1. 程式人生 > >NVIDIA Jetson TK1 火狐瀏覽器崩潰問題

NVIDIA Jetson TK1 火狐瀏覽器崩潰問題

背景:Caffe訓練好網路後想用jupyter視覺化caffemodel,但發現Firefox瀏覽器崩潰了打不開,而Jupyter Notebook需要依賴瀏覽器,而Tk1是32位系統,安裝軟體需要注意幾點,寫這個教程記錄一下。

Warning:Warning:Warning:高能: 妙算32位系統有點坑,但這個平臺應該落後了,tx1還差不多~

妙算這平臺是 armhf 不是arm64 安裝包一般是i386吧不是 amd64 然後我查百度和谷歌,最後發現還是谷歌好用,教程是在樹莓派上裝chrome ,太適合我這種情況不過了, 參考網址: (發現看英文資料越來有用了) https://askubuntu.com/questions/590482/downloading-google-chrome-armhf

上圖: 在這裡插入圖片描述


Chrome doesn’t support armhf systems, but the community open source Chromium does. Do a one liner sudo apt-get install chromium-browserto install Chromium, which, to the average user, is an exact replica of Google Chrome (logins and everything are supported). If you get an error after this, something saying that a dependency is missing, do sudo apt-get install -f

Using raspberry pi, maybe? Full browsers tend to run slowly on raspberry pi’s, but enjoy it if you can get it to run!

Solution: 那就裝這個包吧~ sudo apt-get install chromium-browser 要是出現了依賴問題執行 sudo apt-get install -f