阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-19
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> void route(char Text[],int *start,int *end,int column); void output(char cpy[],int column); int countspace(char cpy[]); int main() { system("color 0B"); Menu(); int start,end,column,length; int i; char Text[10000],ch; printf("\nPlease input or copy the text you want to transform:\n\n"); gets(Text); printf("\n\nPlease input the column(column>=25):"); scanf("%d",&column); system("cls"); printf("\n"); printf("Transformed text:\n\n"); start=0; end=column-1; length=strlen(Text); if(length<column) { printf("%s",Text); return 0; } while(end<length) { route(Text,&start,&end,column); } for(i=start; i<length; i++) { printf("%c",Text[i]); } printf("\n\nInput 'c' to continue or input ESC to quit!"); while(1) { ch=getch(); if(ch=='c') { getchar(); system("cls"); return main(); } else if(ch==27) { return 0; } else { ; } } } void route(char Text[],int *start,int *end,int column) { int i,j; char cpy[500]=""; while(Text[*end]!=' '&&Text[*end]!=','&&Text[*end]!='!'&&Text[*end]!='.')//代表每行最後一個字元是字母 *end=*end-1; if(Text[*end]==' ') { for(i=*start,j=0; i<*end; i++,j++) { cpy[j]=Text[i]; } } else for(i=*start,j=0;i<=*end;i++,j++) cpy[j]=Text[i]; *start=*end+1; *end=*start+column; output(cpy,column); } void output(char cpy[],int column) { char strout[500]=""; int i,j=0; int spacecount,difference,space0,spacex; spacecount=countspace(cpy); difference=column-strlen(cpy); space0=(column-strlen(cpy))/spacecount; spacex=(column-strlen(cpy))%spacecount; for(i=0; i<column; i++) { strout[i]=' '; } if(difference>0) { for(i=0,j=0; i<strlen(cpy); i++) { if(cpy[i]==' ') { j+=space0; if(spacex>0) { j++; spacex--; } } strout[j]=cpy[i]; j++; } printf("%s\n",strout); } else { printf("%s\n",cpy); } } int countspace(char cpy[]) { int i,sum=0; for(i=0; i<strlen(cpy); i++) { if(cpy[i]==' ') { sum++; } } return sum; } void Menu() { char ch; printf(" 【【English text form transformation system】】\n"); printf(" =============================================================="); printf("\n 1.Start"); printf("\n 2.Quit\n"); printf(" =============================================================="); printf("\n\nInput the number you want to operate:"); while(1) { ch=getch(); if(ch=='1') { system("cls"); return; } else if(ch=='2') { exit(0); } else { ; } } }
備註: 大家在開始執行程式後,貼上大量文字的時候注意一下,因為在codeblocks的黑框環境下它會卡,所以就點黑框上方的白色邊界裡面的編輯—>貼上 即可貼上入大量待排版的文字了O(∩_∩)O。