.

* create filter to search for this log on db
  clear l_s_log_filter-object.
  clear l_s_obj.
  l_s_obj-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_obj-option = 'EQ'.
  l_s_obj-low    = const_example_object.
  append l_s_obj to l_s_log_filter-object.
  clear l_s_extn.
  l_s_extn-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_extn-option = 'EQ'.
  l_s_extn-low    = const_example_extnumber.
  append l_s_extn to l_s_log_filter-extnumber.

* search for this log
  call function 'BAL_DB_SEARCH'
            i_s_log_filter = l_s_log_filter
            e_t_log_header = l_t_log_header
            others         = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* load these messages into memory
  call function 'BAL_DB_LOAD'
            i_t_log_header = l_t_log_header
            others         = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* show this log:
* - we do not specify the display profile I_DISPLAY_PROFILE since
*   we want to use the standard profile
* - we do not specify any filter (like I_S_LOG_FILTER, ...,
*   I_T_MSG_HANDLE) since we want to display all messages available
  call function 'BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY'
*           I_S_LOG_FILTER         =
*           I_T_LOG_CONTEXT_FILTER =
*           I_S_MSG_FILTER         =
*           I_T_MSG_CONTEXT_FILTER =
*           I_T_LOG_HANDLE         =
*           I_T_MSG_HANDLE         =
*           I_S_DISPLAY_PROFILE    =
            others = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

form callback_log_detail               "#EC CALLED
         i_params  structure spar.

* load my specififc data from database
  perform load_my_data

* display header data
  call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
            i_structure_name      = 'BAL_S_EX05'
            i_screen_start_column = 1
            i_screen_start_line   = 1
            i_screen_end_column   = 80
            i_screen_end_line     = 10
            t_outtab              = g_my_header_data
            others                = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
           with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

form callback_msg_detail               "#EC CALLED
         i_params     structure spar.

    l_my_message_data type bal_s_ex06 occurs 0.

* load my specififc data from database
  perform load_my_data

* find out the identifier for this message
  read table i_params with key param = const_name_msg_ident.
  check sy-subrc = 0.
  g_identifier = i_params-value.

* search for those entries which belong to thgis message
  read table g_my_message_data with key identifier = g_identifier.
  check sy-subrc = 0.
  l_my_message_data = g_my_message_data-t_my_data.

* display header data
  call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
            i_structure_name      = 'BAL_S_EX06'
            i_screen_start_column = 1
            i_screen_start_line   = 1
            i_screen_end_column   = 80
            i_screen_end_line     = 10
            t_outtab              = l_my_message_data
            others                = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
           with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.


form load_my_data
         i_params  structure spar.

    l_lognumber type balhdr-lognumber.

* find out the log number of this log which is displayed
* (this number is automatically added by the display module)
  read table i_params with key param = bal_param_lognumber.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    l_lognumber = i_params-value.

* when number has changed, load these data
  if g_lognumber ne l_lognumber.
    g_lognumber = l_lognumber.
    import g_my_header_data g_my_message_data
    from database bal_indx(al)
    id g_lognumber.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.


************** FORMS FOR DELETION OF THE LOG *************************
* FORM log_delete
form log_delete.
    l_s_log_filter     type bal_s_lfil,
    l_s_obj            type bal_s_obj,
    l_s_extn           type bal_s_extn,
    l_t_log_header     type balhdr_t.

* create filter to search for this log on db
  clear l_s_log_filter-object.
  clear l_s_obj.
  l_s_obj-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_obj-option = 'EQ'.
  l_s_obj-low    = const_example_object.
  append l_s_obj to l_s_log_filter-object.
  clear l_s_extn.
  l_s_extn-sign = 'I'.
  l_s_extn-option = 'EQ'.
  l_s_extn-low    = const_example_extnumber.
  append l_s_extn to l_s_log_filter-extnumber.

* search for this log
  call function 'BAL_DB_SEARCH'
            i_s_log_filter = l_s_log_filter
            e_t_log_header = l_t_log_header
            others         = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

* delete these logs
  call function 'BAL_DB_DELETE'
            i_t_logs_to_delete = l_t_log_header
            others             = 1.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

