1. 程式人生 > >Julia 中 Type 型別

Julia 中 Type 型別

Julia 中還有一個基本的型別:Type,其實我們知道 Julia 文件中 已宣告的型別 這一節中提到了 DataType 這一基本資料型別,但是還有一個 Type 型別,這兩個型別之間的差別可以參見 Julia: Diffrence between Type and DataType

這裡我們只舉出 Type 型別的一種常見用法: Type{T} (引用來自 Julia: Diffrence between Type and DataType ):

Type is special. As you see above, it’s parametric. This allows you to precisely specify the type of a specific type in question. So while every single type in Julia isa

Type, only Int isa Type{Int}:

julia> isa(Int, Type{Int})

julia> isa(Float64, Type{Int})

julia> isa(Float64, Type)

This ability is special and unique to Type, and it’s essential in allowing dispatch to be specified on a specific type. For example, many functions allow you to specify a type as their first argument.

f(x::Type{String}) = "string method, got $x"
f(x::Type{Number}) = "number method, got $x"

julia> f(String)
"string method, got String"

julia> f(Number)
"number method, got Number"

It’s worth noting that Type{Number} is only the type of Number, and not the type of Int, even though Int <: Number

! This is parametric invariance. To allow all subtypes of a particular abstract type, you can use a function parameter:

julia> f(Int)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Type{Int64})

julia> f{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}) = "integer method, got $T"
f (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> f(Int)
"integer method, got Int64"

The ability to capture the specific type in question as a function parameter is powerful and frequently used. Note that I didn’t even need to specify an argument name — the only thing that matters in this case is the parameter within Type{}.

Use Type{T} when you want to describe the type of T in particular.

強調一下加強理解,T 為一個型別(如 Int, Float64 等),那麼 Type{T} 即為型別 T型別 (有點拗口,注意理解),TType{T} 唯一的例項:

julia> Int isa Type{Int}