NC57 定時任務例子
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-16
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nc.itf.uap.busibean.ISysInitQry; import nc.jdbc.framework.processor.BeanListProcessor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 運單同步 * * <p> * 建立人: liljb * 建立日期: 2014-9-16 * @version 1.0 * @since NC5.7 */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked" }) public class YunDanSys implements IBackgroundWorkPlugin { private StringBuilder rwrz = new StringBuilder();// 任務日誌 private SuperDMO wldao; private BaseDAO dao; public String executeTask(BgWorkingContext bgwc) throws BusinessException { ChannelVO[] channelDVO = (ChannelVO[]) getDao().retrieveByClause(ChannelVO.class, "ileveltype='2' and iproducttype ='3'").toArray(new ChannelVO[0]); if (channelDVO == null || channelDVO.length == 0) { return "沒有對應的渠道 YunDanSys 34line"; } ChannelVO channelSDVO = channelDVO[0]; if (channelSDVO.getPk_correscorp() == null) { return "##" + channelSDVO.getVlevelcode() + "##的 pk_correscorp 為空"; } ISysInitQry sysinitQry = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(ISysInitQry.class); SysInitVO sysvo = sysinitQry.queryByParaCode(channelSDVO.getPk_correscorp(), "XHFXWL001"); if (sysvo == null || sysvo.getValue().equals("N")) { return "XHFXWL001 為空"; } // 每次處理的條數 int forinti = 1; // 讀取到貨登記運號資訊表 (物流方寫入) String sql = "select * from T_WL_YH where RECEFLAG='0' and sendflag='0'"; sql += " and ROWNUM<= " + forinti + ""; // sql += " and yh='008561'"; ArrayList<YunDanHaoVO> ydhvolist = (ArrayList<YunDanHaoVO>) getWLDao().executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(YunDanHaoVO.class)); rwrz.append("讀取到貨登記運號資訊表:" + sql + "####"); if (ydhvolist.size() > 0) { UFDate currenttime = new UFDate(); StringBuffer strbufferDH = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer strbufferXT = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer strbf = new StringBuffer(); //到貨 DH 和銷退 XT 分開 for (YunDanHaoVO temp : ydhvolist) { if (temp.getDJLX().equals("DH")) { strbufferDH.append("'" + temp.getFLOWID_TLDJHZ() + "',"); } if (temp.getDJLX().equals("XT")) { strbufferXT.append("'" + temp.getFLOWID_TLDJHZ() + "',"); } strbf.append("'" + temp.getSL_GYS_CODE() + "',"); } String custsql = "select * from bd_cubasdoc where pk_cubasdoc in(" + strbf.toString().substring(0, strbf.length() - 1) + ")"; ArrayList<CustBasVO> custbasvo = (ArrayList<CustBasVO>) getDao().executeQuery(custsql, new BeanListProcessor(CustBasVO.class)); if (!(custbasvo.size() > 0)) { return rwrz + "sql:" + custsql + "返回結果為空"; } // 客戶PK ,名字 HashMap<String, String> custmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (CustBasVO temp : custbasvo) { custmap.put(temp.getPk_cubasdoc(), temp.getCustname()); } ArrayList<WAYBILLVO> xtlist = new ArrayList<WAYBILLVO>(); for (YunDanHaoVO temp : ydhvolist) { // 構造運單管理表 WAYBILLVO wayvo = new WAYBILLVO(); wayvo.setSl_gys_code(temp.getSL_GYS_CODE()); wayvo.setPk_corp(channelSDVO.getPk_corp()); wayvo.setVbillcode(temp.getYH());// 運單號 if (temp.getDJLX().equals("DH")) { wayvo.setSendtype(1);//到貨 } else if (temp.getDJLX().equals("XT")) { wayvo.setSendtype(2);// 銷退 } wayvo.setSendname(custmap.get(temp.getSL_GYS_CODE()));// 發貨方名稱 wayvo.setVbaono(temp.getBJSL());// 包數 // TODO 件數的取值需要確認 wayvo.setVjianno(new UFDouble(0));// 件數 wayvo.setVperson(temp.getSL_YWBM_CODE());// 貨主 wayvo.setDbilldate(currenttime);// 運單日期 wayvo.setTlrq(temp.getTLRQ1());// 運單登記日期 wayvo.setWl_yh_pk(temp.getFLOWID_TLDJHZ().toString());// 物流運單主鍵 wayvo.setYdlx(temp.getDJLX()); getDao().insertVO(wayvo); rwrz.append("構造運單管理表運號:" + temp.getYH()); // 銷退到貨單,自動匹配上然後審批發送物流 if (wayvo.getYdlx().equals("XT")) { xtlist.add(wayvo); } } if (strbufferDH.length() != 0) { // 讀取完後回寫已經讀取過的物流運單資訊表中的接收標誌RECEFLAG欄位,設定為‘1’ String wlsql = "update T_WL_YH set RECEFLAG='1' where FLOWID_TLDJHZ in(" + strbufferDH.toString().substring(0, strbufferDH.length() - 1) + ")"; getWLDao().executeUpdate(wlsql); rwrz.append("####回寫T_wl_yh 標記 dh :" + wlsql); } // 銷退到貨單新需求:自動匹配上然後審批發送物流 if (xtlist.size() != 0) { for (WAYBILLVO vo : xtlist) { String vbillno = vo.getVbillcode();// 運單號 String sl_gys_code = vo.getSl_gys_code();// 供應商基本pk(在這裡是客戶) String sql1 = "select * from hn_slarrivival t where t.vbillstatus='8' and nvl(t.dr,0)=0 and t.pk_supplier in(select pk_channel from bd_channel a where a.pk_corrbasdoc='" + sl_gys_code + "' and nvl(a.dr,0)=0) and pk_waybill ='" + vbillno + "'"; ArrayList<SlArrivivalVO> slvolist = (ArrayList<SlArrivivalVO>) getDao().executeQuery(sql1, new BeanListProcessor(SlArrivivalVO.class)); rwrz.append("####找銷退到貨單並稽核" + sql1); ReCalcuTHLX cal = new ReCalcuTHLX(); RecalcuThlxByydh call = new RecalcuThlxByydh(); if (slvolist.size() != 0) { // 再次計算退貨流向 for (SlArrivivalVO slArrivivalVO : slvolist) { // cal.calcuxtthlx(slArrivivalVO); try { call.calcthlx(slArrivivalVO.getPk_waybill(), sl_gys_code); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BusinessException(e.getMessage()); } } for (SlArrivivalVO vo1 : slvolist) { AggSlArrivivalVO agg1 = new AggSlArrivivalVO(); vo1.setVapproveid(vo1.getVoperatorid()); vo1.setTlrq(vo.getTlrq().getDate());// 運單登記日期 getDao().updateVO(vo1); agg1.setParentVO(vo1); try { getPfutilbo().processAction("APPROVE", "TN1B", new UFDate().toString(), null, agg1, null); String wlsqlXT = "update T_WL_YH set RECEFLAG='1' where FLOWID_TLDJHZ in('" + vo.getWl_yh_pk() + "')"; getWLDao().executeUpdate(wlsqlXT); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessException(e); } } } // 找不到銷退到貨單,更新RECEFLAG=5 else { String wlsqlXT = "update T_WL_YH set RECEFLAG='5' where FLOWID_TLDJHZ in('" + vo.getWl_yh_pk() + "')"; getWLDao().executeUpdate(wlsqlXT); rwrz.append("####找不到銷退到貨單" + wlsqlXT); } } } // System.out.println("運單號同步成功" + ydhvolist.size() + "條"); } // TODO 需要找人確認這個 2 是什麼意思 李林君2014年9月16日 19:29:25 String sql1 = "select * from T_WL_YH where SENDERRFLAG='2'"; ArrayList<YunDanHaoVO> ydhvolist1 = (ArrayList<YunDanHaoVO>) getWLDao().executeQuery(sql1, new BeanListProcessor(YunDanHaoVO.class)); if (ydhvolist1.size() > 0) { for (YunDanHaoVO delvo : ydhvolist1) { String sqldel = "delete from hn_waybill where vbillcode='" + delvo.getYH() + "' and wl_yh_pk='" + delvo.getFLOWID_TLDJHZ() + "'"; getDao().executeUpdate(sqldel); rwrz.append("####end" + sqldel); } } return rwrz.toString(); } private SuperDMO getWLDao() { if (wldao == null) { wldao = new SuperDMO(); } return wldao; } private BaseDAO getDao() { if (dao == null) { dao = new BaseDAO(); } return dao; } private PfUtilBO pfutilbo; private PfUtilBO getPfutilbo() { if (pfutilbo == null) { pfutilbo = new PfUtilBO(); } return pfutilbo; } }