1. 程式人生 > >Unskilled in English is looked down on by people (composition)

Unskilled in English is looked down on by people (composition)

1.單詞正確 2.老師準確 3.老師多變 4.語法正確 5.語法準確多變 1.三段論 2.多用邏輯關係詞 3.多用代詞代替


簡單句: 被動: parents should be respected by us. parents需要替換 The elderly Senior citizens superiors

should需要替換 ought to be supposed to be obliged to

we us people需要替換 The public Human beings private individuals

children需要替換 kids  offspring descendants

我們需要替換 teenagers and youngsters youngsters on campus all children and adults men and women in all walks

celebrities should not be pursued by teenagers and youngsters. not需要替換 never hardly by no means under no circumstances fail to 被動放在第一段最後一句或者最後一段第一句,中心局。

environmental contamination is thought very serious by an increasing amount of experts and professors think替換 hold argue contend assume presume insist maintain assert claim be of the opinion that have been convinced that cling to the perspective that very替換 pretty quite rather distinctly outstandingly remarkably exceedingly especially extraordinarily enormously serious替換 grave  severe  fearful be of great severity more and more people think that替換 more and more:increasingly  <people> in growing number

There exist/appear/seem/remain be可以用所有的感官動詞。用在第一段最後一句話或者第三段第一句話。 There appear many reasons explaining my idea. there exist 替換  第二段第一句話用there exist,或者是最後一句喊口號。 many替換 A sea of A train of A host of A multitude of immense amounts of numerous abundant plentiful reason替換 causes factors elements explain替換 account for lead to give rise to contribute to be responsible for idea替換 point viewpoint outlook perspective

比較結構: as as+which句型 不是很重要就是很嚴重 as as 用在第一段最後一句話或者第三段第一句話。 Liu is as beautiful as a red red rose,which manages to take away the breath of a train of children and adults. Self-confidence is  as important as air and water/sunshine/breath/,which play a key role in the growth of all creatures. Pollution is as fearful as earthquakes/AIDS/lung cancer/,which has threatened the health of patients or even taken their lives away. be替換 look taste sound feel smell prove keep remain become get seem appear beautiful替換 attractive charming elegant graceful gorgeous important替換 vital crucial critical fundamental significant essential indispensable play a key role in sth. be of great importance

the 形同次副詞比較級句子,the系統詞比較級句子。用在第二段分析原因的時候使用。 the more the more 第二段分析原因的時候使用,但是要加非限定性定語從句。 the higher one ascends,the farther he will overlook. the more frequently culture is exchanged,the more rapidly economy will advance. the more optimistic all children and adults keep,the more easily they will achieve glories. 替換more and more people think that 比較結構as as 考的不是嚴重就是重要

並列句: and but and替換 likewise similarly equally at the same time in the meanwhile but替換 conversely by contrast on the contrary contrarily unexpectedly unfortunately nevertheless

一幅圖一個主題兩個動作 一幅圖兩個主題守門員把自己想象的非常渺小,但是足球運動員把守門員想象的很高大。 描述圖畫的分類: 要麼是一幅圖,要麼是三幅圖。 在這幅圖畫中: 本句型推薦作文第一段,描述一幅圖或者兩幅圖兩個主題兩個動作。but句型 描述圖畫用現在進行時,描述圖表用一般過去時。一幅圖兩個動作but In the picture,the goal-keeper is imagining himself as small as an ant.Conversely,the player is visualizing his rival exceedingly giant.

In the former picture,the flower in the greenhouse is growing healthily.Conversely,in the latter one,it is dying in the strom.

picture替換 cartoon drawing painting caricature photograph

not only but also 本句型推薦作文第二段。分析原因的時候使用。(第二段已經兩個分析原因完成) 看到後面,這個還需要寫成倒裝。 只要是好的都是Chinese conventional virture. Supporting the elderly keeps a Chinese conventional virture. Supporting the elderly proves the responsibility of their descendants.  Supporting the elderly not only keeps a Chinese conventional virture.Supporting the elderly but also proves the responsibility of their descendants. 

Raising pets not only cultivates kindness of kids but also brings a sea of delight for senior citizens.

從句: 本句型推薦作文第一段第一句的前面。用來描述圖片和圖表。 主語從句:可以寫在任何一句的前面,用來拉長句子。 that you never fail to fascinate me is obvious.我愛你是顯而易見的。 It that 我認為的替換  It proves common knowledge that It keeps my perspective that It proves self-evident that It has been found that It seems beyond dispute that It is universally acknowledged that It is generally agreed that It has been widely accepted that What has been widely accepted is that

同位語: 所有的名詞後面都可以增加一個同位語。 一個男人,一個瘋狂的足球粉絲,寫了個貝克漢姆,一個著名的運動員,的名字,一些人的稱呼,在他的臉上,身體的一部分。 最多加兩次同位語。可以不加。 本句型推薦第二段分析原因的時候使用(第三個分析原因的出現,第二段完成!) 它的模板是the evidence that +一個表示原因的簡單句+ manifests that+文章的中心句。(像因為。。。所以。。。) 【The evidence that 】 she has a pair of big eyes 【manifests that】 she keeps a beauty. 【The evidence that】 immense amounts of girls have worn beautiful colorful skirts 【manifests that】 summer is around the corner. The evidence that bright stars and pure moonlights fail to be detected manifests that environmental contamination is becoming increasingly grave. The evidence that framers ( can make ) enable their offspring to share high-quality education manifests that an increasing amount of them (will work in the city) tend to work in cities.

定語非限定: 能充當定語:形容詞、介詞加名詞、非謂語、介詞短語、定語。 只要在作文中有名次都可以加一個定語成分。描述作文第一句都要加定於使其生動。所有的句子就可以描述完圖畫內容。

An american girl young as well as beautiful is wearing Chinese conventional costume which keeps popular in the north of China.

A boy young (and) as well as vigorous is rushing to the destination which becomes a new start.

描述圖畫萬能定語: 好的: as well as cut lovely little graceful elegant confident energetic enthusiastic passionate optimistic active aggressive ambitious who looks distinctly impressive to readers 壞的: fat cruel ugly negative dispassioned terrible disgusting disgraceful who looks rather less impressive to readers

定語從句的滿分表達: 萬能非限制性定語可以放在任何陳述句的後面,但是要區分好壞。第二段分析原因的時候。 第二段一般分為三個原因。寫作比較短的原因後面好。the more the more 比較短,所以加在這個後面。 He proves a lady-killer,which appears beyond dispute. which 可以引導修飾前面整個句子的定語從句,和前面的句子用逗號隔開。 萬能非限制性定語: ,which appears beyond dispute. 好壞均可句子: 這已經引起公眾的普遍關注。 The more blindly celebrities are pursued by teenagers and youngsters,the more easily their study will be influenced,which provokes the public's widespread concern.

狀語:副詞、時間、地點、原因、方式、結果、目的、伴隨、條件、轉折、比較 只要句子中見到如下就為狀語: in ... manner/way so ... that ... in order to although while with if 在任何地方都可以加狀語。時間、地點、起因。但是第一段描述圖畫必須加狀語。滿分表達要求在句子中。(並列but和主語從句和定語從句和狀語從句) 萬能狀語:in the center of the vivid picture. Two disabled confident as well as ambitious,in the center of the vivid caricature,are assisting each other to run. 第二段描述原因的萬能狀語:可以加在比較短的原因旁邊!最多兩個!因為上面which已經有一個了! 描述原因的萬能狀語 as every one can see it with the rapid advance of science and technology  in our contemporary society in the general routine of everyday living !!!必須有這句:Although many people fail to pay attention to the problem. many:A train of people:all children and adults fail to:by no means pay attention to:focus on problem:defect 我的必須有這句話:Although a train of all children and adults by no means focus on the defect.

pay attention to替換 pour attention into place great emphasis on attach great importance to shed light on focus on

problem替換 issue subject defect matter phenomenon

第二段的描述原因的萬能狀語 狀語的滿分表達:1,讓步狀語從句although 可以寫在任何一個陳述句的旁邊,進行弱轉折。推薦第二段分析原因的時候使用。

surfing on the phone exerts great influence on the study of youngsters on campus although it enables the life to become more convenient.

cars made in china are become increasingly cheap although their quality fails to be high.

2,狀語so...that... 只要文中有形容詞或副詞都可以用so that I feel so delighted that I can not help shouting and jumping. 推薦寫在:第一段的最後一句話。引出文章中心。或者是第三段的第一句話。 文章總結的時候使用。(被動、as...as、so...that總結句型) 萬能狀語:sth. proves so crucial/fearful that it should have been brought into the limelight. 看到後面,這個還需要寫成倒裝。

3,狀語做插入語 I,loving you,will marry you. The boy young as well as vigorous,smiling in the center of the vivid cariature, is rushing to the destination which becomes a new start. 本句型推薦使用第一段描述一幅圖一個主題兩個動作使用。 sb.,doing sth1.(次)+定語狀語,is doing sth2(主)+定狀 The hot pot not only delicious but also healthy,smoking in the center of the vivid caricature,is full of cultures from different places of the world.

特殊結構: 1.插入語: in my judgment as a matter of fact to put it in anther way 2.雙重否定強調 3.強調句型: It is ... that... 強調除謂語 never feel to 強調謂語 is變時態 以上三個句型推薦使用第一段最後一句,第二段第一句,第三段第一句的時候。 第一段最後一句: confidence,to my knowledge,is claimed striking crucial. 第二段第一句話: It is a sea of elements that there exist to be responsible for my perspective. 第三段第一句話: All in all,confidence never fails to plays a key role in our glories.

4.比喻: sth. proves to 人 as solid foundation is to high skyscrapers. 推薦寫在第一段的最後一句話,引出文章中心的時候使用。 或者是文章第二段引用名人名言。 或者是第三段第一句話。

4.排比 兩個為排比 形容詞排比: small and peaceful 副詞排比: effectively,rapidly,actively 5.虛擬語氣 只需要把if句子變成過去式,就為虛擬語氣 考文章的第一段不一樣,但是第二段一定一樣的原因分析。所以本句型推薦使用第二段三個理由中的最後一個!而且是反面論證使用。或者是第三段第一句。 If you traveled to the next resort,I would close all my windows.

錯誤:因為every,所以必須改為單數! If every teenager and youngster abandoned themselves to surfing on the internet,...they would be confronted with a dim and gloomy future.

If every teenager and youngster abandoned himselves to surfing on the internet,...he would be confronted with a dim and gloomy future.

If every youngster on campus failed to visit museums,he would by no means understand the history about our nation. 萬能:If ...,he would be confronted with a dim and gloomy future.

it seems crucial that 兩個採取措施,一個是父母,一個是自己

it seems crucial that senior citizens should inspire/educate their kids to take part in meaningful activites.

should inspire/educate their kids to have confidence.

推薦句型第三段的解決問題的時候使用。一般是兩個措施,這個是一個措施。 但是提出解決方案一定要具體有操作性。


Cannot have failed to =must

youngsters on campus/responsible citizens/children/volunteers cannot have failed to do sth.


6.倒裝 not only but also 只需要把not only 提到前面,並變成疑問倒裝,後面不變。 Not only does respecting parents keep a Chinese conventional virtue but also...不動。 so that 只需要把so 提前so+形容詞副詞,並把句子變成疑問句。 So kind is my ma that...不動。 萬能狀語:sth. proves so crucial/fearful that it should have been brought into the limelight. So crucial/fearful does sth. prove that it should have been brought into the limelight.


1.寫作概述2.寫作滿分表達3.段落(寫作連中文都寫不了,只有第二段才會出現。就是寫第二段。) 段落:1.定義和解釋:文章的中心詞+套詞+which means that +簡單句子的排比+when。 推薦第一個原因分析。

Pursuing superstars is a social popular trend which means that we buy their CDs,we listen to their songs and we go to their concerts when we are still young. we we we 排比 Pursuing superstars 文章中心詞 a social popular trend 一個嚴重的現象 which means that解釋 when 中心詞越來越。

一個嚴重的現象 1.A Chinese conventional virtue 2.A fatal worldwide issue 3.A social pervasive trend 4.A hot-debated subject

Supporting superiors is a Chinese conventional virtue which means that we buy gifts for them,we cook dinner for them and we wash clothes for them when they gradually become old.

2.引入名人名言,必須是作家,必須是小國家Malta + stating that+推薦句型:1.the more the more 2.as as 3.so that 4.虛擬語氣

There,once,existed a writer who has gained great reputation in Japan stating that_____________ 後面推薦句型:1.the more the more 2.as as 3.so that 4.虛擬語氣

3.舉個例子,1.舉小例子:複數名詞都可以舉例子 2.大例子(for example)

I enjoy reading books such as the book of little prince,red and black and I have a dream.

可以舉例子: although so aboundant cases can support my simple view,the following one is most favorable. For example,I,the other day,had a high fever.However,no familiers or friends took care of me. At that moment,a teacher entered to give me some medicine.At last,I recovered.

for example,I,the other day,had a However, At that moment, At last,


3.使用自己確定的單詞和語法。 4.資料列舉:

In light of a proximate study/statistics/data/survey/investigation by the department of social science in Zhengzhou university,the majority of undergraduates have been convinced that__________中心句。


如果能用中文想到原因分析,推薦用以下句型來寫。 1.the more the more 2.not only but also 3.the evidence that 4.although 5.if虛擬

從4+5,從9個裡面選三個!即可完成第二段!P12 如果某個原因寫的比較短,就用非限定或萬能狀語。 1.not only but also 2.although 3.資料列舉

首先,其次,和最後 首先 First of all  first and foremost the main element for the problem is that  what appears as the first reason is that 其次 besides in addition additionally what is more moreover furthermore 最後 last but not least at last consequently as a consequence in the end

P13 第四:文章,排模板 4個模板:圖畫作文的模板 第一段:描述圖畫+寓意表達(3-4句) 1-2:用主語從句描述圖畫 一個主題兩個動作:火鍋 兩個主題兩個動作:加and或but 兩幅圖:加一個引出寓意的過渡語,寓意表達。 畫圖作文 第一段 第一二句話:用主語從句引出描述圖畫 what is obvious is that 一幅圖一個主體兩個動作 in the easy and simple cartoon,sb(定),doing sth 次要動作(定、狀),is doing sth(主要動作)(定、狀) 一幅圖兩個主題,兩個動作 in the easy and simple cartoon,sb1(定)is doing sth1(定、狀).and/but sb2(定) is doing sth2(定、狀) 兩幅圖 in the former picture,sb1(定)is doing sth1(定、狀);and/but in the latter one,sb2(定)is doing sth2(定、狀) 第三句話:引出寓意的過渡語 Personally,what the picture conveys is far beyond a new fashion trend and carries cultural implication. The message conveyed in the picture seems to be that 第四句話:寓意表達 We should do sth We should never do sth sth is very important sth is very serious 再用插入語,雙重否定,或者強調句。

第一段: What has been widely accepted is that in the former cartoon,a boy sitting in a chair is saying"I have a sea of books".Conversely,in the latter one another one who is reading is claiming"I will read two book in a month".The message conveyed in the picture seems to be that it is books that be read more by teenagers and youngsters.

books should be read more by teenagers and youngsters.

第二段:原因闡述段 第二段總共四句話。第一句:引出原因分析的綜述句。推薦句型(1.there be 2.還可以找找)(再用插入語,雙重否定,或者強調句。)二三四句話具體的原因分析。首先,其次,最後。 The majority of people would agree that the issue has its deep roots as follows.

Personally,it is my belief that some reasons could account for such phenomenon.

第三段:總結段 總共四句話。第一句:總結句:推薦(被動,as...as,so...that,比喻,if)(再用插入語,雙重否定,或者強調句。)二三句話:具體措施。首先,其次。for one thing,for another.on one hand,on the other.

公共書信: 第一段:自我介紹+寫作目的 文中已經給出 To be frank,am writing the letter in order to ask you to help a canditid. 第二段:應用文,必須簡單句。 The salary,《to begin with》,keeps 《so》 low 《that》 I fail to support my families.《In addition,it looks beyond dispute that》 I am outstandingly busy in my job.《At last》,the company proves too far from my home and/but/because/when/although/so I get up too early every morning. 第三段:落款。yours truly,題目要求人名。不要寫日期!

私人書信:1稱呼Dear 題目要求。 2正文 還是三段,第一段:問候語+再寫作目的。 Are you busy recently? I'm sorry I took so long to reply. 第二段:應用文,必須簡單句。 第三段:最後祝福語+期待回信。 Thank you very much for your trust. I wish you everything goes well.we await the favor of your early reply.

告示類: 1.必須要標題:Notice 2.正文:寫作目的+具體論述 Dear every one,可以不寫。 We are to+具體論述什麼樣的志願者。 具體論述:就是應用文,必須簡單句。並且1.2.3 3.歡迎加入+聯絡方式 Welcome to join us. we are waiting for your coming. if you intended to join us,please call us or email us at @yahoo.com.  4.落款是單位名字

口語:有詞彙量和基礎。找鬼子練習或者演講或者動畫片,推功夫熊貓,殭屍新娘,獅子王。 應用文: 萬能理由,英語很重要 I will take you to the English corner because the language is playing a key role in our communication.If you could study it well,you would improve yourself a lot.

說我自己的性格,也是萬能理由。 In addition,I will take you to the playground for I am outgoing and sociable and my favorite is to play football,so I wish you will love it.

圖表作文: the growth of people is responsible for the decline of animals. 單詞: 增加:increase rise grow;名詞:on the rise,increase 提升:enhance improve enrich 加強:reinforce strength hone sharpen 減少:decrease fall drop reduce,go down,fall off 大幅度的:sharp dramatic marked remarkable 慢慢的:slow slight gradual more and more:increasingly  <people> in growing number 第二段:原因分析。如同圖畫作文。 第三段:總結提出建議。如同圖畫作文。

口語:有詞彙量和基礎。找鬼子練習或者演講或者動畫片,推功夫熊貓,殭屍新娘,獅子王。 應用文:建議、申請、感謝、道歉、邀請、求助、諮詢、告知。 萬能理由,英語很重要 I will take you to the English Corner because the language is playing a key role in our communication.If you could study it well,you would improve yourself a lot.

I love English literature.I often attend the English Corner held on Friday night and I like to discuss around various topics in English with others.

I am eager to be one member of the English Club and improve my English further.

說我自己的性格,也是萬能理由。 In addition,I will take you to the playground for I am outgoing and sociable and my favorite is to play football,so I wish you will love it.

申請 I am writing to you to apply for the membership of the English Club. 感激 I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and my other colleagues.

建議 will you please prolong the time allowed for reading?In the daytime,a sea of the younsters are having class,so they can't come to the museum. Can I suggest that...

背景 I learn that I know that I remember that 感激 make sincere thanks and gratitude to sb.

worthy and wealthy pleasant and precious safe and sound colorful and wonderful 感激 those days,I just can't help thinking you.It was so kind of you to do sth.Besides,you did sth.which really moved me. I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.

order---apology 抱歉 I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.

解釋: How I wish I had(not) done sht.!However,I have to...I have no choose ...but to change the plan because(due to)... Hopefully,you would accept my apology and understand my situation. I believe that if you were me,you would make the same decision.

邀請 I am writing to invite you to join the... 如下細節: Here are several relevant details about this activity. The activity will be in where on the when.

主題: The theme of the activity is... Not only will we do 1,but we will also do 2 and 3. 聯絡方式: If you need any further info,please send an email to... or call me at ...

求助: I am writing to ask you to do me a favor. I have no choice but to turn to you for help. I am wondering if you would like to...

諮詢: I am writing to ask you for some relevant questions. would you please be so kind as to tell me sth. besides,I also need some information about sth.

告知: I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.