1. 程式人生 > >英語四級重點短語(一)


devote …to … 將…致力於…

derive from … = originate from … = stem from …源自於

instant  adj.立即的、速溶的

instant coffee速溶咖啡

instant noodle 方便麵 the instant noodles

collectivism 集體主義

national treasure 國寶

have an impact on  對 … 有影響

persist in doing something 堅持做某事

insist on doing something 堅持做某事(內心渴望的事情)

Nothing in this world can take place of persistence.

range from 從…到…範圍

range from … to … 範圍從…到…

step into … 走進、步入

In addition, 此外,

in addition to something 除 … 以外

quality time = golden time  黃金時間

quality of life  基本生活條件

quality of work 工作質量

quality of service 服務質量

appeal to 吸引… ; 呼籲…

soaring price 飛漲的價格

apply for 申請    apply to … 應用於…

prevent somebody from doing something

= keep somebody from doing something 預防某人做某事

consist of … 由…組成

consist in = lie in 在於…

be located in 位於…

a consist with b   a和b一致的/連貫的

tend to … 趨向於…; 往往會…

intend to do something 打算、企圖做某事

intention  n.意圖;目的;意向;癒合

objection = opposition 反對

object to doing something = oppose to doing something 反對做某事

underlying trend 潛在的趨勢

visual effect 視覺效果

attach … to … 將…貼上到…

attach great importance to …(education) 重視教育

graduate from … 畢業於

under no circumstance 任何情況下都不、絕不

rare bird 特立獨行的人、與眾不同的人

amount to … 相當於、總計為

casual wear 休閒裝

regard … as … = see … as … = view … as …把 … 看作

increasingly + adj. 越來越…

increasingly rich 越來越富裕

be vulnerable to … 容易受到 ….. 的傷害

vulnerability = weak point 弱點

specialize in … 專攻…; 專門研究…

specialize in English 專攻英語

thought provoking 發人深思的

far-reaching 影響深遠的

for instance = for example 例如、例子

for an instance 舉個例子

as for special instance 如特殊情況                                                                                              

for another instance 又如

adapt … to … 使…適應…

adapt to … 適應…

considerable progress 相當大的進步

from my perspective = from my point of view 在我看來

a variety of = all kinds of = all sorts of 各種各樣的

primary school = elementary school 小學

occupation = profession = vocation 職業

contribute to … 促進…; 有助於…

give rise to … 導致…

participate in = take part in 參加、參與

switch on = turn on 開啟

switch off = turn off 關閉

gross income 總收入 net income 淨收入

cling to … 依附於 … ; 堅持  stick to … 堅持…

tend to … 趨向於…

the sense of achievement = the sense of accomplishment 成就感

the sense of cooperation 合作意識

awareness = consciousness 意識

essential adj.精華的、至關重要的

be essential for … 對…必不可少的

to … extent 到 … 的程度

to a large extent 在很大程度上

to some extent 在某種程度上

raise children 撫養小孩

raise dog 飼養小狗

raise money 籌錢

love and respect our parents 孝敬父母

exceptional children 特殊兒童

there is no doubt that … 毫無疑問的

it is beyond doubt that … 毋庸置疑的

it`s beyond doubt that Mr.Zhang is not only handsome but also wise.

the powerful 有權勢的人

the powerless 無權無勢的人

in this aspect = in this respect 在這方面

quote = cite v.引用

be conscious of = be aware of 知道… ; 意識到…

escape from … 從…逃跑

comprehensive national power 綜合國力

issue a report 釋出一篇報告

extremely essential 及其重要的

topic = subject = theme 話題

deprive sb of sth = rob sb of sth剝奪某人某事

distinguished = outstanding 傑出的、卓越的

distinguished statesman = outstanding stateman 卓越的政治家

cater to 迎合、為 … 服務

in case 以防

track v.跟蹤、追蹤

keep track of 跟蹤

be likely to … 可能…

be unlikely to… 不太可能…

remarkably 顯著地

respectively 分別地

respond to …  v.對…做出反應

in response to … 作為對…的反應

drive sb + adj. 使某人…

drive sb crazy 使某人瘋狂

that is to say 也就是說

other than 除了…

Rather than 而不是…

due to = owing to = because of 由於

help to … 有助於

fail to … 未能

stress n.壓力;n v.強調重視

the university publicly stressed 大學公開強調

the former 前者 the later 後者

turn to … 求助於…;訴諸於…

turn to sb = ask sb for help

in a time 一段時間後、不久

not … but rather … = not … but …不是 … 而是…

They will not putrefy but rather ferment. 它們雖沒有變腐但的確發酵了。

have much to do with… 跟…有很大的關係

in the wake of 伴隨著、隨著

education cause 教育事業

be admitted to 加入;獲准做某事

be admitted to university 被大學錄取

under no circumstances = in no way = by no means 決不

help provide = help to provide 幫助提供

It is the spirit of innovation that … 正是創新精神


tradition and custom 傳統和習俗

traditional 傳統的  virtue 美德、優點

conventional  adj.慣例的、習俗的

convention n.大會、公約、慣例習俗

specially  adv.特殊地

especially = particularly = in particular 特別、尤其

make the environment beautiful 美化環境

decorate v.裝飾  decoration n.裝飾

society  n.社會、交往 social 社會的

the development of society 社會的發展

social harmony 社會和諧 harmony n.和諧

civilization n.文明

social civilization 社會文明

economy 經濟 economist 經濟學家

the circle of friends 朋友圈

flourish = thrive V.繁榮興旺

the crisis of finance = the financial crisis 金融危機

the crisis of economy = the economical crisis 經濟危機

the great depression 大蕭條

revive V.復活、復甦 revival n.復活、復甦 recover V.恢復、復甦

socialism 社會主義  socialist 社會主義者

capital n.首都首會、資金資本adj.首要的  capitalist 資本家

communism 共產主義 communist共產主義者

profit oriented 以利潤為嚮導的

market oriented economy 市場經濟

socialist market oriented economy

= the market oriented economy of socialism 社會主義市場經濟

sustainable development 可持續發展

cultural confidence文化自信

protect and promote the traditional culture of china 保護並弘揚中華文化

culture prosperity 文化繁榮

technology 科技 biotech = biotechnology 生物科技

technological innovation 技術創新

high technology = high-tech高科技

Innovation n.創新 innovate V.創新 innovative adj.創新的

the innovative spirit = the spirit of innovation 創新精神

cultivate the spirit of innovation 培養創新精神

cultivate the awareness of cooperation 培養合作意識

start up business = open one`s own company 創業

marriage celebration = wedding celebration 婚慶

atmosphere n.大氣、環境、氣氛氛圍

happy atmosphere快樂的氣氛

climate 氣候、氣氛、氛圍

academic climate 學術氣氛

present = gift 禮物

holiday = festival 節日

the Spring Festival 春節

theme = topic = subject主題

relative adj.相關的、相對的n.親戚  

relate V.聯絡;講述、敘述 relation n.聯絡;講述、敘述

close friends and relatives 親朋好友

focus on 集中於 pay attention to 關注

intense 強烈的、激烈的 intense competition激烈競爭

increasingly + adj. 越來越 …

the competition is becoming increasingly intense 比賽變得越來越激烈

the environment pollution is becoming increasingly severe 環境汙染變得越來越嚴重

success achieve = accomplish V.完成實現

achievement = accomplishment n.成就

annual 年度的 annually 年度地

competition 競爭 race 競賽  contest 競賽

take part in = participate in 參加參與

participant n.參加者 player n.選手

social gathering 社交聚會

promote V.推動促進、促銷推銷、晉升

tour n. V.旅遊 tourism 旅遊業 tourist 遊客

promote the development of tourism 促進旅遊業的發展

tourist attractions = scenic spots 旅遊景點

reform and opening up 改革開放

With the policy of reform and opening up , people are becoming increasingly rich.


Modernize V.使現代化 modernization 現代化

industrialize 使工業化 industrialization工業化

globalize V.使全球化

With the coming of globalization, the English is become increasingly important.


environmental protection 環境保護

medical care and health care醫療保健

the growth of economy 經濟增長

remarkable progress 顯著的進步

cope with = deal with = handle 處理

face 面對 face up to 勇敢的面對

confront v.面對、遭遇 encounter v.面對

strive to do sth = try one`s best to do sth 竭盡全力做某事

strive for … 為 … 而努力

spare no efforts to do sth 不遺餘力做某事

critical thinking 批判思維

blindly follow the public 盲從大眾

yield to the wishes of their parents 聽從他們父母的意願

yield to … 屈服於

derive from … = stem from … =come from … 起源於

what`s indisputable is that … 無可爭辯的是…

the immediate problem is … 最直接的問題是

reduce one`s awareness of … 減少某人對…的感知

divert from 轉移

divert attention from …將注意力從…轉移

keep from …阻止…

keep sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事


It`s extremely essential to … = It`s very important to …這是非常重要的…

a considerable number of … 許多…

considerable progress 相當大的進步

considerable development and progress 相當大的發展與進步

settle/resolve this problem = solve this problem 解決問題

be beneficial to … = be helpful to … = be good to …對…有好處

be harmful to … = be harm to … = be bad to … 對…有壞處

It`s extremely apparent that … 非常明顯的是…

It`s extremely apparent that Mr.Zhang is not only handsome but also wise, who is our friend.

It has been universally acknowledged that …

=as well as known = as we all know 總所周知

mutual understanding 相互理解

mutual respect 相互尊重

mutual trust 相互信任

It has been universally acknowledged that the mutual respect between teachers and students is extremely beneficial to both of them , which deserves our attention and support.


from my perspective = from my point of view 在我看來

In conclusion,  = In one word, 總之,

After what we have discussed above, we can easily come to the conclusion that + 自己的觀點


After what we have discussed above, we can easily come to the conclusion that effective measures should be taken to advocate the mutual respect.


Just as an old saying goes:  正如一個老的諺語所說


Simple as the picture/chart/saying is, what it wants to convey is thought-provoking.



In order to justify the viewpoint that I have mentioned above, I cannot come up with a better illustration than the example of Lei Feng, a great warrior, who devoted his whole life to helping the people in difficulty.



Only in this way, can our society become more harmonious to live in.



Only through the combined efforts of the whole society, can we completely resolve this problem.



Only by doing so, can our prospect become better and better.



Consequently, 因此,

The aggressive emperor 這個野心勃勃的皇帝


Monitor n.顯示器 V.監視

She is being constantly monitored by the man in the chair.
