阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
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from flask import Flask,render_template,redirect,jsonify,send_file,request,Markup,session app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = "yinjiaodawangba" STUDENT = {‘name‘: ‘Old‘, ‘age‘: 38, ‘gender‘: ‘中‘} STUDENT_LIST = [ {‘name‘: ‘Old‘, ‘age‘: 38, ‘gender‘: ‘中‘}, {‘name‘: ‘Boy‘, ‘age‘: 73, ‘gender‘: ‘男‘}, {‘name‘: ‘EDU‘, ‘age‘: 84, ‘gender‘: ‘女‘} ] STUDENT_DICT = { 1: {‘name‘: ‘Old‘, ‘age‘: 38, ‘gender‘: ‘中‘}, 2: {‘name‘: ‘Boy‘, ‘age‘: 73, ‘gender‘: ‘男‘}, 3: {‘name‘: ‘EDU‘, ‘age‘: 84, ‘gender‘: ‘女‘} } @app.template_global() def ab(a,b): return a+b @app.template_filter()def axb(a,b): return a*b @app.route("/") def index(): inp = Markup("<input type=‘text‘>") if session.get("user"): print(session) # return json.dumps({"name":"JWB","age":73}) # return jsonify({"name":"JWB","age":73}) return render_template("index.html",stu=STUDENT_DICT,inp=inp) return redirect("/login") @app.route("/bl") def bl(): # return json.dumps({"name":"JWB","age":73}) # return jsonify({"name":"JWB","age":73} return render_template("my_block.html", stu=STUDENT_DICT) @app.route("/login",methods=("GET","POST")) def login(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template("login.html") if request.method == "POST": user_info = request.form.to_dict() if user_info.get("username") == "JWB" and user_info.get("pwd") == "DSB": session["user"] = user_info.get("username") return redirect("/") else: return render_template("login.html",msg="用戶名密碼錯誤") if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: app.run(host="",port=9527,debug=True) # eyJ1c2VyIjoiSldCIn0.DvS9eg.aXNffcXrztlPEzfR8ulOlU3Xbww # .eJyrViotTi1SslLyCndS0gFzDFF4Rig8YxSeCQrPFMqrBQDoaBcs.DvS9vQ.sW0iFbfMJmAz8kOZJ36aWRclY0c # .eJxFTTsSAiEMvYpDbUFCwsfS0gvY0MDCHkCHyvHuJsjONm9e8n4fM979ZW7m8byb6zxArjwYKAp2aIIINQ_qUE4X_jP6RrEky24p7lB8wCJhR2UpdGY2VRIm5XaW26RD1i8vH97gp7e1LpwrCt9tuUh99ZRHrG2OBJCPRRZeOWphAUWS8pC2OcG7-f4AmopIXQ.DvS-LA.lrKb_t7s7TVnDlwICSYEANSonJ8
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-Type" charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>學生信息</title> </head> <body> {% include "my_block.html" %} {{ stu }} <table border="2px"> <thead> <tr> <th>id</th> <th>name</th> <th>age</th> <th>gender</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for id,student in stu.items() %} <tr> <td>{{ id }}</td> <td>{{ stu[id].name }}</td> <td>{{ stu.get(id)["age"] }}</td> {% if stu[id]["gender"] != "男" and stu[id]["gender"] != "女" %} <td>女</td> {% else %} <td>{{ stu[id]["gender"] }}</td> {% endif %} </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {{ inp}} {{ ab(6,9) }} {{ ab(3,4) | axb(834473503) }} {% macro my_input(na,tp) %} <input type="{{ tp }}" value="{{ na }}"> {% endmacro %} {{ my_input("uname","submit") }} {% block content %} {% endblock %} </body> </html>