1. 程式人生 > >提高visual studio使用逼格的連體字 Fira code 以及多行編輯 MixEdit

提高visual studio使用逼格的連體字 Fira code 以及多行編輯 MixEdit





然後進入VS,選擇TOOLS->Options->Fonts and Colors,選擇Fira code即可: 這裡寫圖片描述

MixEdit is aVisual Studio extension that allows simultaneous editing of multiple parts of the text at the same time. Making the same change several times is more frustrating thancreating multiple carets to the right places and then make a single change to all of them, and MixEdit allows you to do exactely that! Renaming variables and refactoring are now simple and fast, and you can achieve bigger changes with just a few key strokes.

下載完雙擊安裝就行: 這裡寫圖片描述

安裝完成後,vs中就會出現 這裡寫圖片描述

下面開始就是裝逼炫技的效果: 這裡寫圖片描述