1. 程式人生 > >Android Studio 3.4 Canary 8 釋出

Android Studio 3.4 Canary 8 釋出


Android Studio 3.4 Canary 8 釋出了。

此版本新增了一個工具 Resource Manager,資源管理器。


  • Bulk import: 可以通過 Resources 工具視窗或 Resource management import wizard,一次匯入多個可繪製資源。

  • Drag and drop assets: 在資源管理工具視窗中,可以將可繪製資源拖放到 Layout Editor 設計和文字檢視。

  • View alternative versions: 可以通過雙擊 Tool 


  • Tile and list views: 可以在 Tool 視窗中更改檢視視覺化資源。

此外,此版本還帶來一些 bug 修復:

  • Issue#120555992: Stop disabling tips of the day

  • Issue#120460980: Update AGP to Gradle 5.1-milestone-1

  • Issue#117646654: Stop injecting SDK m2repositories

  • Issue#116673790: Getting Execution failed for task processDebugResources'. > java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1

  • Issue#119210741: Lint offers auto fix to incompatible Android Gradle Plugin versions.

  • Issue#119994299: Android Studio / Image Assets Wizard / Launcher Icons / Legacy / Tool tip

  • Issue#119563792: Incorrect warnings in Android Studio Room SQL with FTS

  • Issue#118538324: Custom layout with Dialog Preference from android x layout issue in Android studio

  • Issue#120087311: Enforce RestrictTo(LIBRARY) when the API is defined in another project

  • Issue#120162341: Lint detection of Configuration.densityDpi field is strange when minSdk < 17

  • Issue#67816403: Option to disable System Image patcher

  • Issue#119661177: The ViewDataBinding.OnStartListener lifecycle observer leaks the view hierarchy after Fragment.onDestroyView

  • Issue#120255763: Deterministic Builds Break when using databinding
