1. 程式人生 > >sql進階語句例項


1 多表查詢 通過where 將表進行關聯


將兩表通過id欄位進行連線 輸出

select t1.id,t1.name,t1.age,t1.sex,t2.chinese,t2.math,t2.english from human as t1,student as t2 where t1.id  = t2.id;

2 檢視 view 資料只可檢視,不可操作

create view view1 as select t1.id,t1.name,t1.age,t1.sex,t2.chinese,t2.math,t2.english from human as t1,student as t2 where t1.id = t2.id;

3 sql語句綜合練習(表結構如下圖所示(學生表,課程表,分數表))

3.1 分別查詢學生表和課程表中的全部資料;

select *from student;

select * from course;

3.2 查詢成績在70到80之間的學生學號,課程號和成績;

select id,cno,grade from sroce where grade >=70 and grade <= 80;

or: select id,cno,grade from sroce where grade between 70 and 80;

3.3 查詢291號課程成績最高分數;

select max(grade) from sroce where cno =291;

3.4 查詢學生都選修了哪些課程,要求列出課程號;

select  distinct(cno)  from course;

3.5 查詢291號課程所有學生的平均成績,最高成績,最低成績;

select avg(grade),max(grade),min(grade) from score where cno = 291;


select dept,count(dept) from student group by dept;


select count(id),max(grade) from score group by cno;


select count(id) from score group by id;

3.9 統計選修課的學生總數和考試的平均成績;

select count(id) ,avg(grade) from score;

3.10 查閱選修課數超過2門的學生的平均成績;

select avg(grade) ,count(cno)  as count from score group by cno having count >2 ;


select id,sum(grade) as sum_grade from score  group by id having sum_grade >200;

3.12 查詢選修了291課程學生的姓名和所在系;

select t1.name,t1.dept from student as t1,score as t2 where t1.id =t2.id  and cno = 291;

3.13 查詢成績80分以上的學生姓名,課程號和成績,並按成績降序排列;

select t1.name ,t2.cno,t2.grade from student as t1,sorce as t2 where t1.id = t2.id group by t2.id having grade > 80 order by grade desc;

3.13.1 查詢80分以上的學生;

select id ,cno,grade from score where grade > 80;

3.13.2 連線student 表,得到姓名;

select t1.name ,t2.cno,t2.grade  from student as t1, (select id, cno,grade from score where grade > 80) as t2 where t1.id =t2.id;

3.14 查詢計算機系男生修了‘數學’的學生姓名,成績;

select t1.name,t2.grade from student as t1,score as t2 where t1.id = t2.id and t1.dept = ‘computer’  and t1.sex = ‘man’;

3.15 查詢哪些學生的年齡相同,要求列出年齡相同的學生姓名和成績;

select t1.name ,t2.grade from student as t1 ,score as t2 where t1.id = t2.id group by t1.age;

3.16 分別查詢計算機系和數學系的學生姓名,性別,修課名稱,修課成績;



第一步:在student 表中獲得計算機系和數學系的學號,姓名,以及性別;

select id,name,sex from student where dept in(‘computer’,’math’);


select  grade ,cno,t1.* from score as t1,( select id,name,sex from student where dept  in(‘computer’,’math’) ) as t2 where t1.id = t2.id;


select cname, t2.* from course as t1, (select  grade ,cno,t1.* from score as t1,( select id,name,sex from student where dept in(‘computer’,’math’) ) as t2 where t1.id = t2.id ) as t2 where t1.cno=t2.cno;

3.17 將計算機系成績高於80分的學生的修課情況插入到另一張表中,建立一個新表,然後插入資料。

create table temp as select t1.name,t3.cname from student as t1, score as t2,course as t3 where t1.id =t2.id and t1.dept = ‘computer’ and t2.cno = t3.cno and t2.grade > 80 ;

3.18 刪除修課成績小於60分的學生的修課記錄;

delete from score where grade < 60;

3.19 將所有選修了“c01”課程的學生的成績加10分;

update score set grade = grade + 10 where cno =291;