Android與C++ 使用socket傳輸資料
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-16
1. 使用C++ 建立socket server監聽
bool isBroadcastServerLanuch = false; bool isTcpTlsServerLanuch = false; int tcpSocketReceive_fd; void *receiveCmdFromMobileApp(void *arg){ int detachCode = pthread_detach(pthread_self());// 將狀態改為unjoinable狀態,確保資源的釋放 printf("receiveCmdFromMobileApp thread: detachCode = %d\n", detachCode); std::string send_content; tcpSocketReceive_fd = *(int *)arg; char buf[256]; int n; while(((n = recv(tcpSocketReceive_fd , buf, 256, 0)) != 0) && isWifiNetworkSecure){ if(n == -1){ perror("\t\t\tfail to receive command from mobile app!!!"); continue; } std::string recv_content = buf; memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); printf("receive content is : %s\n",recv_content.c_str()); printf("buf content: %s\n", buf); //TODO something char* send_buff; const int len = send_content.length(); send_buff = new char[len+1]{0}; strcpy(send_buff,send_content.c_str()); printf("will send buff is : \n%s\n",send_buff); n = send(tcpSocketReceive_fd , send_buff, len , 0); if( n == -1){ perror("fail to send"); } } if(n == 0){ printf("the connect has been closed\n"); if(close(tcpSocketReceive_fd) == -1){ perror("fail to close"); } } printf("thread end!\n"); pthread_exit(0); return 0; } int tcpSocket_fd; void *createSocketConnectionsForMobileApp(void *argv){ int detachCode = pthread_detach(pthread_self());// 將狀態改為unjoinable狀態,確保資源的釋放 printf("start creat socket connection: detachCode= %d\n",detachCode); struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_in cin; socklen_t len; int port = TCP_SOCKET_RECEIVE_IP_PORT; //6001 bzero(&sin , sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_port = htons(port); if((tcpSocket_fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1){ perror("fail to create socket"); pthread_exit(0); return 0; } int on = 1; if(setsockopt(tcpSocket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0){ perror("Unable to setsockopt"); pthread_exit(0); return 0; } if(bind(tcpSocket_fd,(struct sockaddr *)&sin ,sizeof(sin) ) == -1){ perror("fail to bind"); pthread_exit(0); return 0; } if(listen(tcpSocket_fd,10) == -1){ perror("fail to listen"); pthread_exit(0); return 0; } printf("connect socket waiting.....\n"); len = 1; while(1 && isWifiNetworkSecure){ int c_fd; if((c_fd = accept(tcpSocket_fd,(struct sockaddr *)&cin, &len)) == -1){ perror("fail to accept"); continue; } printf("\t\t\thave client connect to server !!!!\n"); if(isWifiNetworkSecure){ pthread_t receiveCmdFromMobileAppAction; int receiveCmdFromMobileAppActionResult = pthread_create(&receiveCmdFromMobileAppAction, NULL, receiveCmdFromMobileApp,&c_fd); printf("\t%s: recieve command from mobile app. errorCode = %d\n", APP_TAG.c_str(), receiveCmdFromMobileAppActionResult); }else{ printf("the network secure is false, not start receive thread.\n"); } } if(close(tcpSocket_fd) == -1){ perror("fail to close"); } pthread_exit(0); return 0; }
2. Android client code
import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; class TCPHelper { private static final String TAG = "xxxx"; private WifiManager.MulticastLock lock; private static TCPHelper instance = null; private Socket socket; private PrintWriter out; private InputStream is; static TCPHelper getInstance(){ if(instance == null){ instance = new TCPHelper(); } return instance; } private TCPHelper() { Log.i(TAG,"udp helper initial"); } private class ReadThread extends Thread { @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public void run() { try { is = socket.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int cnt = 0; while ((cnt =!=-1) { try { // read message Log.d(TAG, "accept socket status:" + socket.isConnected()); String msg = new String(buffer, 0, cnt); Log.d(TAG, "receive message:" + msg); if (listener != null) { listener.receive(msg); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, "Read message error!"); } } } void connect(final String IpAddress, final int port) { Log.i(TAG, "connect"); AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(TAG, " sync task"); connectSync(IpAddress,port); } }); Log.i(TAG, "AsyncTask over"); } private void connectSync(String IpAddress,int port){ Log.i(TAG, "Connecting"); try { System.out.println("Client:Connecting"); //Socket connect socket = new Socket(IpAddress, port); if (socket.isConnected() && listener != null){ listener.connected(); } out = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream())), true); //Read server message new Thread(new ReadThread()).start(); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { Log.i(TAG, "connect: unknown host"); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.i(TAG, "connect: io error"); e.printStackTrace(); } } // send a string void sendDataToServer(final String message) { AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(TAG, " sync task for socket write"); sendDataSync(message); } }); } private void sendDataSync(String message){ try { // OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream(); Log.i(TAG,"send socket status = "+socket.isConnected()); if (socket.isConnected()) { // outputStream.write((message+"\n").getBytes()); out.println(message); Log.i(TAG, "send a data!"); }else { if (listener != null){ listener.disconnected(); } } Log.i(TAG, "send a data over!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } void destroy() { if (lock != null){ lock.release(); lock = null; } if (out!=null){ out.close(); out = null; } if (is!=null){ try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } is = null; } if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } socket = null; } Log.i(TAG,"release socket"); instance = null; } public interface TCPHelperListener{ void connected(); void disconnected(); void receive(String data); } private TCPHelperListener listener = null; void setTCPHelperListener(TCPHelperListener listener){ this.listener = listener; } }