tof 相機的資料讀取,depth data和amplitude data以及3D資料
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-16
如果相機帶有SDK 也就是開發需要的工具以及包,就要用相機帶的開發包,裡面包含了相應的讀取檔案的函式,以及設定的相機的相關函式。
#include "../../include/TTF_API.h" #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; using namespace Voxel; class Depth_Camera { public: Depth_Camera(); ~Depth_Camera(); TTF_API::_ttfDeviceInfo m_pDevInfo[MAX_DEVICE]; DepthFrame *m_pDepthFrame; XYZIPointCloudFrame *m_pPCLFrame; int ReadDepthFrame(const DepthFrame* pDepthFrame); int ReadPointCloudFrame(const XYZIPointCloudFrame* pXYZIPointCloudFrame); bool System_init(); int Buffer_init(); void Data_Depth(); void Data_PCL(); void Device_Close(); void Device_Stop(); };
#include "Depth_Camera.h" Depth_Camera::Depth_Camera() { } Depth_Camera::~Depth_Camera() { } //讀取相關內容 int Depth_Camera::ReadDepthFrame(const DepthFrame* pDepthFrame) { const DepthFrame *d = pDepthFrame; const float* data; data = d->; cout<< "depth:"<< d->id << "@" << d->timestamp << " data:" << data[320*120+160] << endl; return TTF_API::ERROR_NO; } int Depth_Camera::ReadPointCloudFrame(const XYZIPointCloudFrame* pXYZIPointCloudFrame) { const XYZIPointCloudFrame *d = pXYZIPointCloudFrame; cout<< "pcl:" << d->id << "@" << d->timestamp << " data:" << d->points[320*120+160].z << endl; return TTF_API::ERROR_NO; } //函式初始化 bool Depth_Camera::System_init() { int nDevCount;//device count int nDevOpened; TTF_API::ttfGetDeviceList(m_pDevInfo, nDevCount); if (nDevCount < 1) { std::cerr << "No Camera Found!, Please connection check and restart." "Connection Error" << std::endl; } else { nDevOpened = TTF_API::ttfDeviceOpen(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd); if (nDevOpened > 0) { //Callback Register //回撥函式, TTF_API::ttfRegister_Callback_DepthFrame(std::bind(&Depth_Camera::ReadDepthFrame, this, std::placeholders::_1)); TTF_API::ttfRegister_Callback_PointCloudFrame(std::bind(&Depth_Camera::ReadPointCloudFrame, this, std::placeholders::_1)); std::cout << "Camera[VID:" << m_pDevInfo[0].nVendorId << ", PID:" << m_pDevInfo[0].nProductId << ", SerialNum:" << m_pDevInfo[0].szSerialNum << "] Open Success" << endl; } else { return TTF_API::ERROR_OPEN; } Buffer_init(); } Data_Depth();//start Depth //imshow("Binary", pDepthFrame); return TTF_API::ERROR_NO; } int Depth_Camera::Buffer_init() { m_pDepthFrame = (DepthFrame*)malloc(sizeof(DepthFrame));; m_pPCLFrame = (XYZIPointCloudFrame*)malloc(sizeof(XYZIPointCloudFrame)); if(m_pDepthFrame == NULL || m_pPCLFrame == NULL) { cout << "Failed to create nescecary buffers to display the image" << endl; return TTF_API::ERROR_FAIL; } else return TTF_API::ERROR_NO; } void Depth_Camera::Data_Depth() { TTF_API::ttfClearCallback(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd, TTF_API::FrameType::FRAME_XYZI_POINT_CLOUD_FRAME); TTF_API::ttfDeviceStart(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd, TTF_API::FrameType::FRAME_DEPTH_FRAME); } void Depth_Camera::Data_PCL() { TTF_API::ttfClearCallback(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd, TTF_API::FrameType::FRAME_DEPTH_FRAME); TTF_API::ttfDeviceStart(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd, TTF_API::FrameType::FRAME_XYZI_POINT_CLOUD_FRAME); } void Depth_Camera::Device_Close() { TTF_API::ttfDeviceStop(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd); TTF_API::ttfDeviceClose(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd); } void Depth_Camera::Device_Stop() { TTF_API::ttfDeviceStop(m_pDevInfo[0].hnd); }
主函式未使用執行緒,只是比較簡單的資料的讀取 程式碼如下,
#include "Depth_Camera.h" int main() { Depth_Camera *depth_camera = new Depth_Camera; int nRet; nRet = depth_camera->System_init(); if(nRet < 1) { cout << "init Error :" << nRet << endl; exit(0); } char getkey; while(1) { getkey = getchar(); //Reading end Process if(getkey == 'q') { depth_camera->Device_Close(); break; } else if(getkey == '2')//Depth { depth_camera->Data_Depth(); } else if(getkey == '3')//PCL { depth_camera->Data_PCL(); } else if(getkey == 's') { depth_camera->Device_Stop(); } } if(depth_camera != NULL) { delete depth_camera; depth_camera = NULL; } return 0; }