阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-14
Exercise 5-1:
car = 'subaru'
print("Is car == 'subaru'? I predict True.")
print(car == 'subaru')
print("\nIs car == 'audi'? I predict false")
print(car == 'audi')
""" Exercise 5-2: 更多的條件測試 """ string1 = 'Audi' string2 = 'audi' print(string1 == string2) print(string1.lower() == string2.lower()) num1 = 3 num2 = -3 print(num1 > num2) print(num1 < num2) print(num1 == num2) print(num1 != num2) print(num1 >= num2) print(num1 <= num2) print(num1 > 0 and num2 > 0) print(num1 > 0 or num2 > 0) lists = ['a', 'b', 'c'] print('a' in lists) print('e' not in lists)
Exercise 5-3:
alien_color = 'green'
if alien_color == 'green':
print("You just earned 5 points!")
alien_color = 'red'
if alien_color == 'green':
print("You just earned 5 points!")
""" Exercise 5-4: 外星人的顏色#2 """ alien_color = 'green' if alien_color == 'green': print("You just earned 5 points!") else: print("You just earned 10 points!") alien_color = 'red' if alien_color == 'green': print("You just earned 5 points!") else: print("You just earned 10 points!")
Exercise 5-5:
alien_color = 'green'
if alien_color == 'green':
print("You just earned 5 points!")
elif alien_color == 'yellow' :
print("You just earned 10 points!")
print("You just earned 15 points!")
""" Exercise 5-6: 人生的不同階段 """ age = 21 if age <= 2: print("You are a baby!") elif age <= 4: print("You are a toddler!") elif age <= 13: print("You are a kid!") elif age <= 20: print("You are a teenager!") elif age <= 65: print("You are an adult!") else: print("You are an elder!")
Exercise 5-7:
favorite_fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'pitaya', 'peach']
if 'apple' in favorite_fruit:
print("You really like apple!")
if 'pear' in favorite_fruit:
print("You really like pear!")
if 'pitaya' in favorite_fruit:
print("You really like pitaya!")
if 'peach' in favorite_fruit:
print("You really like peach!")
Exercise 5-8:
names = ['admin', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
for i in names:
if i == 'admin':
print("Hello %s, would you like to see a status report?" %i)
print("Hello %s, thank you for logging in again." %i)
Exercise 5-9:
names = ['admin', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
del names[:]
if names:
for i in names:
if i == 'admin':
print("Hello %s, would you like to see a status report?" %i)
print("Hello %s, thank you for logging in again." %i)
print("We need to find some users!")
Exercise 5-10:
current_users = ['admin', 'B', 'c', 'd', 'e']
new_users = ['Admin', 'n', 'i', 'b', 'c']
for name in new_users:
if name.lower() not in current_users:
print("This name %s have not been used." %name)
print("This name %s exist." %name)
Exercise 5-11:
lists = [num for num in range(1,10)]
for list in lists:
if list == 1:
print("%d -> %dst" %(list, list))
elif list == 2:
print("%d -> %dnd" % (list, list))
elif list == 3:
print("%d -> %drd" % (list, list))
print("%d -> %dth" % (list, list))