1. 程式人生 > >Jmeter Plugins----- Transactions per Second 配置項

Jmeter Plugins----- Transactions per Second 配置項

Jmeter Plugins---version 0.5.5


Transactions per Second since 0.3.0

This graph shows the number of transactions per second for each sampler. It counts for each seconds the number of finished transactions. Compared to the previous version (0.3.0), it will now also display the failed transactions.

    該圖中展示的是每個取樣器每秒鐘的事務總數,它統計的是每秒鐘完成的事務數,與0.30版本相比,它增加了對失敗事務的顯示。   下面這句是在官方的解釋:

 transaction means the result of each Sampler or Transaction Controller

大概意思就是:事務就是每個取樣器的結果或者事務控制器的執行結果     圖形結果展示方式有兩種: Detailed display,one row per Sampler ----按取樣器統計顯示
Aggregated display,all Samplers combined----聚合顯示(統計所有的資料後按平均值或總和顯示-以圖形而定)。   先看下幾個配置項的含義: http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/wiki/SettingsPanel#Limit_number_of_points_in_row Group Values InterVal:    the Graphs plugins are aggregating the values received by JMeter for intervals of 500 ms or 1 sec.You can change this default value for a bigger one if you plan to have long test
 runs. It will result in less memory used, lesser points in the Graphs. The drawback is you will loose some granularity as this option has impact on the metrics collected. It is recommended to use instead the Limit number of points option, except if you have real memory problems because of huge tests. This option will be saved in the test plan.
  概意:該圖統計某一時間段內Jmeter收集到的資料,如果你的測試計劃需要更多的執行時間可以修改該值。時間段越長消耗的記憶體越少,同樣的圖形上的點越少。缺點是將會丟失一些統計粒度,影響所採集的度量結果。推薦用它替換Limit number of points 選項,除非你的測試物件存在記憶體問題,該選項將儲存在測試計劃中。

Standard / Aggregate Display:

 This option is very useful as it gives you 2 graphs in one. You can get either a detailed display, which consist of one row per sample, or an aggregated one, which will average or sum (depending of the graph type) all the values and display a single row. Note you can switch in real time between them. This option is saved in the test plan.  概意:這個選項非常有用,它可以給你提供兩種圖形。你可以選擇按每個取樣器詳細顯示,或者單行聚合顯示(它會根據具體的圖形顯示所有值得平均值或者總和),支援實時切換。該值保持在測試計劃中。

Relative Time:

 This option will display time based graphs X axis relative to the test start time. 圖形中X軸按測試執行時間的相對時間展示時間。

Rendering Options

Some of these options can be set globally using the user.properties file as described in the installation procedure.
You can change them dynamically during the test, they will not be saved in the test plan.  

Paint Gradient

Enable or disable the gradient paint as background of the chart. It may be useful to remove it if you plan to print the chart. 啟用或禁用圖示中的背景顏色梯度繪製(無需關注)

Draw Zeroing Lines

This option draw at the beginning and at the end of each row a vertical line from the point to the horizontal axis. It can be nice for the thread state over time graph for instance. 概意:圖形繪製是否繪製起點和結束點(歸0點)。線上程狀態圖中非常有用  

Draw Current X Line

This option will draw a vertical line to show which value is updated in the chart. This can be used for non time based Graphs,such as Response time vs Threads 概意:該選項將啟用是否繪製當前值位置,這個在沒有時間基準的圖形中非常有用。例如Response time vs Threads

Limit Number of Points in Row

This is the most helpful option. It will dynamically reduce the number of points of the rows for better readability. You just specify how many maximum points can be displayed, and the chart will adapt itself. This can be enabled/disable in real time, with no impact on the metrics collected.   概意:這一項非常有用,為了提高每行的可讀行,它將動態的減少一些取樣點。只需要指定最大可以顯示的取樣點數,圖示將自適應。可以實時啟動或禁止,對度量結果沒有影響。

Prevent X Axis Range to Adapt to Outliers

  This option is used only for the Response Time Distribution graph. By selecting it, it will prevent the graph to be scaled for outliers values. In the following example, you can see there was a timeout which occurs during the test. The impact on the chart is the X axis scales itself to display this value, and all other ones become difficult to see. By selecting this option, these kind of values will be ignored when drawing the graph.   這個選項只對Response Time Distribution graph(響應時間分佈圖)圖形有效。選擇這個後,異常的值將不會在該圖形中被瀏覽到。在下面的示例中,在測試執行中出現了一個超時時間,為了顯示該值,將對X軸產生影響,使得其他值(正常的)變得很難被看見。依賴於這個選項,那些異常的值在圖形繪製的時候將被忽略。

Hide Non-representative Points(隱藏沒有代表性的值)

This option is used for graphs with thread count as X axis. For these kind of graphs, we can expect to see values based on the ramp up strategy used. For instance, in the following ramp up, we expect to see values for (10, 20, 30, ... , 100) users: 這個選擇用在以執行緒統計做X周的圖形中(比如Response Times vs Threads)。對於那些圖,我們能夠看到值是根據策略逐步提升的....

But during the test, at some point of time we have different count during the ramp up or ramp down between 2 steps. And this will show non-representative values, as we may have only few of them for a given thread count.


This option is here to remove these non representative points.
