1. 程式人生 > >Python學習——語言介紹


  • 1989年,為了打發聖誕節假期,Guido開始寫Python語言的編譯器。Python這個名字,來自Guido所摯愛的電視劇Monty Python’s Flying Circus。他希望這個新的叫做Python的語言,能符合他的理想:創造一種C和Shell之間,功能全面,易學易用,可拓展的語言。
  • 1991年,第一個Python編譯器誕生。它是用C語言實現的,並能夠呼叫C語言的庫檔案。從一出生,Python已經具有了:類,函式,異常處理,包含表和詞典在內的核心資料型別,以及模組為基礎的拓展系統。
  • Granddaddy of Python web frameworks, Zope 1 was released in 1999.
  • Python 1.0 - January 1994 增加了 lambda, map, filter and reduce.
  • Python 2.0 - October 16, 2000,加入了記憶體回收機制,構成了現在Python語言框架的基礎。
  • Python 2.4 - November 30, 2004, 同年目前最流行的WEB框架Django 誕生。
  • Python 2.5 - September 19, 2006
  • Python 2.6 - October 1, 2008
  • Python 2.7 - July 3, 2010
  • In November 2014, it was announced that Python 2.7 would be supported until 2020, and reaffirmed that there would be no 2.8 release as users were expected to move to Python 3.4+ as soon as possible.
  • Python 3.0 - December 3, 2008
  • Python 3.1 - June 27, 2009
  • Python 3.2 - February 20, 2011
  • Python 3.3 - September 29, 2012
  • Python 3.4 - March 16, 2014
  • Python 3.5 - September 13, 2015