1. 程式人生 > >hibernate的自關聯和多對多(5)


  1. 資料庫的多對多 1.1 資料庫中不能直接對映多對多 處理:建立一個橋接表(中間表),將一個多對多關係轉換成兩個一對多

    注1:資料庫多表聯接查詢 永遠就是二個表的聯接查詢

        A   B   C  D
           t1   C
                t2 D

    注2:交叉連線 注3:外連線:left(左)/right(右)/full(左右) 主從表:連線條件不成立時,主表記錄永遠保留,與null匹配 A B AB select * from A,B,AB WHERE A.aID=AB.aID and b.bid = AB.bid where 在hibernate中,你只管查詢當前表物件即可, hibernate會自動關聯橋表以及關聯表查詢出關聯物件

    Book Category Book_category select * from Book b,Book_category bc,category where b.bid = bc.bid and bc.cid = c.cid and bid = 2

  2. hibernate的多對多 2.1 hibernate可以直接對映多對多關聯關係(看作兩個一對多)

  3. 多對多關係注意事項 3.1 一定要定義一個主控方 3.2 多對多刪除 3.2.1 主控方直接刪除 3.2.2 被控方先通過主控方解除多對多關係,再刪除被控方 3.2.3 禁用級聯刪除 3.3 關聯關係編輯,不需要直接操作橋接表,hibernate的主控方會自動維護

案例: 1、自關聯查詢 選單表:

-- 一對多雙向自關聯
-- 選單表
-- t_hibernate_sys_tree_node
-- t:表
-- sys:模組名縮寫(system)
-- tree_noe:表名
create table t_hibernate_sys_tree_node
  tree_node_id int primary key auto_increment,                                                 -- ID
  tree_node_name varchar(50) not null,                                                         -- 名字
  tree_node_type int not null check(tree_node_type = 1 or tree_node_type = 2),                 -- 節點型別:1 枝節點 2 葉節點

  position int,                                                                             -- 位置
  parent_node_id int,                                                                         -- 父節點ID
  url varchar(1024),                                                                           -- URL
  foreign key(parent_node_id) references t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id)

-- drop table t_hibernate_sys_tree_node
-- select * from t_hibernate_sys_tree_node

select * from t_hibernate_sys_tree_node;
truncate table t_hibernate_sys_tree_node;

insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(1,'系統管理',1, 1,null,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(2,'市場管理',1, 2,null,null);

insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(3,'字典管理',2, 3,1,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(4,'使用者管理',2, 4,1,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(5,'角色管理',2, 5,1,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(6,'許可權管理',1, 6,1,null);

insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(7,'進貨管理',2, 7,2,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(8,'銷售管理',2, 8,2,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(9,'庫存管理',2, 9,2,null);

insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(10,'使用者分配角色',2, 10,6,null);
insert into t_hibernate_sys_tree_node(tree_node_id, tree_node_name, tree_node_type, position, parent_node_id, url)
  values(11,'角色授予使用者',2, 11,6,null);
private Integer treeNodeId;
private String treeNodeName;
private Integer treeNodeType;
private Integer position;
private String url;
	//當前節點與子節點的關聯關係   一對多
//	private Set<TreeNode> children=new HashSet<TreeNode>();//自己創的實體類是無序的
	private List<TreeNode> children=new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
	//當前節點與父節點的關係  多對一
   	private TreeNode parent;
private Integer initChildren=0;

public Integer getTreeNodeId() {
	return treeNodeId;

public void setTreeNodeId(Integer treeNodeId) {
	this.treeNodeId = treeNodeId;

public String getTreeNodeName() {
	return treeNodeName;

public void setTreeNodeName(String treeNodeName) {
	this.treeNodeName = treeNodeName;

public Integer getTreeNodeType() {
	return treeNodeType;

public void setTreeNodeType(Integer treeNodeType) {
	this.treeNodeType = treeNodeType;

public Integer getPosition() {
	return position;

public void setPosition(Integer position) {
	this.position = position;

public String getUrl() {
	return url;

public void setUrl(String url) {
	this.url = url;

//	public Set<TreeNode> getChildren() {
//		return children;
//	}
//	public void setChildren(Set<TreeNode> children) {
//		this.children = children;
//	}

public TreeNode getParent() {
	return parent;

public List<TreeNode> getChildren() {
	return children;

public void setChildren(List<TreeNode> children) {
	this.children = children;

public void setParent(TreeNode parent) {
	this.parent = parent;

public Integer getInitChildren() {
	return initChildren;

public void setInitChildren(Integer initChildren) {
	this.initChildren = initChildren;

public String toString() {
	return "TreeNode [treeNodeId=" + treeNodeId + ", treeNodeName=" + treeNodeName + ", treeNodeType="
			+ treeNodeType + ", position=" + position + ", url=" + url + ", children=" + children + "]";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC 
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

<class table="t_hibernate_sys_tree_node" name="com.five.entity.TreeNode">
	<id name="treeNodeId" type="java.lang.Integer" column="tree_node_id">
	<generator class="increment"></generator>
	<property name="treeNodeName" type="java.lang.String" column="tree_node_name"></property>
	<property name="treeNodeType" type="java.lang.Integer" column="tree_node_type"></property>
	<property name="position" type="java.lang.Integer" column="position"></property>
	<property name="url" type="java.lang.String" column="url"></property>
	<!-- <set name="children" cascade="save-update" inverse="true">
		<key column="parent_node_id"></key>
		<one-to-many class="com.five.entity.TreeNode"/>
	</set> -->
	<!-- order-by:指的是資料庫中的表字段。 position 是資料庫表中的列名,按照那個列排序 -->
	<bag  order-by="position" name="children" cascade="save-update" inverse="true">
		<key column="parent_node_id"></key>
		<one-to-many class="com.zking.five.entity.TreeNode"/>
		</bag><!--與list集合相對應,但是list用起來太麻煩,  -->
	<many-to-one name="parent" class="com.five.entity.TreeNode" column="parent_node_id"></many-to-one>
	<!-- 一對多的自關聯 -->
	<mapping resource="com/five/entity/TreeNode.hbm.xml"/>


public class TreeNodeDao {
	public TreeNode get(TreeNode treeNode){
		Session session = SessionFactoryUtil.getSession();
		Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
		TreeNode tn = session.get(TreeNode.class, treeNode.getTreeNodeId());
		if(tn!=null && new Integer(1).equals(treeNode.getInitChildren())){
//		System.out.println(tn);
		return tn;


public class TreeNodeDaoTest {
	private TreeNodeDao treeNodeDao=new TreeNodeDao();

public void testGet() {
	TreeNode treeNode=new TreeNode();
	TreeNode tn = this.treeNodeDao.get(treeNode);
//		System.out.println(tn);//會報錯,在實際開發中不會遇到這樣的錯誤
		for (TreeNode tn2 : tn.getChildren()) {

 * 當載入一級節點的時候沒問題
 * 載入二級的時候,由於設定了強制載入,同樣可以載入所有的二級節點(子節點)
 * 載入三級節點,這時session關閉了,並且預設查出來的節點,是預設採用的是懶載入,
 * 許可權選單載入有兩種方式
 * 1、一次性將資料庫表中的資料全部載入往瀏覽器返回(是用於選單較少)
 * 2、選單表資料量較大,當出現瀏覽器卡頓的情況,第一種方式就不再使用。
 * 那麼咱們就採用選單逐級載入。
 * 1
 * 		1.1
 * 		1.2	(新增一個點選事件。然後加載出三級載入。相當於非同步)
 * 			1.2.1
 *			1.2.2

2、多對多級聯查詢 書籍表、書籍類別表 資料庫表:

      -- 書本類別表
create table t_hibernate_category
   category_id int primary key auto_increment,
   category_name varchar(50) not null

-- 書本表
create table t_hibernate_book
   book_id int primary key auto_increment,
   book_name varchar(50) not null,
   price float not null

-- 橋接表
-- 定義三個列,其實只要兩個列
-- 一個類別對應多本書,一本書對應多個類別
create table t_hibernate_book_category
  bcid int primary key auto_increment,  
  bid int not null,
  cid int not null,
  foreign key(bid) references t_hibernate_book(book_id),
  foreign key(cid) references t_hibernate_category(category_id)

insert into t_hibernate_book(book_id, book_name, price) values(1,'西遊記',50);
insert into t_hibernate_book(book_id, book_name, price) values(2,'紅樓夢',50);
insert into t_hibernate_book(book_id, book_name, price) values(3,'水滸',50);
insert into t_hibernate_book(book_id, book_name, price) values(4,'三國演義',50);

insert into t_hibernate_category(category_id, category_name) values(1,'古典');
insert into t_hibernate_category(category_id, category_name) values(2,'神話');
insert into t_hibernate_category(category_id, category_name) values(3,'歷史');

insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(1,1);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(1,2);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(2,1);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(3,1);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(3,3);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(4,1);
insert into t_hibernate_book_category(bid, cid) values(4,3);

-- 西遊記對應類別
select b.book_name, c.category_name
from t_hibernate_book b inner join t_hibernate_book_category bc on b.book_id = bc.bid inner join t_hibernate_category c on bc.cid = c.category_id
where book_id=1

-- 西遊記對應類別
select c.category_name, b.book_name
from t_hibernate_book b inner join t_hibernate_book_category bc on b.book_id = bc.bid inner join t_hibernate_category c on bc.cid = c.category_id
where category_id=1
public class Book {
	private Integer bookId;
	private String bookName;
	private Float price;
private Set<Category> categories=new HashSet<Category>();

private Integer initCategories=0;

public Integer getInitCategories() {
	return initCategories;
public void setInitCategories(Integer initCategories) {
	this.initCategories = initCategories;
public Set<Category> getCategories() {
	return categories;
public void setCategories(Set<Category> categories) {
	this.categories = categories;
public Integer getBookId() {
	return bookId;
public void setBookId(Integer bookId) {
	this.bookId = bookId;
public String getBookName() {
	return bookName;
public void setBookName(String bookName) {
	this.bookName = bookName;
public Float getPrice() {
	return price;
public void setPrice(Float price) {
	this.price = price;
public class Category {private Integer categoryId;
	private String categoryName;
private Set<Book> books=new HashSet<Book>();

private Integer initBooks=0;

public Integer getInitBooks() {
	return initBooks;
public void setInitBooks(Integer initBooks) {
	this.initBooks = initBooks;
public Set<Book> getBooks() {
	return books;
public void setBooks(Set<Book> books) {
	this.books = books;
public Integer getCategoryId() {
	return categoryId;
public void setCategoryId(Integer categoryId) {
	this.categoryId = categoryId;
public String getCategoryName() {
	return categoryName;
public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
	this.categoryName = categoryName;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC 
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"


	select *from t_hibernate_book where bookId=?(5);
	5 a 10
	Book book =	Class.forName("com.five.entity.Book").newInstance();
		select * from t_hibernate_book_category
		select cid from t_hibernate_book_category where bid=?(bookId=5)
		8	 5 	4
		9 	 5 	5
		10	 5 	2
		select * from t_hibernate_category
	select * from t_hibernate_category	where category_id (2,4,5)	
		2 神話
		4 a0
		5 a1
	list<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>(); 
		Category c = Class.form("com.five.entity.Category").newInstance();
<class table="t_hibernate_book" name="com.five.entity.Book">
	<id name="bookId" type="java.lang.Integer" column="book_id">
	<generator class="increment"></generator>
	<property name="bookName" type="java.lang.String" column="book_name"></property>
	<property name="price" type="java.lang.Float" column="price"></property>
	<!-- table="t_hibernate_book_category" 橋接表  -->
	<set table="t_hibernate_book_category" name="categories" cascade="save-update" inverse="false">
		<!-- one  -->
		<key column="bid"></key>
		<!-- many -->
		<many-to-many column="cid" class="com.five.entity.Category"></many-to-many>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC 
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

	<class table="t_hibernate_category" name="com.five.entity.Category">
		<id name="categoryId" type="java.lang.Integer" column="category_id">
		<generator class="increment"></generator>
		<property name="categoryName" type="java.lang.String" column="category_name"></property>
		<!--多對多的關係,必須一個是true 一個是false 那個是true那個是false 由自己決定 至於為什麼看後面的部落格 -->
		<set table="t_hibernate_book_category" name="books" cascade="save-update" inverse="true">
			<key column="cid"></key>
			<many-to-many column="bid" class="com.five.entity.Book"></many-to-many>


<!-- 多對多的關係 -->
	<mapping resource="com/zking/five/entity/category.hbm.xml"/>
	<mapping resource="com/zking/five/entity/book.hbm.xml"/>


	public Book get(Book book){
		Session session = SessionFactoryUtil.getSession();
		Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
		Book b = session.get(Book.class, book.getBookId());
		if(b!=null && new Integer(1).equals(book.getInitCategories())){
		return b;
public class CategoryDao {
public Category get(Category category){
	Session session = SessionFactoryUtil.getSession();
	Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
	Category c = session.get(Category.class, category.getCategoryId());
	if(c!=null && new Integer(1).equals(category.getInitBooks())){
	return c;


public class BookDaoTest {
	private BookDao  bookDao=new BookDao();
	private CategoryDao categoryDao=new CategoryDao();
	 * 通過一本書能夠查詢到多個類別
	 * jdbc:三表聯查 
	 * hibernate:只需要查詢單個物件即可,它會自動關聯查詢,交給對映檔案即可。
	public void testGet1() {
		Book book=new Book();
		Book b=this.bookDao.get(book);
		for (Category c : b.getCategories()) {
	 * 通過一個類別查詢多個書籍 
	public void testGet2() {
	Category category=new Category();
	Category c = this.categoryDao.get(category);
	for (Book b : c.getBooks()) {