阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
- 示範建立一個新的圖層,怎樣設定層的顏色和線型;
- 示範怎樣使用瀏覽器(iterator).
static void aaaMyGroupMyCommand () { acutPrintf(_T("\n進入Mycommand函式!")); ACHAR lyrName[256]; ACHAR kw[20]; int rc; //return code int col; //Color value AcDbObjectId ltypeId; //We need the object id of the linetype //for layer creation rc = acedGetString(0, _T("\nNew layer name:"), lyrName); switch (rc) { case RTCAN: acutPrintf(_T("User canceled")); return; case RTERROR: acutPrintf(_T("\nError with input of new layer name!")); return; break; } if (lyrName[0] == '\0') { acutPrintf(_T("\nEmpty string for new layer name invalid!")); return; } acutPrintf(_T("\n獲取圖層顏色!")); //Get the layer color acedInitGet(RSG_NONULL + RSG_NONEG + RSG_NOZERO, NULL); acedGetInt(_T("\nLayer color (1-7 only)"), &col); if (col > 7) { acutPrintf(_T("\nToo high a color value.")); return; } //Get the layer line type default = 'CONTINUOUS' acutPrintf(_T("\nGet the layer line type default = 'CONTINUOUS'!")); if (!COtherUtil::getNewLyrltId(ltypeId)) { acutPrintf(_T("\nUnable to retrieve the linetype AcDbObjectId.")); return; } //Now that we have a layer name.layer color and line type ask user //if he wants to make the new layer the current layer acedInitGet(NULL, _T("Yes No")); rc = acedGetKword(_T("\nMake new layer current [Yes/No]<Yes>:"), kw); switch (rc) { case RTCAN: acutPrintf(_T("\nUser canceled!")); break; case RTERROR: acutPrintf(_T("\nError in acedGetKword function")); break; case RTNONE: //if the user presses the [ENTER] key //we take this as a "Yes" COtherUtil::createNewLayer(lyrName, col, ltypeId, Adesk::kTrue); break; case RTNORM: if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(kw), reinterpret_cast<char*>(_T("Yes"))) == 0) { COtherUtil::createNewLayer(lyrName, col, ltypeId, Adesk::kTrue); } else if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char *>(kw), reinterpret_cast<char*>(_T("No"))) == 0) { COtherUtil::createNewLayer(lyrName, col, ltypeId, Adesk::kFalse); } break; } acutPrintf(_T("\n完成MyCommand函式!")); }
Adesk::Boolean COtherUtil::getNewLyrltId(AcDbObjectId <ypeId) { acutPrintf(_T("\n進入getNewLyrltId(AcDbObjectId <ypeId)函式!")); //We know that the linetype 'CONTINUOUS' exists, //so give the user a choice of pressing [ENTER] //for 'CONTINUOUS' linetype or a listing option //to show all the linetype available or input a linetype name ACHAR kw[20]; ACHAR lineType[50]; ACHAR *pLtName; AcDbDatabase *pCurDb = NULL; AcDbLinetypeTable *pltTable; AcDbLinetypeTableRecord *pLtTableRcd; AcDbLinetypeTableIterator *pLtIterator; int rc; pCurDb = acdbHostApplicationServices() ->workingDatabase(); acedInitGet(NULL, _T("Name List Continues")); rc = acedGetKword(_T("\nLinetype [Name/List/Continuous]<Continuous>:"), kw); switch (rc) { case RTCAN: acutPrintf(_T("\nUser canceled.")); return Adesk::kFalse; case RTERROR: acutPrintf(_T("\nFailed in getNewlyLyrLtId() function.")); return Adesk::kFalse; break; case RTNONE: pCurDb->getLinetypeTable(pltTable, AcDb::kForRead); pltTable->getAt(_T("CONTINUOUS"), ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; break; case RTNORM: if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(kw), reinterpret_cast<char*>(_T("Name"))) == 0) { rc = acedGetString(0, _T("\nEnter linetype string name:"), lineType); switch (rc) { case RTCAN: case RTERROR: acutPrintf(_T("\nError in retrieving linetype name.")); return Adesk::kFalse; break; case RTNORM: if (lineType[0] == '\0') { acutPrintf(_T("\nNo layer name given.")); return Adesk::kFalse; } //Check to see if the linetype exists acutPrintf(_T("\nCheck to see if the linetype exists!")); pCurDb->getLinetypeTable(pltTable, AcDb::kForRead); if (pltTable->has(lineType)) { //Retrieve the AcDbObjectId of the layer table record acutPrintf(_T("\nRetrieve the AcDbObjectId of the layer table record!")); pltTable->getAt(lineType, ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; } acutPrintf(_T("\nLinetype '%s' does not exist using CONTINUOUS."), lineType); pltTable->getAt(_T("CONTINUOUS"), ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; break; }//switch }//if else if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(kw), reinterpret_cast<char*>(_T("List")))) { //Here we will use a Linetype Table Iterator //to list out all the available linetype //and then ask the user to enter a //valid name for one of the layers acutPrintf(_T("\nThe following linetypes are available!")); pCurDb->getLinetypeTable(pltTable, AcDb::kForRead); pltTable->newIterator(pLtIterator); for (; !pLtIterator->done(); pLtIterator->step()) { acutPrintf(_T("\nget the current linetype record from the iterator!")); //get the current linetype record from the iterator. //opened for read pLtIterator->getRecord(pLtTableRcd, AcDb::kForRead); //get the linetype name from the linetype record //and store it in pLtName pLtTableRcd->getName(pLtName); //close the linetype record pLtTableRcd->close(); acutPrintf(_T("\nLinetype name:%s"), pLtName); delete[]pLtName; }//for //Don't forget to delete the iterator //that's your responsity acutPrintf(_T("\nDon't forget to delete the iterator!")); delete pLtIterator; rc = acedGetString(0, _T("\nEnter linetype string name:"), lineType); switch (rc) { case RTCAN: case RTERROR: acutPrintf(_T("\nError in retrieving linetype name.")); return Adesk::kFalse; break; case RTNORM: if (lineType[0] == '\0') { acutPrintf(_T("\nNo layer name given.")); return Adesk::kFalse; } //Check to see if the linetype exits acutPrintf(_T("\nCheck to see if the linetype exits!")); pCurDb->getLinetypeTable(pltTable, AcDb::kForRead); if (pltTable->has(lineType)) { //Retrieve the AcDbObjectId of the layer table record acutPrintf(_T("\nRetrieve the AcDbObjectId of the layer table record!")); pltTable->getAt(lineType, ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; } acutPrintf(_T("Linetype '%s' does not exits using CONTINUOUS."), lineType); pltTable->getAt(_T("CONTINUOUS"), ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; break; }//switch } else if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(kw), reinterpret_cast<char*>(_T("Continuous"))) == 0) { //Remenber the CONTINUOUS linetype always exists in a drawing file. acutPrintf(_T("\nRemenber the CONTINUOUS linetype always exists in a drawing file!")); pCurDb->getLinetypeTable(pltTable, AcDb::kForRead); pltTable->getAt(_T("CONTINUOUS"), ltypeId); pltTable->close(); return Adesk::kTrue; } else { return Adesk::kFalse; } break; }//switch return Adesk::kFalse; acutPrintf(_T("\n完成getNewLyrltId函式!")); }
void COtherUtil::createNewLayer(ACHAR* lyrname, Adesk::UInt16 clr, AcDbObjectId ltypeId, Adesk::Boolean current) { acutPrintf(_T("\n進入createNewLayer函式!")); //We need to check if the layer name exists //If the layer name exists.apply the color //linetype id and whether to make it current //or not.In order to be current it cannot be //frozen.so we need to check for this also. //If the layer name dose not exist we just create //a new layer with the properties contained in the arguments. AcDbLayerTable *pLyrTable; AcDbLayerTableRecord *pLyrTblRecord; AcDbObjectId recId; AcCmColor color; color.setColorIndex(clr);//set color to parameter clr AcDbDatabase *pCurDb = NULL; pCurDb = acdbHostApplicationServices() ->workingDatabase(); pCurDb->getLayerTable(pLyrTable, AcDb::kForRead); //Check to see if the layer name exists acutPrintf(_T("\nCheck to see if the layer name exists!")); if (pLyrTable->has(lyrname)) { acutPrintf(_T("\npLyrTable->has(lyrname)!")); pLyrTable->getAt(lyrname, pLyrTblRecord, AcDb::kForWrite, Adesk::kFalse); //pLyrTableRecord now points at the layer table record //which was opened for write pLyrTblRecord->setIsFrozen(Adesk::kFalse); pLyrTblRecord->setColor(color); pLyrTblRecord->setLinetypeObjectId(ltypeId); } else { //Note how we can change the open mode //of the layer table from AcDb::kForRead //to AcDb::kForWrite acutPrintf(_T("\npLyrTable->has(lyrname)為假!")); pLyrTable->upgradeOpen(); pLyrTblRecord = new AcDbLayerTableRecord; pLyrTblRecord->setName(lyrname); pLyrTblRecord->setColor(color); pLyrTblRecord->setLinetypeObjectId(ltypeId); pLyrTable->add(pLyrTblRecord); } //Get the layer Table ObjectId acutPrintf(_T("\nGet the layer Table ObjectId!")); recId = pLyrTblRecord->objectId(); pLyrTblRecord->close(); pLyrTable->close(); //Set the layer current if current is equal to Adesk::kTrue; //pCurDb is point to the current drawing database; //The database AcDbDatabase has a number of query and //edit functions for the header variables if (current) { pCurDb->setClayer(recId); } acutPrintf(_T("\n完成createNewLayer函式!")); }
1)按Ctrl+F2 我的命令輸入如下: 2)生成自定義生成的圖層“HelloWorld”
參考資料: 《AutoCAD 2000 ObjectARX 程式設計指南》