1. 程式人生 > >LeanTouch例子中的各指令碼


1 物體選擇

1.1 LeanSelect

This component allows you to select LeanSelectable components


1.2 LeanSelectable

This component makes this GameObject selectable.

To then select it, you can use LeanSelect and trigger the selection from LeanFingerTap or similar.


要想選定物體, 你可以使用LeanSelect指令碼並將使事件由LeanFingerTap指令碼觸發

1.3 LeanSelectableBehaviour

This script makes handling selectable actions easier.


1.4 LeanSelectableGraphicColor

This script allows you to change the color of the Graphic (e.g. Image) attached to the current GameObject.


1.5 LeanSelectableRendererColor

This script allows you to change the color of the Renderer attached to the current GameObject


1.6 LeanSelectableSpriteRendererColor

This script allows you to change the color of the SpriteRenderer attached to the current GameObject


2 縮放 平移和旋轉物體

2.1 LeanTranslate

This script allows you to translate the current GameObject relative to the camera.


2.2 LeanRotate

This script allows you to transform the current GameObject

此方法允許你transform(旋轉 平移 縮放)當前物體  (感覺跟上面那個差不多)

2.3 LeanRotateCustomAxis

This component allows you to rotate the current GameObject around a specific local axis using finger twists

此方法允許你旋轉當前物件, 圍繞著特定的本地軸, 使用手指擰

2.4 LeanScale

This script allows you to scale the current GameObject


2.5 LeanCanvasArrow

This script rotates the current GameObject based on a finger swipe angle

此指令碼根據手勢輕掃角度旋轉物體. (引數是Vector2 delta)

3 相機移動事件

3.1 LeanCameraMove

This script allows you to track & pedestral this GameObject (e.g. Camera) based on finger drags


個人理解: 移動的是相機, 但是看起來像是物體在動

3.2 LeanCameraZoom

This script allows you to zoom a camera in and out based on the pinch gesture. This supports both perspective and orthographic cameras.

此指令碼允許使用捏合手勢縮放相機. 支援透視相機和正交相機.

4 短按 長按和輕掃

4.1 LeanFingerHeld

This script fires events if a finger has been held for a certain amount of time without moving


4.2 LeanFingerSwipe

This script fires events if a finger has been held for a certain amount of time without moving


4.3 LeanFingerTap

This script calls the OnFingerTap event when a finger taps the screen


5 繪製軌跡事件

5.1 LeanFingerTrail

This script will draw the path each finger has taken since it started being pressed


5.2 LeanFingerLine

This script will modify LeanFingerTrail to draw a straight line


6 三大基本事件

6.1 LeanFingerDown

This script calls the OnFingerDown event when a finger touches the screen


6.2 LeanFingerSet

This script calls the OnFingerSet event while a finger is touching the screen


6.3 LeanFingerUp

This script calls the OnFingerUp event when a finger stops touching the screen


7 其它功能

7.1 LeanSpawnAt [生成預製件]

This component allows you to spawn a prefab at a single point


7.2 LeanTouchEvents [輸出日誌]

This script will hook into event LeanTouch event, and spam the console with the information

此指令碼將勾住LeanTouch的事件, 並向控制檯輸出事件日誌

7.3 LeanOpenUrl [開啟URL]

無官方註釋. 程式碼是Application.URL(string url);

7.4 LeanDestroy [銷燬物體]

This script will automatically destroy this GameObject after 'Seconds' seconds

If you want to manually destroy this GameObject, then disable this component, and call DestroyNow


如果想要手動銷燬物體, 可以先disable這個物體, 然後呼叫DestroyNow

8 不認識的元件

8.1 LeanPath

This component stores a list of points that form a path


8.2 LeanPlane

This component stores information about a 3D plane


8.3 LeanScreenDepth

This struct allows you to convert from a screen point to a world point using a variety of different methods

此結構允許你使用不同的方法把螢幕座標轉換為世界座標. (轉換方法參見官方文件, 我翻譯了)