1. 程式人生 > >eclipse之The currrently displayed page contains invalid value

eclipse之The currrently displayed page contains invalid value

                現象: eclipse的preferences裡面需要儲存密碼,儲存報錯Could Not Accept ChangesThe currrently displayed page contains invalid values或者是儲存後,再次開啟preferences視窗,提示The currrently displayed page contains invalid values


Windows 2008

remote windows terminal 遠端桌面訪問

clipse Juno

可能有多人用一個帳號登入Windows OS。


檢視eclipse日誌,檔案%workspace%\.metadata\.log看到如下內容:!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.security 4 0 2014-04-26 01:00:28.919!MESSAGE Secure storage was unable to retrieve the master password. If secure storage was created using a different Windows account, you'll have to switch back to that account. Alternatively, you can use the password recovery, or delete and re-create secure storage.!STACK 0org.eclipse.equinox.security.storage.StorageException: Secure storage was unable to retrieve the master password. If secure storage was created using a different Windows account, you'll have to switch back to that account. Alternatively, you can use the password recovery, or delete and re-create secure storage.at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.security.win32.WinCrypto.getPassword(WinCrypto.java:62)


開啟eclipse preferences,選擇General->Security->Secure Storage,去掉Windows Integration,保留UI Prompt,確定,關閉Preferences視窗。

注意如果多個人在這臺機器啟動了 eclipse,操作前請其他人退出eclipse。


