WebMvcConfigurerAdapter 在Spring5.0已被廢棄
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-15
在SpringBoot2.0及Spring 5.0 WebMvcConfigurerAdapter已被廢棄,目前找到解決方案就有兩種
1 直接實現WebMvcConfigurer (官方推薦)
public class WebMvcConfg implements WebMvcConfigurer {
2 直接繼承WebMvcConfigurationSupport
@Configuration public class WebMvcConfg extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { //todo }
今天查了下官方api Deprecated. as of 5.0 WebMvcConfigurer has default methods (made possible by a Java 8 baseline) and can be implemented directly without the need for this adapter An implementation of WebMvcConfigurer with empty methods allowing subclasses to override only the methods they’re interested in. 因此推薦第一種方式