1. 程式人生 > >CSM認證部分題目分析 1

CSM認證部分題目分析 1

整理了一些真正的CSM習題, 從中可以逆向工程取得Scrum alliance所推薦的最佳實踐.




Step 1: 選擇考試語言種類,進行考試
Step 2: 通過後再次登陸,會被要求Accept Certified ScrumMaster Agreement
Step 3:設定個人資訊的profile


    1)  How are Development Teams guided during a Sprint? 
    A)      By the ScrumMaster who ensures they are not
wasting time B) By the Product Owner who attends the Daily Stand-up C) By project documentation and the Scrum process D) By their collective knowledge and experience
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    2)  What is the approach that Scrum encourages when a Team determines it
will be difficult to deliver any value by the end of a Sprint? A) Together with the Product Owner, focus on what can be done and identify a way to deliver something valuable at the end of each Sprint. B) Extend the Sprint by a few days to accommodate the extra work. C) Immediately escalate to
Senior Management. D) Suggest the Product Owner abnormally terminate the Sprint. ``` >答案:A
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3)  What does the Product Owner do during a Sprint? 
A)      Protects the Development Team and the process        
B)      Clarifies requirements and answers questions         
C)      Intervenes when required to make sure the pace of work is sustainable        
D)      Guides the Development Team in its work
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    4)  The ScrumMaster... 
    A)      controls the priority order of items in the Development Team's backlog.      
    B)      creates, refines and communicates customer requirements to the Development Team.         
    C)      is the keeper of the product vision.         
    D)      is the Scrum Team's Scrum expert and focuses on continual improvement.
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    5)  Which of the following is likely the best option when a Product Owner is overworked? 
    A)      Split the Product Owner role and distribute the duties among more people.        
    B)      Limit the amount of time the Product Owner spends with the Scrum Team.       
    C)      Free the Product Owner from other responsibilities.      
    D)      Ask the Project Manager to pick up some of the Product Owner's responsibilities.    
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    6)  How do the principles behind the Agile Manifesto suggest approaching architecture?
    A)      Architecture emerges(Missed) 
    B)      Architecture is not important, but functionality is important 
    C)      Architecture is defined and planned up front 
    D)      Architecture is defined and implemented in the first iterations
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    7)  When is the Sprint finished? 
    A)      When tasks are complete      
    B)      As determined by the size of the Team        
    C)      When the timebox expires         
    D)      When committed items have met their definition of done
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答案: C

    8)  What is the main purpose of a Sprint Review? 
    A)      For the Product Manager to be able to show progress to the Stakeholders      
    B)      For the Scrum Team to review their work and to determine what is needed to complete the next set of backlog items        
    C)      For Stakeholders to "hold the Scrum Team's feet to the fire" - to make sure something is produced during the Sprint      
    D)      For the Scrum Team and stakeholders to review what the Scrum Team has built, and to collaborate on what could be done next to create value.
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答案: D

    9)  According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new person into a Team
    A)      This is outside of the scope of Scrum
    B)      ScrumMaster
    C)      Product Owner
    D)      The self-managing Team
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10) Which technique might a ScrumMaster use to facilitate communication between the Development Team and the Product Owner?
A)      Teach the Product Owner about the development processes employed by the Development Team during the Sprints.
B)      Teach the Development Team to communicate in terms of business needs and objectives.
C)      Facilitate collaborative meetings betwwen the Development Team and the Product Owner.
D)      All of these
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11) The Agile Manifesto says that "[we] value responding to change over following a plan." Which of the following statements best illustrates this? 

Choose the best answer.      
A) Changes are accepted only if other Product Backlog Items are removed from the Product Backlog so that a fixed end-date is maintained.
B) Changes are accepted up until about halfway through the project, then all changes are deferred to a future release.
C) Changes are accepted at any time at the discretion of the Product Owner.
D) Changes are accepted up until the point that the first Sprint begins. Then, changes are deferred to a future release.
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>答案: C
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12) What is the main purpose of a Sprint Review?

Choose the best answer.      
A) For Stakeholders to "hold the Scrum Team's feet to the fire" - to make sure something is produced during the Sprint
B) For the Scrum Team to review their work and to determine what is needed to complete the next set of backlog items
C) For the Product Manager to be able to show progress to the Stakeholders
D) For the Scrum Team and stakeholders to review what the Scrum Team has built, and to collaborate on what could be done next to create value.
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>答案: D
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13) What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

Choose the best answer.      
A) Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment
B) Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula
C) Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires
D) Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state
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>答案: D
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14) Which role is responsible for turning the Product Backlog into incremental pieces of functionality?
Choose the best answer.      
A) Product Owner
B) ScrumMaster
C) Everyone within the Project
D) Development Team
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>答案: D
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15) Which of the following is a MAIN purpose of a Sprint Backlog?
Choose the best answer.      
A) For the Development Team to manage the number of hours spent on tasks in the Sprint
B) For the Product Owner to understand what the Development Team has committed to for a Sprint
C) For the Development Team to organize themselves during the Sprint
D) For the ScrumMaster to manage the Development Team's progress during the Sprint
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>答案: C
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16) Can the Product Owner and the ScrumMaster be the same person?
Choose the best answer.      
A) No. It would take too much of one person。ッs time.
B) No. The role responsibilities are in conflict.
C) Yes, as long as the person can balance both responsibilities with care.
D) Yes, if the person has the authority and empowerment to do both things.
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>答案: B
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17) Which role is MOST LIKELY to communicate an impediment during a Daily Scrum?    
Choose the best answer.      
A) Scrum Team
B) ScrumMaster
C) Product Owner
D) Stakeholders
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>答案: A
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18) 為什麼產品負責人應該參加Scrum日會
A)      確保團隊還在向著sprint目標的方向努力
B)      對圖阿隊進度釋出意見
C)      告訴團隊接下來作哪個任務,並更新產品列表
D)      檢視已取得的進展,決定團隊是否需要幫助
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19) 如下哪一條屬於產品負責人的職責
A)      決定團隊成功所必需的構成
B)      決定合適的釋出日期
C)      決定恰當的專案技術方案
D)      決定sprint的長度
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    20) sprint評審的主要目的是?
    A)      讓利益相關者可以向團隊施加壓力,以確保sprint能夠有所產出
    B)      讓團隊可以審閱他們的工作,並決定需要做些什麼來完成下一批列表條目
    C)      讓產品經理的一向利益相關者展現進度
    D)      讓利益相關者審閱團隊所建立的成果,併為後續計劃提供資訊
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21) 在第一個sprint中團隊做什麼
A)      交付設計文件
B)      預先決定完整的架構和基礎設施
C)      完成Sprint目標
D)      為後續的Sprint制定計劃
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22) 產品負責人的最佳描述是?
A)      阻止干係人干擾團隊
B)      指揮團隊的日常工作
C)      管理專案,確保工作成果能夠兌現向干係人作出的承諾
D)      優化工作成果的業務價值
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23) 敏捷宣言如何看待規劃
A)      敏捷專案不需要規劃,因為專案關注的是當前狀態
B)      對領域只是發展變化的流動進行度量,能更好地知道進行中的工作
C)      預先的規劃和設計師開始進行開發前不可或缺的一個階段
D)      計劃把任何產品列表條目放入一個迭代之前,必須要先簽收其細節
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24) 使用Scrum時,誰主要負責在範圍和進度之間作出權衡決策
A)      ScrumMaster
B)      團隊
C)      產品負責人
D)      專案經理
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25) 產品負責人和ScrumMaster可以是同一個人麼
A)      不可以。一個人的時間不夠用。
B)      不可以。這個人會擁有太多權力,這會產生困擾。
C)      可以,只要這個人能夠小心地平衡這兩份職責就可以。
D)      可以,只要這個人有職權和能力可以完成所有的事情就可以。
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此題的英文版本為No.16。可以看到答案選項的B,其英文版本是“No. The role responsibilities are in conflict.”
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26) 如下哪個角色負責把產品列表變成功能增量?
A)      產品負責人
B)      ScrumMaster
C)      專案中的所有人
D)      團隊
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    27) Scrum日會上,Olivia提到,說她發現了一些開原始碼,應該可以解決她正在處理的某個問題。她想馬上就著手實現。下一步做什麼最好
    A)      ScrumMaster讓Olivia區準備一個樣例以及給團隊展示的演示,這樣他們會考慮使用此程式碼。
    B)      團隊所有成員都要求評估Olivia的解決方案,下一次Scrum日會時向團隊彙報情況。
    C)      產品負責人記錄下障礙,並在會後著手解決。
    D)      開完Scrum日會之後,再單獨開會討論這個開源解決方案。
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    28) 哪個角色最有可能在Scrum日會上提及一個障礙?
    A)      團隊
    B)      ScrumMaster
    C)      產品負責人
    D)      干係人
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29) 在Sprint規劃會議中,產品負責人......
A)      決定團隊如何完成其工作
B)      把選定的故事分割為詳細任務
C)      展示他/她希望團隊在sprint中完成的故事
D)      決定在sprint結束時應該交付多少故事
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