Collections Framework(1) -- overview
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
1. Outline
1.1 Collection interfaces
- Collection
- Set
- List
- Queue
- Deque
- Map
- SortedSet
- SortedMap
- NavigableSet
- NavigableMap
- BlockingQueue
- TransferQueue
- BlockingDeque
- ConcurrentMap
- ConcurrentNavigableMap
1.2 Infrastructure
1.2.1 Iterators
- Iterable
- Iterator
- ListIterator
1.2.2 Ordering
- Comparable
- Comparator
1.2.3 Runtime exceptions
- UnsupportedOperationException
- ConcurrentModificationException
1.2.4 Performance
- RandomAccess
1.3 Abstract implementations
- AbstractCollection
- AbstractSet
- AbstractLit
- AbstractSequentialList
- AbstractQueue
- AbstractMap
1.4 General-purpose implementations
All general-purpose implementations are serializable and all support a public clone method.
- HashSet
- TreeSet
- LinkedHashSet
- ArrayList
- ArrayDeque
- LinkedList
- PriorityQueue
- HashMap
- TreeMap
- LinkedHashMap
1.5 Special-purpose implementations
- WeakHashMap
- IdentityHashMap
- CopyOnWriteArrayList
- CopyOnWriteArraySet
- EnumSet
- EnumMap
1.6 Concurrent implementations
- ConcurrentLinkedQueue
- LinkedBlockingQueue
- ArrayBlockingQueue
- PriorityBlockingQueue
- DelayQueue
- synchronousQueue
- LinkedBlockingDeque
- LinkedTransferQueue
- ConcurrentHashMap
- ConcurrentSkipListSet
- ConcurrentSkipListMap
1.7 Wrapper implementations
1.7.1 unmodifiable
- Collections.unmodifiableCollection
- Collections.unmodifiableList
- Collections.unmodifiableSet
- Collections.unmodifiableMap
- Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet
- Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap
- Collections.unmodifiableNavigableSet
- Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap
1.7.2 synchronized
- Collections.synchronizedCollection
- Collections.synchronizedList
- Collections.synchronizedSet
- Collections.synchronizedMap
- Collections.synchronizedSortedSet
- Collections.synchronizedSortedMap
- Collections.synchronizedNavigableSet
- Collections.synchronizedNavigableMap
1.7.3 checked
- Collections.checkedCollection
- Collections.checkedLIst
- Collections.checkedSet
- Collections.checkedQueue
- Collections.checkedMap
- Collections.checkedSortedSet
- Collections.checkedSortedMap
- Collections.checkedNavigableSet
- Collections.checkedNavigableMap
1.8 Convenience implementations
- Arrays.asList
- Collections.emptyEnumeration
- Collections.emptyIterator
- Collections.emptyListIterator
- Collections.emptyList
- Collections.emptyMap
- Collections.emptySet
- Collections.emptySortedSet
- Collections.emptySortedMap
- Collections.emptyNavigableSet
- Collections.emptyNavigableMap
- Collections.singleton
- Collections.singletonList
- Collections.singletonMap
- Collections.nCopys
1.9 Adapter implementations
- Collections.newSetFromMap
- Collections.asLifoQueue
1.10 Legacy implementations
- Vector
- HashTable
1.11 Algorithms
- Collections.sort(List)
- Collections.binarySearch(List,Object)
- Collections.reverse(List)
- Collections.shuffle(List)
- Collections.fill(List,Object)
- Collections.copy(List dest,List Src)
- Collections.min(Collection)
- Collections.max(Collection)
- Collections.rotate(List list,List distance)
- Collections.replaceAll(List list,Object oldVal,Object newVal)
- Collections.indexOfSubList(List source,List target)
- Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(List source,List target)
- Collections.swap(List,int,int)
- Collections.frequency(Collection,Object)
- Collections.disjoint(Collection,Collection)
- Collections.addAll(Collection,T…)
1.12 Array Utilities
- Arrays
2. Category
2.1 Collection
- Basic Operations
- size()
- isEmpty()
- add(E e)
- remove(E e)
- removeIf(Predicate predicate) ---- default method since 1.8
- stream() ---- default method for Aggregate Operations since 1.8
- parallelStream() ---- default method for Aggregate Operations since 1.8
- iterator() ---- inherits from Iterable
- spliterator() ---- default method inherits from Iterable since 1.8
- forEach(Consumer consumer) ---- default method inherits from Iterable since 1.8
- Bulk Operations
- c1.containsAll(c2)
- c1.addAll(c2)
- c1.retainAll(c2)
- c1.removeAll(c2)
- clear()
- Array Operations
- toArray()
- toArray(T[] a)
2.1.1 Set
equals and hashCode methods are overrided through AbstractSet Operations
all inherit from Collection Implementations
- General-purpose
- HashSet
- TreeSet
- LinkedHashSet
- Special-purpose
- EnumSet
- CopyOnWriteArraySet
2.1.2 List
equals and hashCode methods are overrided through AbstractList Operations
- Collection Operations
all inherit from Collection
- sort(Comparator c) ---- default method since 1.8
- replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) ---- default method since 1.8
- Positional Access and Search Operations
- get(int index)
- set(int index,E e)
- add(int index,E e)
- remove(int index)
- addAll(int index,Collection c)
- indexOf(Object o)
- lastIndexOf(Object o)
- Iterators
- listIterator()
- listIterator(int index)
- Range-View Operation
- subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
- List Algorithms
- Collections.sort(List)
- Collections.binarySearch(List,Object)
- Collections.reverse(List)
- Collections.shuffle(List)
- Collections.fill(List,Object)
- Collections.copy(List dest,List Src)
- Collections.rotate(List list,List distance)
- Collections.replaceAll(List list,Object oldVal,Object newVal)
- Collections.indexOfSubList(List source,List target)
- Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(List source,List target)
- Collections.swap(List,int,int) Implementations
- General-purpose
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Special-purpose
- CopyOnWriteArrayList
2.1.3 Queue Operations
Type of Operation | Throws exception | Returns special value |
Insert | add(e) | offer(e) |
Remove | remove() | poll() |
Examine | element() | peek() | Implementations
- General-purpose
- PriorityQueue
- Concurrent
- ConcurrentLinkedQueue ---- implements Queue
- LinkedBlockingQueue ----- implements BlockingQueue
- ArrayBlockingQueue ---- implements BlockingQueue
- PriorityBlockingQueue ---- implements BlockingQueue
- DelayQueue ---- implements BlockingQueue
- SynchronousQueue ---- implements BlockingQueue
- LinkedTransferQueue ---- implements TransferQueue
2.1.4 Deque Operations
- Main Methods
- addFirst(e);offerFirst(e)
- addLast(e);offerLast(e)
- removeFirst();pollFirst()
- removeLast();pollLast()
- getFirst();peekFirst()
- getLast();peekLast()
- removeFirstOccurrence(o);removeLastOccurrence(o)
- Queue Methods
- add(e) ---- equivalent to addLast(e)
- offer(e) ---- equivalent to offerLast(e)
- remove() ---- equivalent to removeFirst()
- poll() ---- equivalent to pollFirst()
- element() ---- equivalent to getFirst()
- peek() ---- equivalent to peekFirst()
- stack Methods
- push(e) ---- equivalent to addFirst(e)
- pop() ---- equivalent to removeFirst()
- Collection Methods
- remove(o) ---- equivalent to removeFirstOccurrence(o)
- contains(o)
- size()
- iterator()
- descendingIterator() Implementations
- General-purpose
- LinkedList
- ArrayDeque
- Concurrent
- LinkedBlockingDeque ---- implements BlockingDeque
- ConcurrentLinkedDeque
2.2 Map
2.2.1 Operations
Basic Operations
- size()
- isEmpty()
- containsKey(key)
- containsValue(value)
- get(key)
- put(key,value)
- remove(key)
- getOrDefault(key, defaultValue) ---- default method since 1.8
- forEach(action) ---- default method since 1.8
- replaceAll(function) ---- default method since 1.8
- putIfAbsent(key,value) ---- default method since 1.8
- remove(key, value) ---- default method since 1.8
- replace(key, oldValue, newValue) ---- default method since 1.8
- replace(key, value) ---- default method since 1.8
- computeIfAbsent(key,mappingFunction) ---- default method since 1.8
- computeIfPresent(key,remappingFunction) ---- default method since 1.8
- compute(key,remappingFunction) ---- default method since 1.8
- merge(key, value,remappingFunction) ---- default method since 1.8
Bulk Operations
- putAll(map)
- clear()
Collection Views
- keySet()
- values()
- entrySet()
2.2.2 Implementations
- General-Purpose
- HashMap
- TreeMap ---- implements NavigableMap
- LinkedHashMap
- Special-Purpose
- EnumMap
- WeakHashMap
- IdentityHashMap
- Concurrent
- ConcurrentHashMap
- ConcurrentSkipListMap ---- implements ConcurrentNavigableMap