1. 程式人生 > >goaccess分析access.log


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goaccess /var/log/nginx/access.log -a -o go.html




goaccess -h
GoAccess - 1.3

Usage: goaccess [filename] [ options ... ] [-c][-M][-H][-S][-q][-d][...]
The following options can also be supplied to the command:

& Date Format Options --date-format=<dateformat> - Specify log date format. e.g., %d/%b/%Y --log-format=<logformat> - Specify log format. Inner quotes need to be escaped, or use single quotes. --time-format=<timeformat> - Specify log time
format. e.g., %H:%M:%S User Interface Options -c --config-dialog - Prompt log/date/time configuration window. -i --hl-header - Color highlight active panel. -m --with-mouse - Enable mouse support on main dashboard. --color=<fg:bg[attrs, PANEL]> - Specify custom colors. See manpage for
more details and options. --color-scheme=<1|2|3> - Schemes: 1 => Grey, 2 => Green, 3 => Monokai. --html-custom-css=<path.css> - Specify a custom CSS file in the HTML report. --html-custom-js=<path.js> - Specify a custom JS file in the HTML report. --html-prefs=<json_obj> - Set default HTML report preferences. --html-report-title=<title> - Set HTML report page title and header. --json-pretty-print - Format JSON output w/ tabs & newlines. --max-items - Maximum number of items to show per panel. See man page for limits. --no-color - Disable colored output. --no-column-names - Dont write column names in term output. --no-csv-summary - Disable summary metrics on the CSV output. --no-html-last-updated - Hide HTML last updated field. --no-parsing-spinner - Disable progress metrics and parsing spinner. --no-progress - Disable progress metrics. --no-tab-scroll - Disable scrolling through panels on TAB. Server Options --addr=<addr> - Specify IP address to bind server to. --daemonize - Run as daemon (if --real-time-html enabled). --fifo-in=<path> - Path to read named pipe (FIFO). --fifo-out=<path> - Path to write named pipe (FIFO). --origin=<addr> - Ensure clients send the specified origin header upon the WebSocket handshake. --pid-file=<path> - Write PID to a file when --daemonize is used. --port=<port> - Specify the port to use. --real-time-html - Enable real-time HTML output. --ssl-cert=<cert.crt> - Path to TLS/SSL certificate. --ssl-key=<priv.key> - Path to TLS/SSL private key. --ws-url=<url> - URL to which the WebSocket server responds. File Options - - The log file to parse is read from stdin. -f --log-file=<filename> - Path to input log file. -S --log-size=<number> - Specify the log size, useful when piping in logs. -l --debug-file=<filename> - Send all debug messages to the specified file. -p --config-file=<filename> - Custom configuration file. --invalid-requests=<filename> - Log invalid requests to the specified file. --no-global-config - Dont load global configuration file. Parse Options -a --agent-list - Enable a list of user-agents by host. -b --browsers-file=<path> - Use additional custom list of browsers. -d --with-output-resolver - Enable IP resolver on HTML|JSON output. -e --exclude-ip=<IP> - Exclude one or multiple IPv4/6. Allows IP ranges e.g. -H --http-protocol=<yes|no> - Set/unset HTTP request protocol if found. -M --http-method=<yes|no> - Set/unset HTTP request method if found. -o --output=file.html|json|csv - Output either an HTML, JSON or a CSV file. -q --no-query-string - Ignore requests query string. Removing the query string can greatly decrease memory consumption. -r --no-term-resolver - Disable IP resolver on terminal output. --444-as-404 - Treat non-standard status code 444 as 404. --4xx-to-unique-count - Add 4xx client errors to the unique visitors count. --anonymize-ip - Anonymize IP addresses before outputting to report. --all-static-files - Include static files with a query string. --crawlers-only - Parse and display only crawlers. --date-spec=<date|hr> - Date specificity. Possible values: `date` (default), or `hr`. --double-decode - Decode double-encoded values. --enable-panel=<PANEL> - Enable parsing/displaying the given panel. --hide-referer=<NEEDLE> - Hide a referer but still count it. Wild cards are allowed. i.e., *.bing.com --hour-spec=<hr|min> - Hour specificity. Possible values: `hr` (default), or `min` (tenth of a min). --ignore-crawlers - Ignore crawlers. --ignore-panel=<PANEL> - Ignore parsing/displaying the given panel. --ignore-referer=<NEEDLE> - Ignore a referer from being counted. Wild cards are allowed. i.e., *.bing.com --ignore-statics=<req|panel> - Ignore static requests. req => Ignore from valid requests. panel => Ignore from valid requests and panels. --ignore-status=<CODE> - Ignore parsing the given status code. --num-tests=<number> - Number of lines to test. >= 0 (10 default) --process-and-exit - Parse log and exit without outputting data. --real-os - Display real OS names. e.g, Windows XP, Snow Leopard. --sort-panel=PANEL,METRIC,ORDER - Sort panel on initial load. For example: --sort-panel=VISITORS,BY_HITS,ASC. See manpage for a list of panels/fields. --static-file=<extension> - Add static file extension. e.g.: .mp3. Extensions are case sensitive. GeoIP Options -g --std-geoip - Standard GeoIP database for less memory consumption. --geoip-database=<path> - Specify path to GeoIP database file. i.e., GeoLiteCity.dat, GeoIPv6.dat ... Other Options -h --help - This help. -V --version - Display version information and exit. -s --storage - Display current storage method. e.g., B+ Tree, Hash. --dcf - Display the path of the default config file when `-p` is not used.


goaccess -p /usr/local/etc/goaccess/goaccess.conf  /var/log/nginx/access.log -a -o go.html








