Mybatis 動態查詢、插入、修改操作
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-16
insert操作 特別注意裡面的判斷語句,一般都是用包裝類最好,另外 String型別最好加上一個判斷 != ''
<!--插入專案資訊--> <insert id="insertItemInfo"> insert into item_info <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="pid != null"> pid, </if> <if test="batch_name != null and batch_name =''"> batch_name, </if> <if test="faculty != null and faculty != ''"> faculty, </if> <if test="item_type != null and item_type != ''"> item_type, </if> <if test="item_rank != null and item_rank != ''"> item_rank, </if> <if test="item_apply_status != null"> item_apply_status, </if> <if test="item_middle_status != null "> item_middle_status, </if> <if test="item_conclusion_status != null"> item_conclusion_status, </if> <if test="item_sumMoney != null"> item_sumMoney, </if> <if test="item_balanceMoney != null"> item_balanceMoney, </if> <if test="apply_time != null"> apply_time, </if> <if test="item_introduce != null"> item_introduce, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="pid != null"> #{pid}, </if> <if test="batch_name != null and batch_name =''"> #{batch_name}, </if> <if test="faculty != null and faculty != ''"> #{faculty}, </if> <if test="item_type != null and item_type != ''"> #{item_type}, </if> <if test="item_rank != null and item_rank != ''"> #{item_rank}, </if> <if test="item_apply_status != null"> #{item_apply_status}, </if> <if test="item_middle_status != null"> #{item_middle_status}, </if> <if test="item_conclusion_status != null"> #{item_conclusion_status}, </if> <if test="item_sumMoney != null"> #{item_sumMoney}, </if> <if test="item_balanceMoney != null"> #{item_balanceMoney}, </if> <if test="apply_time != null"> #{apply_time}, </if> <if test="item_introduce != null"> #{item_introduce}, </if> </trim> </insert>
select 操作 還是自己要去注意where標籤的用法
<select id="getItemInfoByItemInfo" parameterType="com.jxau.dachuang.pojo.ItemInfo" resultType="com.jxau.dachuang.pojo.ItemInfo"> select * from item_info <where> <if test="faculty != null and faculty != ''"> faculty = #{faculty} and </if> <if test="item_type != null and item_type != '' "> item_type = #{item_type} and </if> <if test="item_rank != null and item_rank !=''"> item_rank = #{item_rank} and </if> <if test="pid != null and pid !=''"> pid = #{pid} and </if> <if test="item_id != null and item_id != 0"> item_id = #{item_id} and </if> 1=1 </where> </select>
update 這裡有一個set標籤的用法
<update id="updateStudent" parameterType="com.jxau.dachuang.pojo.Student"> update student <set> <if test="studName != null and studName != ''"> studName = #{studName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="stud_faculty != null and stud_faculty!=''"> stud_faculty = #{stud_faculty,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="className != null and className != ''"> className = #{className,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="qq != null and qq !='' "> qq = #{qq,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="sex != null and sex != ''"> sex = #{sex,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="phoneNumber != null and phoneNumber !='' "> phoneNumber = #{phoneNumber,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="studNum != null and studNum !=''"> studNum = #{studNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> </set> where item_id = #{item_id,jdbcType=INTEGER} and sign = #{sign} </update>