1. 程式人生 > >《c and pointer》第7章問題與練習整理

《c and pointer》第7章問題與練習整理

#問題 1.具有空函式體的函式可以作為存根使用,你如何對這類函式進行修改,使其更有用? Have the stub(存根) print out a message when it is called,perhaps printing the values it was given as arguments. 當存根函式被呼叫時,列印一條資訊,或者列印作為引數傳遞給它的值

2.在ANSI C中,函式的原型非必需,請問這個規定是優點還是缺點? An advantage is that it allows you to be lazy; there is less code to write. The other consequences, such as being able to call functions with the wrong numbers or types of arguments, are all disadvantages. 一個優點是它可以讓你變得懶惰; 寫的程式碼較少。其他後果,例如能夠使用錯誤的數字或型別的引數呼叫函式,都是缺點。

3.如果在一個函式的宣告中它的返回型別為A,但它的函式體內有一條return語句,返回了一個型別為B的表示式,請問,這將導致什麼後果? The value is converted to the type specified by the function. The Standard indicates that this is done the same as if the value had been assigned to a variable of that type. 該值將轉換為函式指定的型別。 標準表明這與將值分配給該型別的變數的方式相同。

4.如果一個函式宣告的返回型別為void,但它的函式體中包含一條return語句,返回了一個表示式,請問,這將導致什麼後果? This is not allowed; the compiler should give an error message. 這是不允許的; 編譯器應該給出錯誤訊息。

5.如果一個函式被呼叫之前,編譯器無法看到它的原型,那麼當這個函式返回一個不是整型的值時,會發生什麼情況? The value returned is interpreted(解釋)as if it were an integer. 返回的值被解釋為它是一個整數。

6.如果一個函式被呼叫之前,編譯器無法看到它的原型,如果當這個函式被呼叫時,實際傳遞給它的引數與它的形參型別不匹配,會發生什麼情況? The argument values are interpreted(解釋) as the types of the formal parameters(形參), not their real types. 引數值被解釋為形式引數的型別,而不是它們的真實型別。


int find_max(int array[10])
    int i;
    int max = array[0];
    for(i = 1; i < 10; i += 1){
        if(array[i] > max)
            max = array[i];
    return max;


8.遞迴和while迴圈之間是如何相似的? 遞迴和迭代都必須設定一些目標,當達到這些目標時便終止執行。每個遞迴呼叫和迴圈的每次迭代必須取得一些進展,進一步靠近這些目標。

9.請解釋把函式原型單獨放在#include檔案中的優點 1.在幾個原始檔中使用#include比複製原型更容易 2.原型本身只有一個副本 3.#include原型在定義函式的檔案中確保它們匹配

10.在你的系統中,進入遞迴形式的菲波那契函式,並在函式的起始出增加一條語句,它增加一個全域性整型變數的值。現在編寫一個main函式,把這個全域性變數設定為0並計算Fibonacci(1).重複這個過程,計算FIbonacci(2)至Fibonacci(10)。在每個計算過程中分別呼叫了幾次Fibonacci函式?這個全域性變數值的增加和菲波那契數列本身有沒有任何關聯?基於上面這些資訊,你能不能計算出Fibonacci(11)、Fibonacci(25)、Fibonacci(50)分別呼叫了多少次Fibonacci函式? 進展確實與斐波納契數相關:每個計數是前兩個計數加1的總和。下面是測試的結果,count顯示使用遞迴計算fibonacci數列有多糟糕。 Fibonacci(n) Number of Calls 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 5 5 9 6 15 7 25 8 41 9 67 10 109 11 177 15 1219 20 13529 25 150049 30 1664079 40 204668309 50 25172538049 75 4222970155956099 100 708449696358523830149

#程式設計練習 1.Hermite Polynominal(厄米多項式)是這樣定義的    n ≤ 0 :   1

Hn(x) =   n = 1 :  2x

n ≥ 2 :  2xHn-1(x) - 2(n - 1) Hn-2(x) 例如,H3(2)的值是40,請編寫一個遞迴函式,計算Hn(x)的值,你的函式應該與下面的原型匹配: int hermite( int n, int x)


#include "stdafx.h"

int hermite(int n,int x);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf("Hn(x) =  %d\n",hermite(3,2));
	return 0;

int hermite(int n,int x)
	if(n <= 0)
		return 1;
	if(n == 1)
		return 2*x;
	if(n >= 2)
		return 2*x*hermite(n-1,x) - 2*(n-1)*hermite(n-2,x);
	return false;

2.兩個整型值M和N(M、N均大於0)的最大公約數可以按照下面的方法計算:        M % N = 0 : N gcd(M,N) =        M % N = R, R > 0 : gcd(N,R) 請編寫一個名叫gcd的函式,接受兩個整數引數,並返回這 兩個數的最大公約數。如果這兩個引數中的任何一個不大於 零,函式應該返回零。   VC6.0環境

#include "stdafx.h"

int gcd(int M,int N);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf(" greatest common divisor=  %d\n",gcd(12,5));
	return 0;

** Return the greatest common divisor of the arguments m and n (recursively).
int gcd(int M,int N)
	int R = 0;

	if( M <= 0 || N <= 0 )
		return 0;
	R = M % N;

	return R > 0 ? gcd( N , R ) : N;

3.為下面這個函式原型編寫函式定義: int ascii_to_integer(char *string); 這個字串引數必須包含一個或多個數字,函式應該把這些數字字元轉換為整數並返回這個整數,如果字串引數包含了任何非數字字元,函式就返回零。請不必擔心算數溢位。提示:這個技巧很簡單,你每發現一個數字,把當前值乘以10,並把這個值和新數字所代表的值相加.


#include "stdafx.h"

char *str = "1234567890";

int ascii_to_integer(char *string);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf(" ascii to integer result =  %d\n",ascii_to_integer(str));
	return 0;

int ascii_to_integer(char *string)
	int value = 0;
	while( *string >= '0' && *string <= '9')
		value *= 10;
		value += *string - '0';
	if( *string != '\0')
		value = 0;
	return value;



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdarg.h>

int max_list( int first_arg, ... );

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf(" max_list result =  %d\n",max_list(1,2,3,4,5,-1));
	return 0;

** Return the largest value from the argument list. The list is terminated by a
** negative value.
int max_list( int first_arg, ... )
	va_list var_arg;
	int max = 0;
	** Get the first arg if there is one and save it as the max.
	if( first_arg >= 0 )
		int this_arg;
		max = first_arg;
		** Get the remaining arguments and save each one if it is
		** greater than the current max.
		va_start( var_arg, first_arg );
/*va_arg( var_arg, int )每呼叫一次返回當前引數的值,並使var_arg指向下一個可變引數*/		
 		while( ( this_arg = va_arg( var_arg, int ) ) >= 0 )
			if( this_arg > max )
					max = this_arg;
		va_end( var_arg );
	return max;


** Bare–bones printf function: handles the %d, %f, %s, and %c format codes.
void printf( char *format, ... )
	va_list arg;
	char ch;
	char *str;
	va_start( arg, format );
	** Get the format characters one by one.
	while( ( ch = *format++ ) != ’\0’ )
		if( ch != ’%’ )
			** Not a format code –– print the character verbatim.
			putchar( ch );
		** We got a % –– now get the format code and use it to format
		** the next argument.
		switch( *format != ’\0’ ? *format++ : ’\0’ )
			case ’d’:
			print_integer( va_arg( arg, int ) );
			case ’f’:
			print_float( va_arg( arg, float ) );
			case ’c’:
			putchar( va_arg( arg, int ) );
			case ’s’:
			str = va_arg( arg, char * );
			while( *str != ’\0’ )
			putchar( *str++ );
	va_end( var_arg );

6.編寫函式:void written_amount(unsigned int amount,char *buffer); 它把amount表示的值轉化為單詞形式,並存儲於buffer中,這個函式可以在一個列印支票的程式中使用。例如,如果amount的值是16312,那麼buffer中儲存的字串應該是: SIXTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWELVE 呼叫程式應該保證buffer緩衝區的空間足夠大。有些值可以用兩種不同的方法進行列印。例如,1200可以是ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED或TWELVE HUNDRED。你可以選擇一種你喜歡的形式。


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>

char buffer[20];
void written_amount(unsigned int amount,char *buffer);

** Convert a numeric value to words.(digits數字 magnitudes大小)
**陣列下標和數字對應digits[0] = "",digits[1] = "ONE",digits[2] = "TWO" ......
static char *digits[] = 
	"", "ONE ", "TWO ", "THREE ", "FOUR ", "FIVE ", "SIX ", "SEVEN ",

/*陣列下標和數字表示的含義對應tens[2] =  "TWENTY" tens[3] =  "THIRTY"......*/
static char *tens[] = 
	"", "", "TWENTY ", "THIRTY ", "FORTY ", "FIFTY ", "SIXTY ", "SEVENTY ",

static char *magnitudes[] =

** Convert the last 3–digit group of amount to words. Amount is the value
** to be converted, buffer is where to put the words, and magnitude is the
** name of the 3–digit group we’re working on.
static void do_one_group( unsigned int amount, char *buffer, char **magnitude )
	int value;
	** Get all the digits beyond the last three. If we have any value
	** there, process those digits first. Note that they are in the next
	** magnitude.
	value = amount / 1000;
	if( value > 0 )
		do_one_group( value, buffer, magnitude + 1 );
	** Now process this group of digits. Any hundreds?
	amount %= 1000;
	value = amount / 100;
	if( value > 0 )
		strcat( buffer, digits[ value ] );
		strcat( buffer, "HUNDRED " );
	** Now do the rest of the value. If less than 20, treat it as a single
	** digit to get the teens names.
	value = amount % 100;
	if( value >= 20 )
		** Greater than 20. Do a tens name and leave the units to be
		** printed next.
		strcat( buffer, tens[ value / 10 ] );
		value %= 10;
	if( value > 0 )
		strcat( buffer, digits[ value ] );
	** If we had any value in this group at all, print the magnitude.
	if( amount > 0 )
		strcat( buffer, *magnitude );

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	return 0;
void written_amount( unsigned int amount, char *buffer )
	if( amount == 0 )
		** Special case for zero.
		strcpy( buffer, "ZERO" );
		** Store an empty string in the buffer, then begin.
		*buffer = '\0';
		do_one_group( amount, buffer, magnitudes );