public class HelloReflect { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // 1. 使用外部配置的實現,進行動態載入類 TempFunctionTest test = (TempFunctionTest)Class.forName("com.tester.HelloReflect").newInstance(); test.sayHello("call directly"); // 2. 根據配置的函式名,進行方法呼叫(不需要通用的介面抽象) Object t2 = new TempFunctionTest(); Method method = t2.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("sayHello", String.class); method.invoke(test, "method invoke"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }public void sayHello(String word) { System.out.println("hello," + word); } }
1. 反射獲取類例項 Class.forName("C.a.xxx");
首先呼叫了 java.lang.Class 的靜態方法,獲取類資訊!
@CallerSensitive public static Class<?> forName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { // 先通過反射,獲取呼叫進來的類資訊,從而獲取當前的 classLoader Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); // 呼叫native方法進行獲取class資訊 return forName0(className, true, ClassLoader.getClassLoader(caller), caller); }
主要是先獲取 ClassLoader, 然後呼叫 native 方法,獲取資訊,載入類則是回撥 java.lang.ClassLoader.
最後,jvm又會回撥 ClassLoader 進類載入!
// public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return loadClass(name, false); } // sun.misc.Launcher public Class<?> loadClass(String var1, boolean var2) throws ClassNotFoundException { int var3 = var1.lastIndexOf(46); if(var3 != -1) { SecurityManager var4 = System.getSecurityManager(); if(var4 != null) { var4.checkPackageAccess(var1.substring(0, var3)); } } if(this.ucp.knownToNotExist(var1)) { Class var5 = this.findLoadedClass(var1); if(var5 != null) { if(var2) { this.resolveClass(var5); } return var5; } else { throw new ClassNotFoundException(var1); } } else { return super.loadClass(var1, var2); } } // java.lang.ClassLoader protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { // 先獲取鎖 synchronized (getClassLoadingLock(name)) { // First, check if the class has already been loaded // 如果已經載入了的話,就不用再載入了 Class<?> c = findLoadedClass(name); if (c == null) { long t0 = System.nanoTime(); try { // 雙親委託載入 if (parent != null) { c = parent.loadClass(name, false); } else { c = findBootstrapClassOrNull(name); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // ClassNotFoundException thrown if class not found // from the non-null parent class loader } // 父類沒有載入到時,再自己載入 if (c == null) { // If still not found, then invoke findClass in order // to find the class. long t1 = System.nanoTime(); c = findClass(name); // this is the defining class loader; record the stats sun.misc.PerfCounter.getParentDelegationTime().addTime(t1 - t0); sun.misc.PerfCounter.getFindClassTime().addElapsedTimeFrom(t1); sun.misc.PerfCounter.getFindClasses().increment(); } } if (resolve) { resolveClass(c); } return c; } } protected Object getClassLoadingLock(String className) { Object lock = this; if (parallelLockMap != null) { // 使用 ConcurrentHashMap來儲存鎖 Object newLock = new Object(); lock = parallelLockMap.putIfAbsent(className, newLock); if (lock == null) { lock = newLock; } } return lock; } protected final Class<?> findLoadedClass(String name) { if (!checkName(name)) return null; return findLoadedClass0(name); }
下面來看一下 newInstance() 的實現方式!
// 首先肯定是 Class.newInstance @CallerSensitive public T newInstance() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC, Reflection.getCallerClass(), false); } // NOTE: the following code may not be strictly correct under // the current Java memory model. // Constructor lookup // newInstance() 其實相當於呼叫類的無參建構函式,所以,首先要找到其無參構造器 if (cachedConstructor == null) { if (this == Class.class) { // 不允許呼叫 Class 的 newInstance() 方法 throw new IllegalAccessException( "Can not call newInstance() on the Class for java.lang.Class" ); } try { // 獲取無參構造器 Class<?>[] empty = {}; final Constructor<T> c = getConstructor0(empty, Member.DECLARED); // Disable accessibility checks on the constructor // since we have to do the security check here anyway // (the stack depth is wrong for the Constructor's // security check to work) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { c.setAccessible(true); return null; } }); cachedConstructor = c; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw (InstantiationException) new InstantiationException(getName()).initCause(e); } } Constructor<T> tmpConstructor = cachedConstructor; // Security check (same as in java.lang.reflect.Constructor) int modifiers = tmpConstructor.getModifiers(); if (!Reflection.quickCheckMemberAccess(this, modifiers)) { Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); if (newInstanceCallerCache != caller) { Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(caller, this, null, modifiers); newInstanceCallerCache = caller; } } // Run constructor try { // 呼叫無參構造器 return tmpConstructor.newInstance((Object[])null); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Unsafe.getUnsafe().throwException(e.getTargetException()); // Not reached return null; } }
newInstance() 主要做了三件事:
1. 許可權檢測,如果不通過直接丟擲異常;
2. 查詢無參構造器,並將其快取起來;
3. 呼叫具體方法的無參構造方法,生成例項並返回;
private Constructor<T> getConstructor0(Class<?>[] parameterTypes, int which) throws NoSuchMethodException { // 獲取所有構造器 Constructor<T>[] constructors = privateGetDeclaredConstructors((which == Member.PUBLIC)); for (Constructor<T> constructor : constructors) { if (arrayContentsEq(parameterTypes, constructor.getParameterTypes())) { return getReflectionFactory().copyConstructor(constructor); } } throw new NoSuchMethodException(getName() + ".<init>" + argumentTypesToString(parameterTypes)); }
getConstructor0() 為獲取匹配的構造方器;分三步:
1. 先獲取所有的constructors, 然後通過進行引數型別比較;
2. 找到匹配後,通過 ReflectionFactory copy一份constructor返回;
3. 否則丟擲 NoSuchMethodException;
// 獲取當前類所有的構造方法,通過jvm或者快取 // Returns an array of "root" constructors. These Constructor // objects must NOT be propagated to the outside world, but must // instead be copied via ReflectionFactory.copyConstructor. private Constructor<T>[] privateGetDeclaredConstructors(boolean publicOnly) { checkInitted(); Constructor<T>[] res; // 呼叫 reflectionData(), 獲取儲存的資訊,使用軟引用儲存,從而使記憶體不夠可以回收 ReflectionData<T> rd = reflectionData(); if (rd != null) { res = publicOnly ? rd.publicConstructors : rd.declaredConstructors; // 存在快取,則直接返回 if (res != null) return res; } // No cached value available; request value from VM if (isInterface()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<T>[] temporaryRes = (Constructor<T>[]) new Constructor<?>[0]; res = temporaryRes; } else { // 使用native方法從jvm獲取構造器 res = getDeclaredConstructors0(publicOnly); } if (rd != null) { // 最後,將從jvm中讀取的內容,存入快取 if (publicOnly) { rd.publicConstructors = res; } else { rd.declaredConstructors = res; } } return res; } // Lazily create and cache ReflectionData private ReflectionData<T> reflectionData() { SoftReference<ReflectionData<T>> reflectionData = this.reflectionData; int classRedefinedCount = this.classRedefinedCount; ReflectionData<T> rd; if (useCaches && reflectionData != null && (rd = reflectionData.get()) != null && rd.redefinedCount == classRedefinedCount) { return rd; } // else no SoftReference or cleared SoftReference or stale ReflectionData // -> create and replace new instance return newReflectionData(reflectionData, classRedefinedCount); } // 新建立快取,儲存反射資訊 private ReflectionData<T> newReflectionData(SoftReference<ReflectionData<T>> oldReflectionData, int classRedefinedCount) { if (!useCaches) return null; // 使用cas保證更新的執行緒安全性,所以反射是保證執行緒安全的 while (true) { ReflectionData<T> rd = new ReflectionData<>(classRedefinedCount); // try to CAS it... if (Atomic.casReflectionData(this, oldReflectionData, new SoftReference<>(rd))) { return rd; } // 先使用CAS更新,如果更新成功,則立即返回,否則測查當前已被其他執行緒更新的情況,如果和自己想要更新的狀態一致,則也算是成功了 oldReflectionData = this.reflectionData; classRedefinedCount = this.classRedefinedCount; if (oldReflectionData != null && (rd = oldReflectionData.get()) != null && rd.redefinedCount == classRedefinedCount) { return rd; } } }
如上,privateGetDeclaredConstructors(), 獲取所有的構造器主要步驟;
1. 先嚐試從快取中獲取;
2. 如果快取沒有,則從jvm中重新獲取,並存入快取,快取使用軟引用進行儲存,保證記憶體可用;
另外,使用 relactionData() 進行快取儲存;ReflectionData 的資料結構如下!
// reflection data that might get invalidated when JVM TI RedefineClasses() is called private static class ReflectionData<T> { volatile Field[] declaredFields; volatile Field[] publicFields; volatile Method[] declaredMethods; volatile Method[] publicMethods; volatile Constructor<T>[] declaredConstructors; volatile Constructor<T>[] publicConstructors; // Intermediate results for getFields and getMethods volatile Field[] declaredPublicFields; volatile Method[] declaredPublicMethods; volatile Class<?>[] interfaces; // Value of classRedefinedCount when we created this ReflectionData instance final int redefinedCount; ReflectionData(int redefinedCount) { this.redefinedCount = redefinedCount; } }
private static boolean arrayContentsEq(Object[] a1, Object[] a2) { if (a1 == null) { return a2 == null || a2.length == 0; } if (a2 == null) { return a1.length == 0; } if (a1.length != a2.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { if (a1[i] != a2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory /** Makes a copy of the passed constructor. The returned constructor is a "child" of the passed one; see the comments in Constructor.java for details. */ public <T> Constructor<T> copyConstructor(Constructor<T> arg) { return langReflectAccess().copyConstructor(arg); } // java.lang.reflect.Constructor, copy 其實就是新new一個 Constructor 出來 Constructor<T> copy() { // This routine enables sharing of ConstructorAccessor objects // among Constructor objects which refer to the same underlying // method in the VM. (All of this contortion is only necessary // because of the "accessibility" bit in AccessibleObject, // which implicitly requires that new java.lang.reflect // objects be fabricated for each reflective call on Class // objects.) if (this.root != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not copy a non-root Constructor"); Constructor<T> res = new Constructor<>(clazz, parameterTypes, exceptionTypes, modifiers, slot, signature, annotations, parameterAnnotations); // root 指向當前 constructor res.root = this; // Might as well eagerly propagate this if already present res.constructorAccessor = constructorAccessor; return res; }
通過上面,獲取到 Constructor 了!
接下來就只需呼叫其相應構造器的 newInstance(),即返回例項了!
// return tmpConstructor.newInstance((Object[])null); // java.lang.reflect.Constructor @CallerSensitive public T newInstance(Object ... initargs) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { if (!override) { if (!Reflection.quickCheckMemberAccess(clazz, modifiers)) { Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); checkAccess(caller, clazz, null, modifiers); } } if ((clazz.getModifiers() & Modifier.ENUM) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot reflectively create enum objects"); ConstructorAccessor ca = constructorAccessor; // read volatile if (ca == null) { ca = acquireConstructorAccessor(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T inst = (T) ca.newInstance(initargs); return inst; } // sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl public Object newInstance(Object[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { return delegate.newInstance(args); } // sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl public Object newInstance(Object[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { // We can't inflate a constructor belonging to a vm-anonymous class // because that kind of class can't be referred to by name, hence can't // be found from the generated bytecode. if (++numInvocations > ReflectionFactory.inflationThreshold() && !ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(c.getDeclaringClass())) { ConstructorAccessorImpl acc = (ConstructorAccessorImpl) new MethodAccessorGenerator(). generateConstructor(c.getDeclaringClass(), c.getParameterTypes(), c.getExceptionTypes(), c.getModifiers()); parent.setDelegate(acc); } // 呼叫native方法,進行呼叫 constructor return newInstance0(c, args); }
2. 反射獲取方法 c.class.getDeclaredMethod();Method.invoke() 反射呼叫方法!
第一步,先獲取 Method;
// java.lang.Class @CallerSensitive public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED, Reflection.getCallerClass(), true); Method method = searchMethods(privateGetDeclaredMethods(false), name, parameterTypes); if (method == null) { throw new NoSuchMethodException(getName() + "." + name + argumentTypesToString(parameterTypes)); } return method; }
1. 獲取所有方法列表;
2. 根據方法名稱和方法列表,選出符合要求的方法;
3. 如果沒有找到相應方法,丟擲異常,否則返回對應方法;
// Returns an array of "root" methods. These Method objects must NOT // be propagated to the outside world, but must instead be copied // via ReflectionFactory.copyMethod. private Method[] privateGetDeclaredMethods(boolean publicOnly) { checkInitted(); Method[] res; ReflectionData<T> rd = reflectionData(); if (rd != null) { res = publicOnly ? rd.declaredPublicMethods : rd.declaredMethods; if (res != null) return res; } // No cached value available; request value from VM res = Reflection.filterMethods(this, getDeclaredMethods0(publicOnly)); if (rd != null) { if (publicOnly) { rd.declaredPublicMethods = res; } else { rd.declaredMethods = res; } } return res; }
不同的是,方法列表需要進行過濾 Reflection.filterMethods;當然後面看來,這個方法我們一般不會派上用場!
// sun.misc.Reflection public static Method[] filterMethods(Class<?> containingClass, Method[] methods) { if (methodFilterMap == null) { // Bootstrapping return methods; } return (Method[])filter(methods, methodFilterMap.get(containingClass)); } // 可以過濾指定的方法,一般為空,如果要指定過濾,可以呼叫 registerMethodsToFilter(), 或者... private static Member[] filter(Member[] members, String[] filteredNames) { if ((filteredNames == null) || (members.length == 0)) { return members; } int numNewMembers = 0; for (Member member : members) { boolean shouldSkip = false; for (String filteredName : filteredNames) { if (member.getName() == filteredName) { shouldSkip = true; break; } } if (!shouldSkip) { ++numNewMembers; } } Member[] newMembers = (Member[])Array.newInstance(members[0].getClass(), numNewMembers); int destIdx = 0; for (Member member : members) { boolean shouldSkip = false; for (String filteredName : filteredNames) { if (member.getName() == filteredName) { shouldSkip = true; break; } } if (!shouldSkip) { newMembers[destIdx++] = member; } } return newMembers; }
private static Method searchMethods(Method[] methods, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes) { Method res = null; // 使用常量池,避免重複建立String String internedName = name.intern(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method m = methods[i]; if (m.getName() == internedName && arrayContentsEq(parameterTypes, m.getParameterTypes()) && (res == null || res.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()))) res = m; } return (res == null ? res : getReflectionFactory().copyMethod(res)); }
最後,還是通過 ReflectionFactory, copy 方法後返回!
第三步,呼叫 method.invoke() 方法!
@CallerSensitive public Object invoke(Object obj, Object... args) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { if (!override) { if (!Reflection.quickCheckMemberAccess(clazz, modifiers)) { Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); checkAccess(caller, clazz, obj, modifiers); } } MethodAccessor ma = methodAccessor; // read volatile if (ma == null) { ma = acquireMethodAccessor(); } return ma.invoke(obj, args); }
invoke時,是通過 MethodAccessor 進行呼叫的,而 MethodAccessor 是個介面,在第一次時呼叫 acquireMethodAccessor() 進行新建立!
// probably make the implementation more scalable. private MethodAccessor acquireMethodAccessor() { // First check to see if one has been created yet, and take it // if so MethodAccessor tmp = null; if (root != null) tmp = root.getMethodAccessor(); if (tmp != null) { // 存在快取時,存入 methodAccessor,否則呼叫 ReflectionFactory 建立新的 MethodAccessor methodAccessor = tmp; } else { // Otherwise fabricate one and propagate it up to the root tmp = reflectionFactory.newMethodAccessor(this); setMethodAccessor(tmp); } return tmp; } // sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory public MethodAccessor newMethodAccessor(Method method) { checkInitted(); if (noInflation && !ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(method.getDeclaringClass())) { return new MethodAccessorGenerator(). generateMethod(method.getDeclaringClass(), method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType(), method.getExceptionTypes(), method.getModifiers()); } else { NativeMethodAccessorImpl acc = new NativeMethodAccessorImpl(method); DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl res = new DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl(acc); acc.setParent(res); return res; } }
// NativeMethodAccessorImpl / DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl class NativeMethodAccessorImpl extends MethodAccessorImpl { private final Method method; private DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl parent; private int numInvocations; NativeMethodAccessorImpl(Method method) { this.method = method; } public Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { // We can't inflate methods belonging to vm-anonymous classes because // that kind of class can't be referred to by name, hence can't be // found from the generated bytecode. if (++numInvocations > ReflectionFactory.inflationThreshold() && !ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(method.getDeclaringClass())) { MethodAccessorImpl acc = (MethodAccessorImpl) new MethodAccessorGenerator(). generateMethod(method.getDeclaringClass(), method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType(), method.getExceptionTypes(), method.getModifiers()); parent.setDelegate(acc); } return invoke0(method, obj, args); } void setParent(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl parent) { this.parent = parent; } private static native Object invoke0(Method m, Object obj, Object[] args); } class DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl extends MethodAccessorImpl { private MethodAccessorImpl delegate; DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl(MethodAccessorImpl delegate) { setDelegate(delegate); } public Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { return delegate.invoke(obj, args); } void setDelegate(MethodAccessorImpl delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } }View Code
進行 ma.invoke(obj, args); 呼叫時,呼叫 DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke();
最後被委託到 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(), 即:
public Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { // We can't inflate methods belonging to vm-anonymous classes because // that kind of class can't be referred to by name, hence can't be // found from the generated bytecode. if (++numInvocations > ReflectionFactory.inflationThreshold() && !ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(method.getDeclaringClass())) { MethodAccessorImpl acc = (MethodAccessorImpl) new MethodAccessorGenerator(). generateMethod(method.getDeclaringClass(), method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType(), method.getExceptionTypes(), method.getModifiers()); parent.setDelegate(acc); } // invoke0 是個 native 方法,由jvm進行呼叫業務方法!從而完成反射呼叫功能! return invoke0(method, obj, args); }
其中, generateMethod() 是生成具體類的方法:
/** This routine is not thread-safe */ public MethodAccessor generateMethod(Class<?> declaringClass, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Class<?> returnType, Class<?>[] checkedExceptions, int modifiers) { return (MethodAccessor) generate(declaringClass, name, parameterTypes, returnType, checkedExceptions, modifiers, false, false, null); }
generate() 戳詳情!
/** This routine is not thread-safe */ private MagicAccessorImpl generate(final Class<?> declaringClass, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Class<?> returnType, Class<?>[] checkedExceptions, int modifiers, boolean isConstructor, boolean forSerialization, Class<?> serializationTargetClass) { ByteVector vec = ByteVectorFactory.create(); asm = new ClassFileAssembler(vec); this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; this.returnType = returnType; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.isConstructor = isConstructor; this.forSerialization = forSerialization; asm.emitMagicAndVersion(); // Constant pool entries: // ( * = Boxing information: optional) // (+ = Shared entries provided by AccessorGenerator) // (^ = Only present if generating SerializationConstructorAccessor) // [UTF-8] [This class's name] // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // [UTF-8] "sun/reflect/{MethodAccessorImpl,ConstructorAccessorImpl,SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl}" // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // [UTF-8] [Target class's name] // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // ^ [UTF-8] [Serialization: Class's name in which to invoke constructor] // ^ [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // [UTF-8] target method or constructor name // [UTF-8] target method or constructor signature // [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // [CONSTANT_Methodref_info or CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info] for target method // [UTF-8] "invoke" or "newInstance" // [UTF-8] invoke or newInstance descriptor // [UTF-8] descriptor for type of non-primitive parameter 1 // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for type of non-primitive parameter 1 // ... // [UTF-8] descriptor for type of non-primitive parameter n // [CONSTANT_Class_info] for type of non-primitive parameter n // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/Exception" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/ClassCastException" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/NullPointerException" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/InvocationTargetException" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "<init>" // + [UTF-8] "()V" // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for NullPointerException's constructor // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor // + [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V" // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for IllegalArgumentException's constructor taking a String // + [UTF-8] "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "<init>(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for InvocationTargetException's constructor // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for "super()" // + [UTF-8] "java/lang/Object" // + [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // + [UTF-8] "toString" // + [UTF-8] "()Ljava/lang/String;" // + [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for "toString()Ljava/lang/String;" // + [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for Object's toString method // + [UTF-8] "Code" // + [UTF-8] "Exceptions" // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Boolean" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(Z)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "booleanValue" // * [UTF-8] "()Z" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Byte" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(B)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "byteValue" // * [UTF-8] "()B" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Character" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(C)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "charValue" // * [UTF-8] "()C" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Double" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(D)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "doubleValue" // * [UTF-8] "()D" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Float" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(F)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "floatValue" // * [UTF-8] "()F" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Integer" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(I)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "intValue" // * [UTF-8] "()I" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Long" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(J)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "longValue" // * [UTF-8] "()J" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "java/lang/Short" // * [CONSTANT_Class_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "(S)V" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above // * [UTF-8] "shortValue" // * [UTF-8] "()S" // * [CONSTANT_NameAndType_info] for above // * [CONSTANT_Methodref_info] for above short numCPEntries = NUM_BASE_CPOOL_ENTRIES + NUM_COMMON_CPOOL_ENTRIES; boolean usesPrimitives = usesPrimitiveTypes(); if (usesPrimitives) { numCPEntries += NUM_BOXING_CPOOL_ENTRIES; } if (forSerialization) { numCPEntries += NUM_SERIALIZATION_CPOOL_ENTRIES; } // Add in variable-length number of entries to be able to describe // non-primitive parameter types and checked exceptions. numCPEntries += (short) (2 * numNonPrimitiveParameterTypes()); asm.emitShort(add(numCPEntries, S1)); final String generatedName = generateName(isConstructor, forSerialization); asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(generatedName); asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi()); thisClass = asm.cpi(); if (isConstructor) { if (forSerialization) { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8 ("sun/reflect/SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl"); } else { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("sun/reflect/ConstructorAccessorImpl"); } } else { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("sun/reflect/MethodAccessorImpl"); } asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi()); superClass = asm.cpi(); asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(declaringClass, false)); asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi()); targetClass = asm.cpi(); short serializationTargetClassIdx = (short) 0; if (forSerialization) { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(serializationTargetClass, false)); asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi()); serializationTargetClassIdx = asm.cpi(); } asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(name); asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(buildInternalSignature()); asm.emitConstantPoolNameAndType(sub(asm.cpi(), S1), asm.cpi()); if (isInterface()) { asm.emitConstantPoolInterfaceMethodref(targetClass, asm.cpi()); } else { if (forSerialization) { asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(serializationTargetClassIdx, asm.cpi()); } else { asm.emitConstantPoolMethodref(targetClass, asm.cpi()); } } targetMethodRef = asm.cpi(); if (isConstructor) { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("newInstance"); } else { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("invoke"); } invokeIdx = asm.cpi(); if (isConstructor) { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8("([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"); } else { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8 ("(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"); } invokeDescriptorIdx = asm.cpi(); // Output class information for non-primitive parameter types nonPrimitiveParametersBaseIdx = add(asm.cpi(), S2); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { Class<?> c = parameterTypes[i]; if (!isPrimitive(c)) { asm.emitConstantPoolUTF8(getClassName(c, false)); asm.emitConstantPoolClass(asm.cpi()); } } // Entries common to FieldAccessor, MethodAccessor and ConstructorAccessor emitCommonConstantPoolEntries(); // Boxing entries if (usesPrimitives) { emitBoxingContantPoolEntries(); } if (asm.cpi() != numCPEntries) { throw new InternalError("Adjust this code (cpi = " + asm.cpi() + ", numCPEntries = " + numCPEntries + ")"); } // Access flags asm.emitShort(ACC_PUBLIC); // This class asm.emitShort(thisClass); // Superclass asm.emitShort(superClass); // Interfaces count and interfaces asm.emitShort(S0); // Fields count and fields asm.emitShort(S0); // Methods count and methods asm.emitShort(NUM_METHODS); emitConstructor(); emitInvoke(); // Additional attributes (none) asm.emitShort(S0); // Load class vec.trim(); final byte[] bytes = vec.getData(); // Note: the class loader is the only thing that really matters // here -- it's important to get the generated code into the // same namespace as the target class. Since the generated code // is privileged anyway, the protection domain probably doesn't // matter. return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<MagicAccessorImpl>() { public MagicAccessorImpl run() { try { return (MagicAccessorImpl) ClassDefiner.defineClass (generatedName, bytes, 0, bytes.length, declaringClass.getClassLoader()).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new InternalError(e); } } }); }View Code