1. 程式人生 > >口語學習Day7:今天聊聊美國超市的物價



last week,I went grocery shopping at an Asian supermarket(上週。我去亞洲超市買東西)

And some of you were curious about how much I spent(然後一些小夥伴好奇當時花了多少錢)

At that time,It was $8 in total (當時總共花了8美元)

And today I`m taking you to a Korean grocery store(今天帶你去韓國超市)

so that you can check the prices for yourself(這樣你們可以自己看價格)

But before we go(但是去之前)

you should know that the median household income for California(你應該知道,加州家庭中位年收入)

is roughly around $67,000(大概在6萬7千美元)

Here`s the fresh produce section(這邊是新鮮蔬菜區)

and everything is under $1 per bunch(菜價每把都在1美元以下)

And look at the fruits(看看這些水果)

Here EA means each(這裡的EA表示個) and LB means pound(LB意思是英鎊) Here`s the fresh meat section(這邊是先肉類區) and I`m going to pick up dime fresh meat(我打算買一些肉) checken wings $4.27(雞翅4.27美元) Let`s see what I just found(看看我發現什麼) OK,I have to check out now(現在我要去結賬了)