阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-19
[2018-11-04 16:56:17,616: ERROR/MainProcess] Received unregistered task of type 'home_application.celery_tasks.update_deployment'. The message has been ignored and discarded. Did you remember to import the module containing this task? Or maybe you are using relative imports? Please see http://bit.ly/gLye1c for more information. The full contents of the message body was: {'utc': False, 'chord': None, 'args': [], 'retries': 0, 'expires': None, 'task': 'home_application.celery_tasks.update_deployment', 'callbacks': None, 'errbacks': None, 'timelimit': (None, None), 'taskset': None, 'kwargs': {'args': [u't-p', u't-p-others-t-m', 1, {'module_id': u'19', 'proj_code': u't-p'}, u'', 80, 1, 1073741824, u'/sample/', 'default']}, 'eta': None, 'id': '389534de-2b58-4a76-a237-be1189b724ef'} (411b) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/bkce/paas_agent/apps/Envs/adm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer.py", line 455, in on_task_received strategies[name](message, body, KeyError: 'home_application.celery_tasks.update_deployment'
# 是否啟用celery任務 IS_USE_CELERY = True # 本地開發的 celery 的訊息佇列(RabbitMQ)資訊 BROKER_URL_DEV = 'amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672' # TOCHANGE 呼叫celery任務的檔案路徑, List of modules to import when celery starts. CELERY_IMPORTS = ( # 這裡要注意,配置好路徑,否則也會報上述錯誤 'home_application.celery_tasks', )
from celery import task
def update_deployment(app_name, deployment_name, replicas, labels, image, container_port, cpu, memory, health_check_url,
# some code
def deploy_image_dce(proj_code, category, name, module_id, ver, urlpath, instance_num, node_port, cpu, memory): if result == 'Find': # 設定為後臺任務 result = update_deployment.delay(proj_code, deployment_name, replicas, labels, image, container_port, cpu, memory, urlpath, namespace) the_task = update_deployment.AsyncResult(result.id) print_util('result.id', result.id) print_util('the_task.state', the_task.state)
別忘了起celery,否則任務會一直處於PENDING,我用的藍鯨部署平臺,勾選下就可以了。 Finished!!!