asm write stdout in linux x64
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %%rsi, %%rdi \t\n" "movb $0, %%al\t\n" "movl $0, %%ecx \t\n" "not %%ecx \t\n" "repnz scasb \t\n" "subq %%rsi, %%rdi \t\n" "subq $1, %%rdi \t\n" "movq %%rdi, %%rdx \t\n" "movq $1, %%rax \t\n" "movq $1, %%rdi \t\n" "syscall" ::"S"("hello, world") :"rax", "rdx", "rdi", "ecx" );
asm write stdout in linux x64
__asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %%rsi, %%rdi \t\n" "movb $0, %%al\t\n" "movl $0, %%ecx \t\n" "not %%e
vi is failed with error "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set" in Linux
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DBCA Does Not Display ASM Disk Groups In 11.2
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E297: Write error in swap file
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[中英對照]Booting Process in Linux RHEL 7 | Linux RHEL 7啟動過程
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File System in Linux
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How To Change Log Rate Limiting In Linux
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